package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.crossref import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import eu.dnetlib.dhp.actionmanager.ror.GenerateRorActionSetJob import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.vocabulary.VocabularyGroup import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf._ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils.{field, qualifier, structuredProperty, subject} import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.{ DoiCleaningRule, GraphCleaningFunctions, IdentifierFactory, OafMapperUtils, PidType } import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.json4s import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JsonAST._ import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.util import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable import import scala.util.matching.Regex case class mappingAffiliation(name: String) {} case class mappingAuthor( given: Option[String], family: Option[String], sequence: Option[String], ORCID: Option[String], affiliation: Option[mappingAffiliation] ) {} case class funderInfo(id: String, uri: String, name: String, synonym: List[String]) {} case class mappingFunder(name: String, DOI: Option[String], award: Option[List[String]]) {} case class UnpayWall(doi: String, is_oa: Boolean, best_oa_location: UnpayWallOALocation, oa_status: String) {} case class UnpayWallOALocation(license: Option[String], url: String, host_type: Option[String]) {} case object Crossref2Oaf { val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Crossref2Oaf.getClass) val mapper = new ObjectMapper val irishFunder: List[funderInfo] = { val s = Source .fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/collection/crossref/irish_funder.json")) .mkString implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats lazy val json: org.json4s.JValue = parse(s) json.extract[List[funderInfo]] } val invalidName = List( ",", "none none", "none, none", "none &na;", "(:null)", "test test test", "test test", "test", "&na; &na;" ) def getIrishId(doi: String): Option[String] = { val id = doi.split("/").last irishFunder .find(f => id.equalsIgnoreCase( || (f.synonym.nonEmpty && f.synonym.exists(s => s.equalsIgnoreCase(id)))) .map(f => } def createCrossrefCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue("Crossref"); cf.setKey(ModelConstants.CROSSREF_ID) cf } def createUnpayWallCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue("UnpayWall") cf.setKey(s"10|openaire____:${DHPUtils.md5("UnpayWall".toLowerCase)}") cf } def generateDataInfo(): DataInfo = { generateDataInfo("0.91") } def generateDataInfo(trust: String): DataInfo = { val di = new DataInfo di.setDeletedbyinference(false) di.setInferred(false) di.setInvisible(false) di.setTrust(trust) di.setProvenanceaction( OafMapperUtils.qualifier( ModelConstants.SYSIMPORT_ACTIONSET, ModelConstants.SYSIMPORT_ACTIONSET, ModelConstants.DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS, ModelConstants.DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS ) ) di } def getOpenAccessQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( ModelConstants.ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN, "Open Access", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getRestrictedQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( "RESTRICTED", "Restricted", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getUnknownQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( ModelConstants.UNKNOWN, ModelConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getEmbargoedAccessQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( "EMBARGO", "Embargo", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getClosedAccessQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( "CLOSED", "Closed Access", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def decideAccessRight(lic: Field[String], date: String): AccessRight = { if (lic == null) { //Default value Unknown return getUnknownQualifier() } val license: String = lic.getValue //CC licenses if ( license.startsWith("cc") || license.startsWith("") || license.startsWith("") || //ACS Publications Author choice licenses (considered OPEN also by Unpaywall) license.equals("") || license.equals("") || license.equals("") || //APA (considered OPEN also by Unpaywall) license.equals("") ) { val oaq: AccessRight = getOpenAccessQualifier() oaq.setOpenAccessRoute(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) return oaq } //OUP (BUT ONLY AFTER 12 MONTHS FROM THE PUBLICATION DATE, OTHERWISE THEY ARE EMBARGOED) if ( license.equals( "" ) ) { val now = try { val pub_date = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")) if (((now.toEpochDay - pub_date.toEpochDay) / 365.0) > 1) { val oaq: AccessRight = getOpenAccessQualifier() oaq.setOpenAccessRoute(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) return oaq } else { return getEmbargoedAccessQualifier() } } catch { case e: Exception => { try { val pub_date = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")) if (((now.toEpochDay - pub_date.toEpochDay) / 365.0) > 1) { val oaq: AccessRight = getOpenAccessQualifier() oaq.setOpenAccessRoute(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) return oaq } else { return getEmbargoedAccessQualifier() } } catch { case ex: Exception => return getClosedAccessQualifier() } } } } getClosedAccessQualifier() } def isValidAuthorName(fullName: String): Boolean = { if (fullName == null || fullName.isEmpty) return false if (invalidName.contains(fullName.toLowerCase.trim)) return false true } def filterResult(publication: Result): Boolean = { //Case empty publication if (publication == null) return false if (publication.getId == null || publication.getId.isEmpty) return false //Case publication with no title if (publication.getTitle == null || publication.getTitle.size == 0) return false val s = publication.getTitle.asScala.count(p => p.getValue != null && p.getValue.nonEmpty && !p.getValue.equalsIgnoreCase("[NO TITLE AVAILABLE]") ) if (s == 0) return false // fixes #4360 (test publisher) val publisher = if (publication.getPublisher != null) publication.getPublisher.getValue else null if ( publisher != null && (publisher.equalsIgnoreCase("Test accounts") || publisher .equalsIgnoreCase("CrossRef Test Account")) ) { return false; } //RELAXED this constraint //Publication with no Author if (publication.getAuthor == null || publication.getAuthor.size() == 0) return true //filter invalid author val authors = => { if (s.getFullname.nonEmpty) { s.getFullname } else s"${s.getName} ${s.getSurname}" }) val c = authors.count(isValidAuthorName) if (c == 0) return false // fixes #4368 if ( authors.count(s => s.equalsIgnoreCase("Addie Jackson")) > 0 && "Elsevier BV".equalsIgnoreCase( publication.getPublisher.getValue ) ) return false true } def get_unpaywall_color(input: String): Option[OpenAccessRoute] = { if (input == null || input.equalsIgnoreCase("close")) return None if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) return Some( if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("bronze")) return Some(OpenAccessRoute.bronze) if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("hybrid")) return Some(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) else return Some( } def get_color(input: String): Option[OpenAccessRoute] = { if (input == null || input.equalsIgnoreCase("closed")) return None if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("green")) return Some( if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("bronze")) return Some(OpenAccessRoute.bronze) if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("hybrid")) return Some(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) else return Some( } def mappingResult(result: Result, json: JValue, instanceType: Qualifier, originalType: String): Result = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats //MAPPING Crossref DOI into PID val doi: String = DoiCleaningRule.normalizeDoi((json \ "DOI").extract[String]) result.setPid( List( structuredProperty( doi, qualifier( PidType.doi.toString, PidType.doi.toString, ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES, ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES ), null ) ).asJava ) //MAPPING Crossref DOI into OriginalId //and Other Original Identifier of dataset like clinical-trial-number val clinicalTrialNumbers = for (JString(ctr) <- json \ "clinical-trial-number") yield ctr val alternativeIds = for (JString(ids) <- json \ "alternative-id") yield ids val tmp = clinicalTrialNumbers ::: alternativeIds ::: List(doi) val originalIds = new util.ArrayList(tmp.filter(id => id != null).asJava) result.setOriginalId(originalIds) // Add DataInfo result.setDataInfo(generateDataInfo()) result.setLastupdatetimestamp((json \ "indexed" \ "timestamp").extract[Long]) result.setDateofcollection((json \ "indexed" \ "date-time").extract[String]) result.setCollectedfrom(List(createCrossrefCollectedFrom()).asJava) // Publisher ( Name of work's publisher mapped into Result/Publisher) val publisher = (json \ "publisher").extractOrElse[String](null) if (publisher != null && publisher.nonEmpty) result.setPublisher(field(publisher, null)) // TITLE val mainTitles = for { JString(title) <- json \ "title" if title.nonEmpty } yield { structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.MAIN_TITLE_QUALIFIER, null) } val originalTitles = for { JString(title) <- json \ "original-title" if title.nonEmpty } yield structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.ALTERNATIVE_TITLE_QUALIFIER, null) val shortTitles = for { JString(title) <- json \ "short-title" if title.nonEmpty } yield structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.ALTERNATIVE_TITLE_QUALIFIER, null) val subtitles = for { JString(title) <- json \ "subtitle" if title.nonEmpty } yield structuredProperty( title, ModelConstants.SUBTITLE_QUALIFIER, null ) result.setTitle((mainTitles ::: originalTitles ::: shortTitles ::: subtitles).asJava) // DESCRIPTION val descriptionList = for { JString(description) <- json \ "abstract" } yield field[String](description, null) result.setDescription(descriptionList.asJava) // Source val sourceList = for { JString(source) <- json \ "source" if source != null && source.nonEmpty } yield field(source, null) result.setSource(sourceList.asJava) //RELEVANT DATE Mapping val createdDate = generateDate( (json \ "created" \ "date-time").extract[String], (json \ "created" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "created", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val postedDate = generateDate( (json \ "posted" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "posted" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "available", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val acceptedDate = generateDate( (json \ "accepted" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "accepted" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "accepted", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val publishedPrintDate = generateDate( (json \ "published-print" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "published-print" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "published-print", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val publishedOnlineDate = generateDate( (json \ "published-online" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "published-online" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "published-online", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val issuedDate = extractDate( (json \ "issued" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "issued" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]] ) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(issuedDate)) { result.setDateofacceptance(field(issuedDate, null)) } else { result.setDateofacceptance(field(createdDate.getValue, null)) } result.setRelevantdate( List(createdDate, postedDate, acceptedDate, publishedOnlineDate, publishedPrintDate) .filter(p => p != null) .asJava ) //Mapping Subject val subjectList: List[String] = (json \ "subject").extractOrElse[List[String]](List()) if (subjectList.nonEmpty) { result.setSubject( => subject(s, ModelConstants.SUBTITLE_QUALIFIER, null)).asJava ) } //Mapping Author val authorList: List[mappingAuthor] = (json \ "author").extract[List[mappingAuthor]].filter(a => val sorted_list = authorList.sortWith((a: mappingAuthor, b: mappingAuthor) => a.sequence.isDefined && a.sequence.get.equalsIgnoreCase("first") ) result.setAuthor( { case (a, index) => generateAuhtor(a.given.orNull,, a.ORCID.orNull, index) }.asJava) // Mapping instance val instance = new Instance() val license = for { JObject(license) <- json \ "license" JField("URL", JString(lic)) <- license JField("content-version", JString(content_version)) <- license } yield (field[String](lic, null), content_version) val l = license.filter(d => StringUtils.isNotBlank(d._1.getValue)) if (l.nonEmpty) { if (l exists (d => d._2.equals("vor"))) { for (d <- l) { if (d._2.equals("vor")) { instance.setLicense(d._1) } } } else { instance.setLicense(l.head._1) } } // Ticket #6281 added pid to Instance instance.setPid(result.getPid) val has_review = json \ "relation" \ "has-review" \ "id" if (has_review != JNothing) { instance.setRefereed( OafMapperUtils.qualifier( "0001", "peerReviewed", ModelConstants.DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS, ModelConstants.DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS ) ) } instance.setAccessright( decideAccessRight(instance.getLicense, result.getDateofacceptance.getValue) ) instance.setInstancetype(instanceType) //ADD ORIGINAL TYPE to the mapping val itm = new InstanceTypeMapping itm.setOriginalType(originalType) itm.setVocabularyName(ModelConstants.OPENAIRE_COAR_RESOURCE_TYPES_3_1) instance.setInstanceTypeMapping(List(itm).asJava) instance.setCollectedfrom(createCrossrefCollectedFrom()) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(issuedDate)) { instance.setDateofacceptance(field(issuedDate, null)) } else { instance.setDateofacceptance(field(createdDate.getValue, null)) } val s: List[String] = List("" + doi) // val links: List[String] = ((for {JString(url) <- json \ "link" \ "URL"} yield url) ::: List(s)).filter(p => p != null && p.toLowerCase().contains(doi.toLowerCase())).distinct // if (links.nonEmpty) { // instance.setUrl(links.asJava) // } if (s.nonEmpty) { instance.setUrl(s.asJava) } result.setInstance(List(instance).asJava) //IMPORTANT //The old method result.setId(generateIdentifier(result, doi)) //is replaced using IdentifierFactory, but the old identifier //is preserved among the originalId(s) val oldId = generateIdentifier(result, doi) result.setId(oldId) val newId = IdentifierFactory.createDOIBoostIdentifier(result) if (!oldId.equalsIgnoreCase(newId)) { result.getOriginalId.add(oldId) } result.setId(newId) if (result.getId == null) null else result } def generateIdentifier(oaf: Result, doi: String): String = { val id = DHPUtils.md5(doi.toLowerCase) s"50|doiboost____|$id" } def generateAuhtor(given: String, family: String, orcid: String, index: Int): Author = { val a = new Author a.setName(given) a.setSurname(family) a.setFullname(s"$given $family") a.setRank(index + 1) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(orcid)) a.setPid( List( structuredProperty( orcid, qualifier( ModelConstants.ORCID_PENDING, ModelConstants.ORCID_PENDING, ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES, ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES ), generateDataInfo() ) ).asJava ) a } /** * * Use the vocabulary dnet:publication_resource to find a synonym to one of these terms and get the instance.type. * Using the dnet:result_typologies vocabulary, we look up the instance.type synonym * to generate one of the following main entities: * - publication * - dataset * - software * - otherresearchproduct * * @param resourceType * @param vocabularies * @return */ def getTypeQualifier( resourceType: String, vocabularies: VocabularyGroup ): (Qualifier, Qualifier, String) = { if (resourceType != null && resourceType.nonEmpty) { val typeQualifier = vocabularies.getSynonymAsQualifier(ModelConstants.DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE, resourceType) if (typeQualifier != null) return ( typeQualifier, vocabularies.getSynonymAsQualifier( ModelConstants.DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES, typeQualifier.getClassid ), resourceType ) } null } object TransformationType extends Enumeration { type TransformationType = Value val OnlyRelation, OnlyResult, All = Value } import TransformationType._ def mergeUnpayWall(r: Result, uw: UnpayWall): Result = { if (uw != null) { r.setCollectedfrom(List(r.getCollectedfrom.get(0), createUnpayWallCollectedFrom()).asJava) val i: Instance = new Instance() i.setCollectedfrom(createUnpayWallCollectedFrom()) if (uw.best_oa_location != null) { i.setUrl(List(uw.best_oa_location.url).asJava) if (uw.best_oa_location.license.isDefined) { i.setLicense(field[String](uw.best_oa_location.license.get, null)) } val colour = get_unpaywall_color(uw.oa_status) if (colour.isDefined) { val a = new AccessRight a.setClassid(ModelConstants.ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN) a.setClassname(ModelConstants.ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN) a.setSchemeid(ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES) a.setSchemename(ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES) a.setOpenAccessRoute(colour.get) i.setAccessright(a) } i.setInstancetype(r.getInstance().get(0).getInstancetype) i.setInstanceTypeMapping(r.getInstance().get(0).getInstanceTypeMapping) i.setPid(r.getPid) r.setInstance(List(r.getInstance().get(0), i).asJava) } } r } def generateAffliation(input: Row): List[String] = { val doi = input.getString(0) val rorId = input.getString(1) val pubId = s"50|${PidType.doi.toString.padTo(12, "_")}::${DoiCleaningRule.normalizeDoi(doi)}" val affId = GenerateRorActionSetJob.calculateOpenaireId(rorId) val r: Relation = new Relation DoiCleaningRule.clean(doi) r.setSource(pubId) r.setTarget(affId) r.setRelType(ModelConstants.RESULT_ORGANIZATION) r.setRelClass(ModelConstants.HAS_AUTHOR_INSTITUTION) r.setSubRelType(ModelConstants.AFFILIATION) r.setDataInfo(generateDataInfo()) r.setCollectedfrom(List(createCrossrefCollectedFrom()).asJava) val r1: Relation = new Relation r1.setTarget(pubId) r1.setSource(affId) r1.setRelType(ModelConstants.RESULT_ORGANIZATION) r1.setRelClass(ModelConstants.IS_AUTHOR_INSTITUTION_OF) r1.setSubRelType(ModelConstants.AFFILIATION) r1.setDataInfo(generateDataInfo()) r1.setCollectedfrom(List(createCrossrefCollectedFrom()).asJava) List(mapper.writeValueAsString(r), mapper.writeValueAsString(r1)) } def convert(input: String, vocabularies: VocabularyGroup, mode: TransformationType): List[Oaf] = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats lazy val json: json4s.JValue = parse(input) var resultList: List[Oaf] = List() val objectType = (json \ "type").extractOrElse[String](null) if (objectType == null) return resultList val typology = getTypeQualifier(objectType, vocabularies) if (typology == null) return List() val result = generateItemFromType(typology._2) if (result == null) return List() mappingResult(result, json, typology._1, typology._3) if (result == null || result.getId == null) return List() result match { case publication: Publication => convertPublication(publication, json, typology._1) case dataset: Dataset => convertDataset(dataset) } //RELATION SECTION if (mode == OnlyRelation || mode == All) { val funderList: List[mappingFunder] = (json \ "funder").extractOrElse[List[mappingFunder]](List()) if (funderList.nonEmpty) { resultList = resultList ::: mappingFunderToRelations( funderList, result.getId, createCrossrefCollectedFrom(), result.getDataInfo, result.getLastupdatetimestamp ) // .map(s => CrossrefResult(s.getClass.getSimpleName, mapper.writeValueAsString(s))) } val doisReference: List[String] = for { JObject(reference_json) <- json \ "reference" JField("DOI", JString(doi_json)) <- reference_json } yield doi_json if (doisReference != null && doisReference.nonEmpty) { val citation_relations: List[Relation] = generateCitationRelations(doisReference, result) resultList = resultList ::: citation_relations } } if (!filterResult(result)) List() else { if (mode == OnlyResult || mode == All) resultList ::: List(result) else resultList } // if (uw != null) { // result.getCollectedfrom.add(createUnpayWallCollectedFrom()) // val i: Instance = new Instance() // i.setCollectedfrom(createUnpayWallCollectedFrom()) // if (uw.best_oa_location != null) { // // i.setUrl(List(uw.best_oa_location.url).asJava) // if (uw.best_oa_location.license.isDefined) { // i.setLicense(field[String](uw.best_oa_location.license.get, null)) // } // // val colour = get_unpaywall_color(uw.oa_status) // if (colour.isDefined) { // val a = new AccessRight // a.setClassid(ModelConstants.ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN) // a.setClassname(ModelConstants.ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN) // a.setSchemeid(ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES) // a.setSchemename(ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES) // a.setOpenAccessRoute(colour.get) // i.setAccessright(a) // } // i.setPid(result.getPid) // result.getInstance().add(i) // } // } } private def createCiteRelation(source: Result, targetPid: String, targetPidType: String): List[Relation] = { val targetId = IdentifierFactory.idFromPid("50", targetPidType, targetPid, true) val from = new Relation from.setSource(source.getId) from.setTarget(targetId) from.setRelType(ModelConstants.RESULT_RESULT) from.setRelClass(ModelConstants.CITES) from.setSubRelType(ModelConstants.CITATION) from.setCollectedfrom(source.getCollectedfrom) from.setDataInfo(source.getDataInfo) from.setLastupdatetimestamp(source.getLastupdatetimestamp) List(from) } def generateCitationRelations(dois: List[String], result: Result): List[Relation] = { dois.flatMap(d => createCiteRelation(result, d, "doi")) } def mappingFunderToRelations( funders: List[mappingFunder], sourceId: String, cf: KeyValue, di: DataInfo, ts: Long ): List[Relation] = { val queue = new mutable.Queue[Relation] def snsfRule(award: String): String = { val tmp1 = StringUtils.substringAfter(award, "_") val tmp2 = StringUtils.substringBefore(tmp1, "/") logger.debug(s"From $award to $tmp2") tmp2 } def extractECAward(award: String): String = { val awardECRegex: Regex = "[0-9]{4,9}".r if (awardECRegex.findAllIn(award).hasNext) return awardECRegex.findAllIn(award).max null } def generateRelation(sourceId: String, targetId: String, relClass: String): Relation = { val r = new Relation r.setSource(sourceId) r.setTarget(targetId) r.setRelType(ModelConstants.RESULT_PROJECT) r.setRelClass(relClass) r.setSubRelType(ModelConstants.OUTCOME) r.setCollectedfrom(List(cf).asJava) r.setDataInfo(di) r.setLastupdatetimestamp(ts) r } def generateSimpleRelationFromAward( funder: mappingFunder, nsPrefix: String, extractField: String => String ): Unit = { if (funder.award.isDefined && funder.award.get.nonEmpty) funder.award.get .map(extractField) .filter(a => a != null && a.nonEmpty) .foreach(award => { val targetId = getProjectId(nsPrefix, DHPUtils.md5(award)) queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) }) } def getProjectId(nsPrefix: String, targetId: String): String = { s"40|$nsPrefix::$targetId" } if (funders != null) funders.foreach(funder => { if (funder.DOI.isDefined && funder.DOI.get.nonEmpty) { if (getIrishId(funder.DOI.get).isDefined) { val nsPrefix = getIrishId(funder.DOI.get).get.padTo(12, '_') val targetId = getProjectId(nsPrefix, "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) } funder.DOI.get match { case "10.13039/100010663" | "10.13039/100010661" | "10.13039/501100007601" | "10.13039/501100000780" | "10.13039/100010665" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda__h2020", extractECAward) case "10.13039/100011199" | "10.13039/100004431" | "10.13039/501100004963" | "10.13039/501100000780" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda_______", extractECAward) case "10.13039/501100000781" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda_______", extractECAward) generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda__h2020", extractECAward) generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda_____he", extractECAward) case "10.13039/100000001" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "nsf_________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100001665" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "anr_________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100002341" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "aka_________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100001602" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "sfi_________", a => a.replace("SFI", "")) case "10.13039/501100000923" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "arc_________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100000038" => val targetId = getProjectId("nserc_______", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) case "10.13039/501100000155" => val targetId = getProjectId("sshrc_______", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) case "10.13039/501100000024" => val targetId = getProjectId("cihr________", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) case "10.13039/100020031" => val targetId = getProjectId("tara________", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) case "10.13039/501100005416" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "rcn_________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100002848" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "conicytf____", a => a) case "10.13039/501100003448" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "gsrt________", extractECAward) case "10.13039/501100010198" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "sgov________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100004564" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "mestd_______", extractECAward) case "10.13039/501100003407" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "miur________", a => a) val targetId = getProjectId("miur________", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) case "10.13039/501100006588" | "10.13039/501100004488" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward( funder, "irb_hr______", a => a.replaceAll("Project No.", "").replaceAll("HRZZ-", "") ) case "10.13039/501100006769" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "rsf_________", a => a) case "10.13039/501100001711" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "snsf________", snsfRule) case "10.13039/501100004410" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "tubitakf____", a => a) case "10.13039/100004440" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "wt__________", a => a) val targetId = getProjectId("wt__________", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) //ASAP case "10.13039/100018231" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "asap________", a => a) //CHIST-ERA case "10.13039/501100001942" => val targetId = getProjectId("chistera____", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) //HE case "10.13039/100018693" | "10.13039/100018694" | "10.13039/100019188" | "10.13039/100019180" | "10.13039/100018695" | "10.13039/100019185" | "10.13039/100019186" | "10.13039/100019187" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda_____he", extractECAward) //FCT case "10.13039/501100001871" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "fct_________", a => a) //NHMRC case "10.13039/501100000925" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "nhmrc_______", a => a) //NIH case "10.13039/100000002" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "nih_________", a => a) //NWO case "10.13039/501100003246" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "nwo_________", a => a) //UKRI case "10.13039/100014013" | "10.13039/501100000267" | "10.13039/501100000268" | "10.13039/501100000269" | "10.13039/501100000266" | "10.13039/501100006041" | "10.13039/501100000265" | "10.13039/501100000270" | "10.13039/501100013589" | "10.13039/501100000271" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "ukri________", a => a) //HFRI case "10.13039/501100013209" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "hfri________", a => a) val targetId = getProjectId("hfri________", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) //ERASMUS+ case "10.13039/501100010790" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "erasmusplus_", a => a) case _ => logger.debug("no match for " + funder.DOI.get) } } else { match { case "European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda__h2020", extractECAward) case "European Union's" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda__h2020", extractECAward) generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda_______", extractECAward) generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "corda_____he", extractECAward) case "The French National Research Agency (ANR)" | "The French National Research Agency" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "anr_________", a => a) case "CONICYT, Programa de Formación de Capital Humano Avanzado" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "conicytf____", a => a) case "Wellcome Trust Masters Fellowship" => generateSimpleRelationFromAward(funder, "wt__________", a => a) val targetId = getProjectId("wt__________", "1e5e62235d094afd01cd56e65112fc63") queue += generateRelation(sourceId, targetId, ModelConstants.IS_PRODUCED_BY) queue += generateRelation(targetId, sourceId, ModelConstants.PRODUCES) case _ => logger.debug("no match for " + } } }) queue.toList } def convertDataset(dataset: Dataset): Unit = { // TODO check if there are other info to map into the Dataset } def convertPublication(publication: Publication, json: JValue, cobjCategory: Qualifier): Unit = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats val containerTitles = for { JString(ct) <- json \ "container-title" } yield ct //Mapping book if (cobjCategory.getClassname.toLowerCase.contains("book")) { val ISBN = for { JString(isbn) <- json \ "ISBN" } yield isbn if (ISBN.nonEmpty && containerTitles.nonEmpty) { val source = s"${containerTitles.head} ISBN: ${ISBN.head}" if (publication.getSource != null) { val l: List[Field[String]] = publication.getSource.asScala.toList val ll: List[Field[String]] = l ::: List(field(source, null)) publication.setSource(ll.asJava) } else publication.setSource(List(field(source, null)).asJava) } } else { // Mapping Journal val issnInfos = for { JArray(issn_types) <- json \ "issn-type" JObject(issn_type) <- issn_types JField("type", JString(tp)) <- issn_type JField("value", JString(vl)) <- issn_type } yield Tuple2(tp, vl) val volume = (json \ "volume").extractOrElse[String](null) if (containerTitles.nonEmpty) { val journal = new Journal journal.setName(containerTitles.head) if (issnInfos.nonEmpty) { issnInfos.foreach(tp => { tp._1 match { case "electronic" => journal.setIssnOnline(tp._2) case "print" => journal.setIssnPrinted(tp._2) } }) } journal.setVol(volume) val page = (json \ "page").extractOrElse[String](null) if (page != null) { val pp = page.split("-") if (pp.nonEmpty) journal.setSp(pp.head) if (pp.size > 1) journal.setEp(pp(1)) } publication.setJournal(journal) } } } def extractDate(dt: String, datePart: List[List[Int]]): String = { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dt)) return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(dt) if (datePart != null && datePart.size == 1) { val res = datePart.head if (res.size == 3) { val dp = f"${res.head}-${res(1)}%02d-${res(2)}%02d" if (dp.length == 10) { return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(dp) } } else if (res.size == 2) { val dp = f"${res.head}-${res(1)}%02d-01" return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(dp) } else if (res.size == 1) { return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(s"${res.head}-01-01") } } null } def generateDate( dt: String, datePart: List[List[Int]], classId: String, schemeId: String ): StructuredProperty = { val dp = extractDate(dt, datePart) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dp)) return structuredProperty(dp, qualifier(classId, classId, schemeId, schemeId), null) null } def generateItemFromType(objectType: Qualifier): Result = { if (objectType.getClassid.equalsIgnoreCase("publication")) { val item = new Publication item.setResourcetype(objectType) return item } else if (objectType.getClassid.equalsIgnoreCase("dataset")) { val item = new Dataset item.setResourcetype(objectType) return item } else if (objectType.getClassid.equalsIgnoreCase("software")) { val item = new Software item.setResourcetype(objectType) return item } else if (objectType.getClassid.equalsIgnoreCase("OtherResearchProduct")) { val item = new OtherResearchProduct item.setResourcetype(objectType) return item } null } }