package eu.dnetlib.dhp.entitytoorganizationfromsemrel; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.PropagationConstant.*; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.PropagationConstant.readPath; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.entitytoorganizationfromsemrel.SparkEntityToOrganizationFromSemRel.NEW_PROJECT_RELATION_PATH; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.entitytoorganizationfromsemrel.SparkEntityToOrganizationFromSemRel.NEW_RESULT_RELATION_PATH; import; import java.util.*; import; import*; import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.KeyValueSet; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Relation; import scala.Tuple2; public class StepActions implements Serializable { public static void execStep(SparkSession spark, String graphPath, String newRelationPath, String leavesPath, String chldParentOrgPath, String entityOrgPath, String rel_class) { Dataset relationGraph = readPath(spark, graphPath, Relation.class); // select only the relation source target among those proposed by propagation that are not already existent getNewRels( newRelationPath, relationGraph, getPropagationRelation(spark, leavesPath, chldParentOrgPath, entityOrgPath, rel_class)); } public static void prepareForNextStep(SparkSession spark, String selectedRelsPath, String resultOrgPath, String leavesPath, String chldParentOrgPath, String leavesOutputPath, String orgOutputPath) { // use of the parents as new leaves set changeLeavesSet(spark, leavesPath, chldParentOrgPath, leavesOutputPath); // add the new relations obtained from propagation to the keyvalueset result organization updateEntityOrganization( spark, resultOrgPath, readPath(spark, selectedRelsPath, Relation.class), orgOutputPath); } public static void prepareForNextStep(SparkSession spark, String selectedRelsPath, String resultOrgPath, String projectOrgPath, String leavesPath, String chldParentOrgPath, String leavesOutputPath, String orgOutputPath, String outputProjectPath) { // use of the parents as new leaves set changeLeavesSet(spark, leavesPath, chldParentOrgPath, leavesOutputPath); // add the new relations obtained from propagation to the keyvalueset result organization updateEntityOrganization( spark, resultOrgPath, readPath(spark, selectedRelsPath + NEW_RESULT_RELATION_PATH, Relation.class), orgOutputPath); updateEntityOrganization( spark, projectOrgPath, readPath(spark, selectedRelsPath + NEW_PROJECT_RELATION_PATH, Relation.class), outputProjectPath); } private static void updateEntityOrganization(SparkSession spark, String entityOrgPath, Dataset selectedRels, String outputPath) { Dataset entityOrg = readPath(spark, entityOrgPath, KeyValueSet.class); entityOrg .joinWith( selectedRels, entityOrg .col("key") .equalTo(selectedRels.col("source")), "left") .groupByKey((MapFunction, String>) mf -> mf._1().getKey(), Encoders.STRING()) .mapGroups((MapGroupsFunction, KeyValueSet>) (key, it) -> { Tuple2 first =; if (!Optional.ofNullable(first._2()).isPresent()) { return first._1(); } KeyValueSet ret = new KeyValueSet(); ret.setKey(first._1().getKey()); HashSet hs = new HashSet<>(); hs.addAll(first._1().getValueSet()); hs.add(first._2().getTarget()); it.forEachRemaining(rel -> hs.add(rel._2().getTarget())); ArrayList orgs = new ArrayList<>(); orgs.addAll(hs); ret.setValueSet(orgs); return ret; }, Encoders.bean(KeyValueSet.class)) .write() .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .option("compression", "gzip") .json(outputPath); } private static void changeLeavesSet(SparkSession spark, String leavesPath, String chldParentOrgPath, String leavesOutputPath) { Dataset childParent = readPath(spark, chldParentOrgPath, KeyValueSet.class); Dataset leaves = readPath(spark, leavesPath, Leaves.class); childParent.createOrReplaceTempView("childParent"); leaves.createOrReplaceTempView("leaves"); spark .sql( "SELECT distinct parent as value " + "FROM leaves " + "JOIN (SELECT key, parent " + " FROM childParent " + " LATERAL VIEW explode(valueSet) kv as parent) tmp " + "ON value = key ") .as(Encoders.bean(Leaves.class)) .write() .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .option("compression", "gzip") .json(leavesOutputPath); } @NotNull private static void getNewRels(String newRelationPath, Dataset relationDataset, Dataset newRels) { // selects new, not already existent relations // union of new propagation relations to the relation set // grouping from sourcetarget (we are sure the only relations are those from result to organization by // construction of the set) // if at least one relation in the set was not produced by propagation no new relation will be returned relationDataset .union(newRels) .groupByKey((MapFunction) r -> r.getSource() + r.getTarget(), Encoders.STRING()) .mapGroups((MapGroupsFunction) (k, it) -> { ArrayList relationList = new ArrayList<>(); relationList.add(; it.forEachRemaining(rel -> relationList.add(rel)); if (relationList .stream() .filter( rel -> !rel .getDataInfo() .getProvenanceaction() .getClassid() .equals(PROPAGATION_RELATION_RESULT_ORGANIZATION_SEM_REL_CLASS_ID) && !rel .getDataInfo() .getProvenanceaction() .getClassid() .equals(PROPAGATION_RELATION_PROJECT_ORGANIZATION_SEM_REL_CLASS_ID)) .count() > 0) { return null; } return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(relationList.get(0)); }, Encoders.STRING()) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .map( (MapFunction) r -> new ObjectMapper().readValue(r, Relation.class), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)) .write() .mode(SaveMode.Append) .option("compression", "gzip") .json(newRelationPath); } // get the possible relations from propagation private static Dataset getPropagationRelation(SparkSession spark, String leavesPath, String chldParentOrgPath, String entityOrgPath, String semantics) { Dataset childParent = readPath(spark, chldParentOrgPath, KeyValueSet.class); Dataset entityOrg = readPath(spark, entityOrgPath, KeyValueSet.class); Dataset leaves = readPath(spark, leavesPath, Leaves.class); childParent.createOrReplaceTempView("childParent"); entityOrg.createOrReplaceTempView("entityOrg"); leaves.createOrReplaceTempView("leaves"); Dataset resultParent = spark .sql( "SELECT entityId as key, " + "collect_set(parent) valueSet " + "FROM (SELECT key as child, parent " + " FROM childParent " + " LATERAL VIEW explode(valueSet) ks as parent) as cp " + "JOIN leaves " + "ON leaves.value = cp.child " + "JOIN (" + "SELECT key as entityId, org " + "FROM entityOrg " + "LATERAL VIEW explode (valueSet) ks as org ) as ro " + "ON leaves.value = " + "GROUP BY entityId") .as(Encoders.bean(KeyValueSet.class)); // create new relations from entity to organization for each entity linked to a leaf return resultParent .flatMap( (FlatMapFunction) v -> v .getValueSet() .stream() .map( orgId -> getRelation( v.getKey(), orgId, semantics)) .collect(Collectors.toList()) .iterator(), Encoders.bean(Relation.class)); } }