package eu.dnetlib.dhp.crossref import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.vocabulary.VocabularyGroup import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils._ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.{GraphCleaningFunctions, IdentifierFactory, OafMapperUtils, PidType} import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf._ import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils import org.json4s import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JField, JObject, JString, JValue} import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class CrossrefDT(doi: String, json: String, timestamp: Long) {} object CrossrefUtility { val DOI_PREFIX_REGEX = "(^10\\.|\\/10.)" val DOI_PREFIX = "10." val CROSSREF_COLLECTED_FROM = keyValue(ModelConstants.CROSSREF_ID, ModelConstants.CROSSREF_NAME) def normalizeDoi(input: String): String = { if (input == null) return null val replaced = input .replaceAll("(?:\\n|\\r|\\t|\\s)", "") .toLowerCase .replaceFirst(DOI_PREFIX_REGEX, DOI_PREFIX) if (replaced == null || replaced.trim.isEmpty) return null if (replaced.indexOf("10.") < 0) return null val ret = replaced.substring(replaced.indexOf("10.")) if (!ret.startsWith(DOI_PREFIX)) return null ret } def extractDate(dt: String, datePart: List[List[Int]]): String = { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dt)) return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(dt) if (datePart != null && datePart.size == 1) { val res = datePart.head if (res.size == 3) { val dp = f"${res.head}-${res(1)}%02d-${res(2)}%02d" if (dp.length == 10) { return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(dp) } } else if (res.size == 2) { val dp = f"${res.head}-${res(1)}%02d-01" return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(dp) } else if (res.size == 1) { return GraphCleaningFunctions.cleanDate(s"${res.head}-01-01") } } null } private def generateDate( dt: String, datePart: List[List[Int]], classId: String, schemeId: String ): StructuredProperty = { val dp = extractDate(dt, datePart) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dp)) structuredProperty(dp, classId, classId,schemeId) else null } private def generateItemFromType(objectType: String, vocabularies:VocabularyGroup): (Result, String) = { val term = vocabularies.getSynonymAsQualifier(ModelConstants.DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE, objectType) if (term != null) { val resourceType = vocabularies.getSynonymAsQualifier(ModelConstants.DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES, term.getClassid).getClassname resourceType match { case "publication" =>(new Publication, resourceType) case "dataset" =>(new Dataset, resourceType) case "software" => (new Software, resourceType) case "otherresearchproduct" =>(new OtherResearchProduct, resourceType) } } else null } def convert(input: String, vocabularies:VocabularyGroup): List[Oaf] = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats lazy val json: json4s.JValue = parse(input) var resultList: List[Oaf] = List() val objectType = (json \ "type").extractOrElse[String](null) if (objectType == null) return resultList val resultWithType = generateItemFromType(objectType, vocabularies) if (resultWithType == null) return List() val result = resultWithType._1 val cOBJCategory = resultWithType._2 mappingResult(result, json, cOBJCategory) if (result == null || result.getId == null) return List() val funderList: List[mappingFunder] = (json \ "funder").extractOrElse[List[mappingFunder]](List()) if (funderList.nonEmpty) { resultList = resultList ::: mappingFunderToRelations( funderList, result.getId, createCrossrefCollectedFrom(), result.getDataInfo, result.getLastupdatetimestamp ) } result match { case publication: Publication => convertPublication(publication, json, cOBJCategory) case dataset: Dataset => convertDataset(dataset) } resultList = resultList ::: List(result) resultList } def mappingResult(result: Result, json: JValue, cobjCategory: String): Result = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats //MAPPING Crossref DOI into PID val doi: String = normalizeDoi((json \ "DOI").extract[String]) result.setPid( List( structuredProperty(doi, PidType.doi.toString, PidType.doi.toString, ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES) ).asJava) //MAPPING Crossref DOI into OriginalId //and Other Original Identifier of dataset like clinical-trial-number val clinicalTrialNumbers: List[String] = for (JString(ctr) <- json \ "clinical-trial-number") yield ctr val alternativeIds: List[String] = for (JString(ids) <- json \ "alternative-id") yield ids val tmp = clinicalTrialNumbers ::: alternativeIds ::: List(doi) result.setOriginalId(tmp.filter(id => id != null).asJava) // Add DataInfo result.setDataInfo(dataInfo(false, false,0.9F,null, false,ModelConstants.REPOSITORY_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS)) result.setLastupdatetimestamp((json \ "indexed" \ "timestamp").extract[Long]) result.setDateofcollection((json \ "indexed" \ "date-time").extract[String]) result.setCollectedfrom(List(CROSSREF_COLLECTED_FROM).asJava) // Publisher ( Name of work's publisher mapped into Result/Publisher) val publisher = (json \ "publisher").extractOrElse[String](null) if (publisher != null && publisher.nonEmpty) result.setPublisher(new Publisher(publisher)) // TITLE val mainTitles = for {JString(title) <- json \ "title" if title.nonEmpty} yield structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.MAIN_TITLE_QUALIFIER) val originalTitles = for { JString(title) <- json \ "original-title" if title.nonEmpty } yield structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.ALTERNATIVE_TITLE_QUALIFIER) val shortTitles = for { JString(title) <- json \ "short-title" if title.nonEmpty } yield structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.ALTERNATIVE_TITLE_QUALIFIER) val subtitles = for {JString(title) <- json \ "subtitle" if title.nonEmpty} yield structuredProperty(title, ModelConstants.SUBTITLE_QUALIFIER) result.setTitle((mainTitles ::: originalTitles ::: shortTitles ::: subtitles).asJava) // DESCRIPTION val descriptionList = for {JString(description) <- json \ "abstract"} yield description result.setDescription(descriptionList.asJava) // Source val sourceList = for { JString(source) <- json \ "source" if source != null && source.nonEmpty } yield source result.setSource(sourceList.asJava) //RELEVANT DATE Mapping val createdDate = generateDate( (json \ "created" \ "date-time").extract[String], (json \ "created" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "created", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val postedDate = generateDate( (json \ "posted" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "posted" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "available", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val acceptedDate = generateDate( (json \ "accepted" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "accepted" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "accepted", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val publishedPrintDate = generateDate( (json \ "published-print" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "published-print" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "published-print", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val publishedOnlineDate = generateDate( (json \ "published-online" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "published-online" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]], "published-online", ModelConstants.DNET_DATACITE_DATE ) val issuedDate = extractDate( (json \ "issued" \ "date-time").extractOrElse[String](null), (json \ "issued" \ "date-parts").extract[List[List[Int]]] ) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(issuedDate)) { result.setDateofacceptance(issuedDate) } else { result.setDateofacceptance(createdDate.getValue) } result.setRelevantdate( List(createdDate, postedDate, acceptedDate, publishedOnlineDate, publishedPrintDate) .filter(p => p != null) .asJava ) //Mapping Subject val subjectList: List[String] = (json \ "subject").extractOrElse[List[String]](List()) if (subjectList.nonEmpty) { result.setSubject( => createSubject(s, "keyword", ModelConstants.DNET_SUBJECT_TYPOLOGIES)).asJava ) } //Mapping Author val authorList: List[mappingAuthor] = (json \ "author").extractOrElse[List[mappingAuthor]](List()) val sorted_list = authorList.sortWith((a: mappingAuthor, b: mappingAuthor) => a.sequence.isDefined && a.sequence.get.equalsIgnoreCase("first") ) result.setAuthor( { case (a, index) => generateAuhtor(a.given.orNull,, a.ORCID.orNull, index) }.asJava) // Mapping instance val instance = new Instance() val license = for { JObject(license) <- json \ "license" JField("URL", JString(lic)) <- license JField("content-version", JString(content_version)) <- license } yield (asField(lic), content_version) val l = license.filter(d => StringUtils.isNotBlank(d._1.getValue)) if (l.nonEmpty) { if (l exists (d => d._2.equals("vor"))) { for (d <- l) { if (d._2.equals("vor")) { instance.setLicense(d._1) } } } else { instance.setLicense(l.head._1) } } // Ticket #6281 added pid to Instance instance.setPid(result.getPid) val has_review = json \ "relation" \ "has-review" \ "id" if (has_review != JNothing) { instance.setRefereed( OafMapperUtils.qualifier( "0001", "peerReviewed", ModelConstants.DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS, ModelConstants.DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS ) ) } instance.setAccessright( decideAccessRight(instance.getLicense, result.getDateofacceptance.getValue) ) instance.setInstancetype( OafMapperUtils.qualifier( cobjCategory.substring(0, 4), cobjCategory.substring(5), ModelConstants.DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE, ModelConstants.DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE ) ) result.setResourcetype( OafMapperUtils.qualifier( cobjCategory.substring(0, 4), cobjCategory.substring(5), ModelConstants.DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE, ModelConstants.DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE ) ) instance.setCollectedfrom(createCrossrefCollectedFrom()) if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(issuedDate)) { instance.setDateofacceptance(asField(issuedDate)) } else { instance.setDateofacceptance(asField(createdDate.getValue)) } val s: List[String] = List("" + doi) // val links: List[String] = ((for {JString(url) <- json \ "link" \ "URL"} yield url) ::: List(s)).filter(p => p != null && p.toLowerCase().contains(doi.toLowerCase())).distinct // if (links.nonEmpty) { // instance.setUrl(links.asJava) // } if (s.nonEmpty) { instance.setUrl(s.asJava) } result.setInstance(List(instance).asJava) //IMPORTANT //The old method result.setId(generateIdentifier(result, doi)) //is replaced using IdentifierFactory, but the old identifier //is preserved among the originalId(s) val oldId = generateIdentifier(result, doi) result.setId(oldId) val newId = IdentifierFactory.createDOIBoostIdentifier(result) if (!oldId.equalsIgnoreCase(newId)) { result.getOriginalId.add(oldId) } result.setId(newId) if (result.getId == null) null else result } }