orcid-no-doi #43

claudio.atzori merged 45 commits from enrico.ottonello/dnet-hadoop:orcid-no-doi into master 2020-12-02 10:55:12 +01:00
3 changed files with 128 additions and 39 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 196f36c6ed - Show all commits

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@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ import org.apache.spark.api.java.function.MapFunction;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset;
import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode;
import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
@ -93,17 +95,48 @@ public class SparkGenEnrichedOrcidWorks {
enrichedWorksRDD.saveAsTextFile(workingPath + outputEnrichedWorksPath);
logger.info("Works enriched data saved");
JavaRDD<Publication> oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD.map(e -> {
JsonElement j = new JsonParser().parse(e._2());
return (Publication) PublicationToOaf
}).filter(p -> p != null);
final LongAccumulator parsedPublications = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("parsedPublications");
final LongAccumulator enrichedPublications = spark
final LongAccumulator errorsGeneric = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("errorsGeneric");
final LongAccumulator errorsInvalidTitle = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("errorsInvalidTitle");
final LongAccumulator errorsNotFoundAuthors = spark
final LongAccumulator errorsInvalidType = spark.sparkContext().longAccumulator("errorsInvalidType");
final PublicationToOaf publicationToOaf = new PublicationToOaf(
JavaRDD<Publication> oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD
e -> {
return (Publication) publicationToOaf
.filter(p -> p != null);
Dataset<Publication> publicationDataset = spark
publicationDataset.write().mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(workingPath + "no_doi_dataset/output");

I just noticed the output format being set to parquet. As the records in this set must be integrated in the graph via the so called Actions Management system, the data created by this procedure should comply with the input format & model it requires, i.e. a

SequenceFile<org.apache.hadoop.io.Text, org.apache.hadoop.io.Text> where

I just noticed the output format being set to parquet. As the records in this set must be integrated in the graph via the so called Actions Management system, the data created by this procedure should comply with the input format & model it requires, i.e. a ```SequenceFile<org.apache.hadoop.io.Text, org.apache.hadoop.io.Text>``` where * keys are defined as the entity type class fully qualified name (e.g. [`eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Publication`](https://code-repo.d4science.org/D-Net/dnet-hadoop/src/branch/master/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/oaf/Publication.java)) * values are defined as [`eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action.AtomicAction`](https://code-repo.d4science.org/D-Net/dnet-hadoop/src/branch/master/dhp-schemas/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/dhp/schema/action/AtomicAction.java)s, a simple wrapper class with just two fields: 1) `Class<T> clazz`; and 2) `T payload`; where `T extends Oaf`.
.save(workingPath + "no_doi_dataset/output");
logger.info("parsedPublications: " + parsedPublications.value().toString());
logger.info("enrichedPublications: " + enrichedPublications.value().toString());
logger.info("errorsGeneric: " + errorsGeneric.value().toString());
logger.info("errorsInvalidTitle: " + errorsInvalidTitle.value().toString());
logger.info("errorsNotFoundAuthors: " + errorsNotFoundAuthors.value().toString());
logger.info("errorsInvalidType: " + errorsInvalidType.value().toString());

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@ -3,18 +3,17 @@ package eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.oaf;
import static eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.util.DumpToActionsUtility.*;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.*;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.PacePerson;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*;
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils;
import eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.util.DumpToActionsUtility;
import eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.util.Pair;
public class PublicationToOaf {
public class PublicationToOaf implements Serializable {
static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PublicationToOaf.class);
@ -31,6 +30,37 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
public static final String OPENAIRE_PREFIX = "openaire____";
public static final String SEPARATOR = "::";
private final LongAccumulator parsedPublications;
private final LongAccumulator enrichedPublications;
private final LongAccumulator errorsGeneric;
private final LongAccumulator errorsInvalidTitle;
private final LongAccumulator errorsNotFoundAuthors;
private final LongAccumulator errorsInvalidType;
public PublicationToOaf(
LongAccumulator parsedPublications,
LongAccumulator enrichedPublications,
LongAccumulator errorsGeneric,
LongAccumulator errorsInvalidTitle,
LongAccumulator errorsNotFoundAuthors,
LongAccumulator errorsInvalidType) {
this.parsedPublications = parsedPublications;
this.enrichedPublications = enrichedPublications;
this.errorsGeneric = errorsGeneric;
this.errorsInvalidTitle = errorsInvalidTitle;
this.errorsNotFoundAuthors = errorsNotFoundAuthors;
this.errorsInvalidType = errorsInvalidType;
public PublicationToOaf() {
this.parsedPublications = null;
this.enrichedPublications = null;
this.errorsGeneric = null;
this.errorsInvalidTitle = null;
this.errorsNotFoundAuthors = null;
this.errorsInvalidType = null;
private static Map<String, Pair<String, String>> datasources = new HashMap<String, Pair<String, String>>() {
@ -69,11 +99,27 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
public static final String PID_TYPES = "dnet:pid_types";

This should not happen as this is statically defined, but please let the exception propagate with some subclass of Throwable so that it will break immediately. Otherwise the typologiesMapping variable will stay defined as null causing the 1st usage to break with a NPE.

This should not happen as this is statically defined, but please let the exception propagate with some subclass of `Throwable` so that it will break immediately. Otherwise the `typologiesMapping` variable will stay defined as `null` causing the 1st usage to break with a NPE.
public static Oaf generatePublicationActionsFromDump(final JsonObject rootElement) {
public Oaf generatePublicationActionsFromJson(final String json) {
try {
if (parsedPublications != null) {
JsonElement jElement = new JsonParser().parse(json);
JsonObject jObject = jElement.getAsJsonObject();
return generatePublicationActionsFromDump(jObject);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("creating publication: " + t.getMessage());
if (errorsGeneric != null) {
return null;
public Oaf generatePublicationActionsFromDump(final JsonObject rootElement) {

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the `null`? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

yes, there is a filter for null value:
JavaRDD oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD
e -> {
return (Publication) publicationToOaf
.filter(p -> p != null);

yes, there is a filter for null value: JavaRDD<Publication> oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD .map( e -> { return (Publication) publicationToOaf .generatePublicationActionsFromJson(e._2()); }) .filter(p -> p != null);
logger.debug("generatePublicationActionsFromDump ...");
if (!isValid(rootElement/* , context */)) {
logger.error("publication not valid");
if (!isValid(rootElement)) {
return null;
@ -122,8 +168,9 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
// Adding titles
final List<String> titles = createRepeatedField(rootElement, "titles");
if (titles == null || titles.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("titles not found");
// context.incrementCounter("filtered", "title_not_found", 1);
if (errorsInvalidTitle != null) {
return null;
Qualifier q = mapQualifier("main title", "main title", "dnet:dataCite_title", "dnet:dataCite_title");
@ -189,8 +236,9 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
} else {
logger.error("type not found");
// context.incrementCounter("filtered", "type_not_found", 1);
if (errorsInvalidType != null) {
return null;
@ -199,17 +247,21 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
if (authors != null && authors.size() > 0) {

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the `null`? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

yes, there is a filter on null value:
JavaRDD oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD .map( e -> { return (Publication) publicationToOaf .generatePublicationActionsFromJson(e._2()); }) .filter(p -> p != null);

yes, there is a filter on null value: JavaRDD oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD .map( e -> { return (Publication) publicationToOaf .generatePublicationActionsFromJson(e._2()); }) .filter(p -> p != null);
} else {
logger.error("authors not found");
// context.incrementCounter("filtered", "author_not_found", 1);
if (errorsNotFoundAuthors != null) {
return null;
String classValue = getDefaultResulttype(cobjValue);
.setResulttype(mapQualifier(classValue, classValue, "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies"));
if (enrichedPublications != null) {

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the `null`? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

yes, there is a filter on null value: JavaRDD oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD .map( e -> { return (Publication) publicationToOaf .generatePublicationActionsFromJson(e._2()); }) .filter(p -> p != null);

yes, there is a filter on null value: JavaRDD oafPublicationRDD = enrichedWorksRDD .map( e -> { return (Publication) publicationToOaf .generatePublicationActionsFromJson(e._2()); }) .filter(p -> p != null);
return publication;
public static List<Author> createAuthors(final JsonObject root) {
public List<Author> createAuthors(final JsonObject root) {
final String authorsJSONFieldName = "contributors";
@ -273,7 +325,7 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return null;
private static List<String> createRepeatedField(final JsonObject rootElement, final String fieldName) {
private List<String> createRepeatedField(final JsonObject rootElement, final String fieldName) {
if (!rootElement.has(fieldName)) {
return null;

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the `null`? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

yes, there is a check on null value

yes, there is a check on null value
@ -291,14 +343,14 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the `null`? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

yes, there is a check on null value

yes, there is a check on null value
private static String cleanField(String value) {
private String cleanField(String value) {
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty() && value.charAt(0) == '"' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '"') {
value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
return value;
private static void settingRelevantDate(final JsonObject rootElement,
private void settingRelevantDate(final JsonObject rootElement,
final Publication publication,
final String jsonKey,
final String dictionaryKey,
@ -322,7 +374,7 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
private static String getPublicationDate(final JsonObject rootElement,
private String getPublicationDate(final JsonObject rootElement,
final String jsonKey) {
JsonObject pubDateJson = null;
@ -358,24 +410,27 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return null;
protected static boolean isValid(final JsonObject rootElement/* , final Reporter context */) {
protected boolean isValid(final JsonObject rootElement/* , final Reporter context */) {
final String type = getStringValue(rootElement, "type");
if (!typologiesMapping.containsKey(type)) {

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the `null`? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

yes, there is this ckeck on the value: StringUtils.isNotBlank

yes, there is this ckeck on the value: StringUtils.isNotBlank
logger.error("unknowntype_" + type);
// context.incrementCounter("filtered", "unknowntype_" + type, 1);
if (errorsInvalidType != null) {
return false;
if (!isValidJsonArray(rootElement, "titles")) {
// context.incrementCounter("filtered", "invalid_title", 1);
if (errorsInvalidTitle != null) {
return false;
return true;
private static boolean isValidJsonArray(final JsonObject rootElement, final String fieldName) {
private boolean isValidJsonArray(final JsonObject rootElement, final String fieldName) {
if (!rootElement.has(fieldName)) {
return false;
@ -395,7 +450,7 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return true;
private static Qualifier mapQualifier(String classId, String className, String schemeId, String schemeName) {
private Qualifier mapQualifier(String classId, String className, String schemeId, String schemeName) {
final Qualifier qualifier = new Qualifier();
@ -404,7 +459,7 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return qualifier;
private static ExternalReference convertExtRef(String extId, String classId, String className, String schemeId,
private ExternalReference convertExtRef(String extId, String classId, String className, String schemeId,
String schemeName) {
ExternalReference ex = new ExternalReference();
@ -412,7 +467,7 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return ex;
private static StructuredProperty mapStructuredProperty(String value, Qualifier qualifier, DataInfo dataInfo) {
private StructuredProperty mapStructuredProperty(String value, Qualifier qualifier, DataInfo dataInfo) {
if (value == null | StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
return null;
@ -424,7 +479,7 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return structuredProperty;
private static Field<String> mapStringField(String value, DataInfo dataInfo) {
private Field<String> mapStringField(String value, DataInfo dataInfo) {
if (value == null || StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
return null;
@ -435,21 +490,21 @@ public class PublicationToOaf {
return stringField;

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

Is the caller expecting the null? Otherwise this would likely produce a NPE.

the value returned from this function is used to populate 2 fields of publication:

the value returned from this function is used to populate 2 fields of publication: publication.setSource(value) publication.setDateofacceptance(value)
private static KeyValue createCollectedFrom() {
private KeyValue createCollectedFrom() {
KeyValue cf = new KeyValue();
cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + "806360c771262b4d6770e7cdf04b5c5a");
return cf;
private static KeyValue createHostedBy() {
private KeyValue createHostedBy() {
KeyValue hb = new KeyValue();
hb.setValue("Unknown Repository");
hb.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + "55045bd2a65019fd8e6741a755395c8c");
return hb;
private static StructuredProperty mapAuthorId(String orcidId) {
private StructuredProperty mapAuthorId(String orcidId) {
final StructuredProperty sp = new StructuredProperty();
final Qualifier q = new Qualifier();

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@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ public class PublicationToOafTest {
JsonElement j = new JsonParser().parse(jsonPublication);
logger.info("json publication loaded: " + j.toString());
Publication oafPublication = (Publication) PublicationToOaf
PublicationToOaf publicationToOaf = new PublicationToOaf();
Publication oafPublication = (Publication) publicationToOaf