[Stats wf] #372, #405 to production #406

claudio.atzori merged 28 commits from antonis.lempesis/dnet-hadoop:beta into master 2024-03-26 12:18:27 +01:00
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 316d585c8a - Show all commits

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@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ join ${stats_db_name}.result res on res.id=r.id;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${stats_db_name}.result_apc purge;
create table if not exists ${stats_db_name}.result_apc STORED AS PARQUET as
select r.id, r.amount, r.currency
select distinct r.id, r.amount, r.currency
from (
select substr(r.id, 4) as id, cast(inst.processingchargeamount.value as float) as amount, inst.processingchargecurrency.value as currency
from ${openaire_db_name}.result r lateral view explode(r.instance) instances as inst) r