[stats wf] indicators across stats dbs & updates in the org ids #248

dimitris.pierrakos wants to merge 1742 commits from beta into beta2master_sept_2022
1 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 12cd179d2d - Show all commits

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@ -11,14 +11,15 @@ export HADOOP_USER_NAME=$5
function copydb() {
hdfs dfs -mkdir hdfs://impala-cluster-mn1.openaire.eu:8020/tmp/$FILE/
# copy the databases from ocean to impala
echo "copying $db"
hadoop distcp -Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=6144 -pb hdfs://nameservice1/user/hive/warehouse/${db}.db hdfs://impala-cluster-mn1.openaire.eu:8020/tmp
hadoop distcp -Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=6144 -pb hdfs://nameservice1/user/hive/warehouse/${db}.db hdfs://impala-cluster-mn1.openaire.eu:8020/tmp/$FILE/
# change ownership to impala
hdfs dfs -conf /etc/impala_cluster/hdfs-site.xml -chmod -R 777 /tmp/${db}.db
hdfs dfs -conf /etc/impala_cluster/hdfs-site.xml -chmod -R 777 /tmp/$FILE/${db}.db
# create the databases
impala-shell -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -q "drop database if exists ${db} cascade";
@ -41,12 +42,12 @@ function copydb() {
echo "copying data in tables and computing stats"
for i in `impala-shell -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -d ${db} --delimited -q "show tables"`;
impala-shell -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -d ${db} -q "load data inpath '/tmp/${db}.db/$i' into table $i";
impala-shell -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -d ${db} -q "load data inpath '/tmp/$FILE/${db}.db/$i' into table $i";
impala-shell -i impala-cluster-dn1.openaire.eu -d ${db} -q "compute stats $i";
# deleting the remaining directory from hdfs
hdfs dfs -conf /etc/impala_cluster/hdfs-site.xml -rm -R /tmp/${db}.db
hdfs dfs -conf /etc/impala_cluster/hdfs-site.xml -rm -R /tmp/$FILE/${db}.db