[stats-wf] computing stats in each step #210

claudio.atzori merged 1 commits from antonis.lempesis/dnet-hadoop:beta into beta 2022-04-08 14:21:01 +02:00
1 changed files with 50 additions and 1 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c442c91f89 - Show all commits

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ and (ri.accessright = 'Open Access'
or ri.accessright = 'Embargo' or ri.accessright = 'Open Source')) tmp
on p.id= tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_green_oa;
create table indi_pub_grey_lit stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(grey_lit, 0) as grey_lit
from publication p
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ join result_classifications rt on rt.id = p.id
where rt.type not in ('Article','Part of book or chapter of book','Book','Doctoral thesis','Master thesis','Data Paper', 'Thesis', 'Bachelor thesis', 'Conference object') and
not exists (select 1 from result_classifications rc where type ='Other literature type' and rc.id=p.id)) tmp on p.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_grey_lit;
create table indi_pub_doi_from_crossref stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(doi_from_crossref, 0) as doi_from_crossref
from publication p
@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ join datasource d on d.id = ri.collectedfrom
where pidtype='Digital Object Identifier' and d.name ='Crossref') tmp
on tmp.id=p.id;
compute stats indi_pub_doi_from_crossref;
---- Sprint 2 ----
create table indi_result_has_cc_licence stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, (case when lic='' or lic is null then 0 else 1 end) as has_cc_license
@ -40,6 +45,8 @@ join result_licenses as license on license.id = r.id
where lower(license.type) LIKE '%creativecommons.org%' OR lower(license.type) LIKE '%cc-%') tmp
on r.id= tmp.id;
compute stats indi_result_has_cc_licence;
create table indi_result_has_cc_licence_url stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, case when lic_host='' or lic_host is null then 0 else 1 end as has_cc_license_url
from result r
@ -49,16 +56,21 @@ join result_licenses as license on license.id = r.id
WHERE lower(parse_url(license.type, "HOST")) = "creativecommons.org") tmp
on r.id= tmp.id;
compute stats indi_result_has_cc_licence_url;
create table indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as
select distinct publication.id, coalesce(abstract, 1) has_abstract
from publication;
compute stats indi_pub_has_abstract;
create table indi_result_with_orcid stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, coalesce(has_orcid, 0) as has_orcid
from result r
left outer join (select id, 1 as has_orcid from result_orcid) tmp
on r.id= tmp.id;
compute stats indi_result_with_orcid;
---- Sprint 3 ----
create table indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as
@ -68,6 +80,8 @@ left outer join (select distinct id, 1 as fundref from project_results
where provenance='Harvested') tmp
on r.id= tmp.id;
compute stats indi_funded_result_with_fundref;
create table indi_result_org_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id as id, o.country , ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
@ -79,6 +93,8 @@ join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id and o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.id, o1.type,o2.country;
compute stats indi_result_org_country_collab;
create table indi_result_org_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id, ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
@ -90,6 +106,8 @@ join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id
group by o1.id, o2.id, o1.type;
compute stats indi_result_org_collab;
create table indi_funder_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as (select funder, project, country from organization_projects op
join organization o on o.id=op.id
@ -101,6 +119,8 @@ join tmp as f2 on f1.project=f2.project
where f1.country<>f2.country
group by f1.funder, f2.country, f1.country;
compute stats indi_funder_country_collab;
create table indi_result_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select country, ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
@ -112,6 +132,8 @@ join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.country, o2.country, o1.type;
compute stats indi_result_country_collab;
---- Sprint 4 ----
create table indi_pub_diamond stored as parquet as
select distinct pd.id, coalesce(in_diamond_journal, 0) as in_diamond_journal
@ -123,6 +145,8 @@ join stats_ext.plan_s_jn ps where (ps.issn_print=d.issn_printed and ps.issn_onli
and (ps.journal_is_in_doaj=true or ps.journal_is_oa=true) and ps.has_apc=false) tmp
on pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_diamond;
create table indi_pub_hybrid stored as parquet as
select distinct pd.id, coalesce(is_hybrid, 0) as is_hybrid
from publication_datasources pd
@ -133,6 +157,8 @@ join stats_ext.plan_s_jn ps where (ps.issn_print=d.issn_printed and ps.issn_onli
and (ps.journal_is_in_doaj=false and ps.journal_is_oa=false)) tmp
on pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_hybrid;
create table indi_pub_in_transformative stored as parquet as
select distinct pd.id, coalesce(is_transformative, 0) as is_transformative
from publication pd
@ -143,6 +169,8 @@ join stats_ext.plan_s_jn ps where (ps.issn_print=d.issn_printed and ps.issn_onli
and ps.is_transformative_journal=true) tmp
on pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_in_transformative;
create table indi_pub_closed_other_open stored as parquet as
select distinct ri.id, coalesce(pub_closed_other_open, 0) as pub_closed_other_open from result_instance ri
left outer join
@ -153,11 +181,12 @@ where d.type like '%Journal%' and ri.accessright='Closed Access' and
(p.bestlicence='Open Access' or p.bestlicence='Open Source')) tmp
on tmp.id=ri.id;
compute stats indi_pub_closed_other_open;
---- Sprint 5 ----
create table indi_result_no_of_copies stored as parquet as
select id, count(id) as number_of_copies from result_instance group by id;
compute stats indi_result_no_of_copies;
---- Sprint 6 ----
create table indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as
WITH gold_oa AS (
@ -183,6 +212,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN (
JOIN issn on issn.id=pd.datasource
JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn) tmp ON pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_gold_oa;
create table indi_datasets_gold_oa stored as parquet as
WITH gold_oa AS (
SELECT issn_l, journal_is_in_doaj, journal_is_oa, issn_1 as issn
@ -210,6 +241,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN (
JOIN issn on issn.id=pd.datasource
JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn) tmp ON pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_datasets_gold_oa;
create table indi_software_gold_oa stored as parquet as
WITH gold_oa AS (
SELECT issn_l, journal_is_in_doaj, journal_is_oa, issn_1 as issn
@ -237,6 +270,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN (
JOIN issn on issn.id=pd.datasource
JOIN gold_oa on issn.issn = gold_oa.issn) tmp ON pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_software_gold_oa;
create table indi_org_findable stored as parquet as
with result_with_pid as (
select ro.organization organization, count(distinct rp.id) no_result_with_pid from result_organization ro
@ -263,6 +298,8 @@ join result_with_pid_share on result_with_pid_share.organization=allresults.orga
left outer join (
select organization, abstract_share from result_with_abstract_share) tmp on tmp.organization=allresults.organization;
compute stats indi_org_findable;
create table indi_org_openess stored as parquet as
WITH datasets_oa as (
SELECT ro.organization, count(dg.id) no_oadatasets FROM indi_datasets_gold_oa dg
@ -313,6 +350,8 @@ left outer join (
left outer join (
select organization,s from allsoftwaresshare) tmp1 on tmp1.organization=allpubsshare.organization;
compute stats indi_org_openess;
create table indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc stored as parquet as
WITH hybrid_oa AS (
SELECT issn_l, journal_is_in_doaj, journal_is_oa, issn_print as issn
@ -343,6 +382,8 @@ LEFT OUTER JOIN (
JOIN indi_result_has_cc_licence cc on pd.id=cc.id
where cc.has_cc_license=1) tmp on pd.id=tmp.id;
compute stats indi_pub_hybrid_oa_with_cc;
create table indi_pub_downloads stored as parquet as
SELECT result_id, sum(downloads) no_dowloads from openaire_prod_usage_stats.usage_stats
join publication on result_id=id
@ -350,6 +391,8 @@ where downloads>0
GROUP BY result_id
order by no_dowloads desc;
compute stats indi_pub_downloads;
create table indi_pub_downloads_datasource stored as parquet as
SELECT result_id, repository_id, sum(downloads) no_dowloads from openaire_prod_usage_stats.usage_stats
join publication on result_id=id
@ -357,15 +400,21 @@ where downloads>0
GROUP BY result_id, repository_id
order by result_id;
compute stats indi_pub_downloads_datasource;
create table indi_pub_downloads_year stored as parquet as
SELECT result_id, substring(us.`date`, 1,4) as `year`, sum(downloads) no_dowloads from openaire_prod_usage_stats.usage_stats us
join publication on result_id=id where downloads>0
GROUP BY result_id, `year`
order by `year` asc;
compute stats indi_pub_downloads_year;
create table indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year stored as parquet as
SELECT result_id, substring(us.`date`, 1,4) as `year`, repository_id, sum(downloads) no_dowloads from openaire_prod_usage_stats.usage_stats us
join publication on result_id=id
where downloads>0
GROUP BY result_id, repository_id, `year`
order by `year` asc, result_id;
compute stats indi_pub_downloads_datasource_year;