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2021-06-29 15:31:51 +02:00
create table indi_pub_green_oa stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(green_oa, 0) as green_oa
from publication p
left outer join (
select p.id, 1 as green_oa
from publication p
join result_instance ri on ri.id = p.id
join datasource on datasource.id = ri.hostedby
where datasource.type like '%Repository%'
and (ri.accessright = 'Open Access'
or ri.accessright = 'Embargo')) tmp
on p.id= tmp.id;
create table indi_pub_grey_lit stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(grey_lit, 0) as grey_lit
from publication p
left outer join (
select p.id, 1 as grey_lit
from publication p
join result_classifications rt on rt.id = p.id
where rt.type not in ('Article','Part of book or chapter of book','Book','Doctoral thesis','Master thesis','Data Paper', 'Thesis', 'Bachelor thesis', 'Conference object') and
not exists (select 1 from result_classifications rc where type ='Other literature type' and rc.id=p.id)) tmp on p.id=tmp.id;
create table indi_pub_doi_from_crossref stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(doi_from_crossref, 0) as doi_from_crossref
from publication p
left outer join
(select ri.id, 1 as doi_from_crossref from result_instance ri
join datasource d on d.id = ri.collectedfrom
where pidtype='Digital Object Identifier' and d.name ='Crossref') tmp
on tmp.id=p.id;
create table indi_pub_gold_oa stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, coalesce(gold_oa, 0) as gold_oa
from publication p
left outer join (
select p.id, 1 as gold_oa
from publication p
join result_instance ri on ri.id = p.id
join datasource on datasource.id = ri.hostedby
where datasource.id like '%doajarticles%') tmp
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
on p.id= tmp.id;
create table indi_project_pubs_count stored as parquet as
select pr.id id, count(p.id) total_pubs from project_results pr
join publication p on p.id=pr.result
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by pr.id;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_project_datasets_count stored as parquet as
select pr.id id, count(d.id) total_datasets from project_results pr
join dataset d on d.id=pr.result
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by pr.id;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_project_software_count stored as parquet as
select pr.id id, count(s.id) total_software from project_results pr
join software s on s.id=pr.result
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by pr.id;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_project_otherresearch_count stored as parquet as
select pr.id id, count(o.id) total_other from project_results pr
join otherresearchproduct o on o.id=pr.result
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by pr.id;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_pub_avg_year_country_oa stored as parquet as
select year, country, round(OpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageOA,
round(NonOpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageNonOA
(SELECT year, country, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence='Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS OpenAccess, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence<>'Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS NonOpenAccess
FROM publication p
join result_organization ro on p.id=ro.id
join organization o on o.id=ro.organization
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by year, country) tmp;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_dataset_avg_year_country_oa stored as parquet as
select year, country, round(OpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageOA,
round(NonOpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageNonOA
(SELECT year, country, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence='Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS OpenAccess, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence<>'Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS NonOpenAccess
FROM dataset d
join result_organization ro on d.id=ro.id
join organization o on o.id=ro.organization
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by year, country) tmp;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_software_avg_year_country_oa stored as parquet as
select year, country, round(OpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageOA,
round(NonOpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageNonOA
(SELECT year, country, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence='Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS OpenAccess, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence<>'Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS NonOpenAccess
FROM software s
join result_organization ro on s.id=ro.id
2021-08-02 11:15:58 +02:00
join organization o on o.id=ro.organization
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by year, country) tmp;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_other_avg_year_country_oa stored as parquet as
select year, country, round(OpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageOA,
round(NonOpenAccess/(OpenAccess+NonOpenAccess)*100,3) as averageNonOA
(SELECT year, country, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence='Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS OpenAccess, SUM(CASE
WHEN bestlicence<>'Open Access' THEN 1
END) AS NonOpenAccess
FROM otherresearchproduct orp
join result_organization ro on orp.id=ro.id
join organization o on o.id=ro.organization
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
group by year, country) tmp;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_pub_avg_year_context_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pc.id) no_of_pubs, year, c.name name, sum(count(distinct pc.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total from publication_concepts pc
join context c on pc.concept like concat('%',c.id,'%')
join publication p on p.id=pc.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by c.name, year )
select year, name, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageofpubs
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_dataset_avg_year_context_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pc.id) no_of_pubs, year, c.name name, sum(count(distinct pc.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total from dataset_concepts pc
join context c on pc.concept like concat('%',c.id,'%')
join dataset p on p.id=pc.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by c.name, year )
select year, name, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageofdataset
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_software_avg_year_context_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pc.id) no_of_pubs, year, c.name name, sum(count(distinct pc.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total from software_concepts pc
join context c on pc.concept like concat('%',c.id,'%')
join software p on p.id=pc.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by c.name, year )
select year, name, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageofsoftware
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_other_avg_year_context_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pc.id) no_of_pubs, year, c.name name, sum(count(distinct pc.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total from otherresearchproduct_concepts pc
join context c on pc.concept like concat('%',c.id,'%')
join otherresearchproduct p on p.id=pc.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by c.name, year )
select year, name, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageofother
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_other_avg_year_content_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pd.id) no_of_pubs, year, d.type type, sum(count(distinct pd.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total
from otherresearchproduct_datasources pd
join datasource d on datasource=d.id
join otherresearchproduct p on p.id=pd.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by d.type, year)
select year, type, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageOfOtherresearchproduct
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_software_avg_year_content_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pd.id) no_of_pubs, year, d.type type, sum(count(distinct pd.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total
from software_datasources pd
join datasource d on datasource=d.id
join software p on p.id=pd.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by d.type, year)
select year, type, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageOfSoftware
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_dataset_avg_year_content_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pd.id) no_of_pubs, year, d.type type, sum(count(distinct pd.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total
from dataset_datasources pd
join datasource d on datasource=d.id
join dataset p on p.id=pd.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by d.type, year)
select year, type, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageOfDatasets
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_pub_avg_year_content_oa stored as parquet as
with total as
(select count(distinct pd.id) no_of_pubs, year, d.type type, sum(count(distinct pd.id)) over(PARTITION by year) as total
from publication_datasources pd
join datasource d on datasource=d.id
join publication p on p.id=pd.id
where cast(year as int)>=2003 and cast(year as int)<=2021
group by d.type, year)
select year, type, round(no_of_pubs/total*100,3) averageOfPubs
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
from total;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_pub_has_cc_licence stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, (case when lic='' or lic is null then 0 else 1 end) as has_cc_license
from publication p
left outer join (select p.id, license.type as lic from publication p
join publication_licenses as license on license.id = p.id
where lower(license.type) LIKE '%creativecommons.org%' OR lower(license.type) LIKE '%cc-%') tmp
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
on p.id= tmp.id;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_pub_has_cc_licence_url stored as parquet as
select distinct p.id, (case when lic_host='' or lic_host is null then 0 else 1 end) as has_cc_license_url
from publication p
left outer join (select p.id, lower(parse_url(license.type, "HOST")) as lic_host
from publication p
join publication_licenses as license on license.id = p.id
WHERE lower(parse_url(license.type, 'HOST')) = 'creativecommons.org') tmp
2021-07-27 10:42:47 +02:00
on p.id= tmp.id;
2021-07-24 15:40:28 +02:00
create table indi_pub_has_abstract stored as parquet as
select distinct publication.id, coalesce(abstract, 1) has_abstract
2021-10-01 15:02:02 +02:00
from publication;
create table indi_with_orcid stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, coalesce(has_orcid, 0) as has_orcid
from result r
left outer join (select id, 1 as has_orcid from result_orcid) tmp
on r.id= tmp.id
create table indi_funded_result_with_fundref stored as parquet as
select distinct r.id, coalesce(fundref, 0) as fundref
from project_results r
left outer join (select distinct id, 1 as fundref from project_results
where provenance='Harvested') tmp
on r.id= tmp.id
create table indi_result_org_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id as id, o.country , ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
join result_organization ro on o.id=ro.organization
join result r on r.id=ro.id where o.country <> 'UNKNOWN')
select o1.id org1,o2.country country2, o1.type, count(distinct o1.result) as collaborations
from tmp as o1
join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id and o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.id, o1.type,o2.country
create table indi_result_org_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id, ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
join result_organization ro on o.id=ro.organization
join result r on r.id=ro.id)
select o1.id org1,o2.id org2, o1.type, count(distinct o1.result) as collaborations
from tmp as o1
join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id
group by o1.id, o2.id, o1.type
create table indi_result_org_country_collab stored as parquet as
with tmp as
(select o.id as id, o.country , ro.id as result,r.type from organization o
join result_organization ro on o.id=ro.organization
join result r on r.id=ro.id where o.country <> 'UNKNOWN')
select o1.id org1,o2.country country2, o1.type, count(distinct o1.result) as collaborations
from tmp as o1
join tmp as o2 on o1.result=o2.result
where o1.id<>o2.id and o1.country<>o2.country
group by o1.id, o1.type,o2.country