
61 lines
1.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import json
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: map_openaire_ids_to_dois.py <hdfs_src_dir> <hdfs_output_dir>")
conf = SparkConf().setAppName('BIP!: Map OpenAIRE IDs to DOIs')
sc = SparkContext(conf = conf)
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('BIP!: Map OpenAIRE IDs to DOIs').getOrCreate()
src_dir = sys.argv[1]
output = sys.argv[2]
# src_dir = "/tmp/beta_provision/graph/21_graph_cleaned/"
# output = '/tmp/openaireid_to_dois/'
def transform(doc):
# get publication year from 'doc.dateofacceptance.value'
dateofacceptance = doc.get('dateofacceptance', {}).get('value')
year = 0
if (dateofacceptance is not None):
year = dateofacceptance.split('-')[0]
# for each pid get 'pid.value' if 'pid.qualifier.classid' equals to 'doi'
dois = [ pid['value'] for pid in doc.get('pid', []) if (pid.get('qualifier', {}).get('classid') == 'doi' and pid['value'] is not None)]
num_dois = len(dois)
# exlcude openaire ids that do not correspond to DOIs
if (num_dois == 0):
return None
fields = [ doc['id'], str(num_dois), chr(0x02).join(dois), str(year) ]
return '\t'.join([ v.encode('utf-8') for v in fields ])
docs = None
for result_type in ["publication", "dataset", "software", "otherresearchproduct"]:
tmp = sc.textFile(src_dir + result_type).map(json.loads)
if (docs is None):
docs = tmp
# append all result types in one RDD
docs = docs.union(tmp)
docs = docs.filter(lambda d: d.get('dataInfo', {}).get('deletedbyinference') == False and d.get('dataInfo', {}).get('invisible') == False)
docs = docs.map(transform).filter(lambda d: d is not None)