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package eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection;
import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils;
import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.aggregation.common.AggregatorReport;
* Migrated from https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet45/modules/dnet-modular-collector-service/trunk/src/main/java/eu/dnetlib/data/collector/plugins/HttpConnector.java
* @author jochen, michele, andrea, alessia, claudio, andreas
public class HttpConnector2 {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpConnector2.class);
private static final String REPORT_PREFIX = "http:";
private HttpClientParams clientParams;
private String responseType = null;
2021-05-14 10:58:12 +02:00
private final String userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; OAI; +http://www.openaire.eu)";
public HttpConnector2() {
this(new HttpClientParams());
public HttpConnector2(HttpClientParams clientParams) {
this.clientParams = clientParams;
CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager(null, CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL));
* @see HttpConnector2#getInputSource(java.lang.String, AggregatorReport)
public InputStream getInputSourceAsStream(final String requestUrl) throws CollectorException {
return IOUtils.toInputStream(getInputSource(requestUrl));
* @see HttpConnector2#getInputSource(java.lang.String, AggregatorReport)
public String getInputSource(final String requestUrl) throws CollectorException {
return attemptDownloadAsString(requestUrl, 1, new AggregatorReport());
* Given the URL returns the content via HTTP GET
* @param requestUrl the URL
* @param report the list of errors
* @return the content of the downloaded resource
* @throws CollectorException when retrying more than maxNumberOfRetry times
public String getInputSource(final String requestUrl, AggregatorReport report)
throws CollectorException {
return attemptDownloadAsString(requestUrl, 1, report);
private String attemptDownloadAsString(final String requestUrl, final int retryNumber,
final AggregatorReport report) throws CollectorException {
try (InputStream s = attemptDownload(requestUrl, retryNumber, report)) {
return IOUtils.toString(s);
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new CollectorException(e);
private InputStream attemptDownload(final String requestUrl, final int retryNumber,
final AggregatorReport report) throws CollectorException, IOException {
if (retryNumber > getClientParams().getMaxNumberOfRetry()) {
final String msg = String
"Max number of retries (%s/%s) exceeded, failing.",
retryNumber, getClientParams().getMaxNumberOfRetry());
throw new CollectorException(msg);
log.info("Request attempt {} [{}]", retryNumber, requestUrl);
InputStream input = null;
try {
if (getClientParams().getRequestDelay() > 0) {
final HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(requestUrl).openConnection();
urlConn.setReadTimeout(getClientParams().getReadTimeOut() * 1000);
urlConn.setConnectTimeout(getClientParams().getConnectTimeOut() * 1000);
urlConn.addRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, userAgent);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
int retryAfter = obtainRetryAfter(urlConn.getHeaderFields());
String rateLimit = urlConn.getHeaderField(eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.Constants.HTTPHEADER_IETF_DRAFT_RATELIMIT_LIMIT);
String rateRemaining = urlConn.getHeaderField(eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.Constants.HTTPHEADER_IETF_DRAFT_RATELIMIT_REMAINING);
if((rateLimit != null) && (rateRemaining != null) && ( Integer.parseInt(rateRemaining) < 2)) {
if (retryAfter > 0) {
} else {
if (is2xx(urlConn.getResponseCode())) {
input = urlConn.getInputStream();
responseType = urlConn.getContentType();
return input;
if (is3xx(urlConn.getResponseCode())) {
final String newUrl = obtainNewLocation(urlConn.getHeaderFields());
log.info(String.format("The requested url has been moved to %s", newUrl));
REPORT_PREFIX + urlConn.getResponseCode(),
String.format("Moved to: %s", newUrl));
if (retryAfter > 0) {
return attemptDownload(newUrl, retryNumber + 1, report);
if (is4xx(urlConn.getResponseCode()) || is5xx(urlConn.getResponseCode())) {
switch (urlConn.getResponseCode()) {
case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND:
case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY:
case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE:
if (retryAfter > 0) {
requestUrl + " - waiting and repeating request after suggested retry-after "
+ retryAfter + " sec.");
backoffAndSleep(retryAfter * 1000);
} else {
requestUrl + " - waiting and repeating request after default delay of "
+ getClientParams().getRetryDelay() + " sec.");
backoffAndSleep(retryNumber * getClientParams().getRetryDelay() * 1000);
report.put(REPORT_PREFIX + urlConn.getResponseCode(), requestUrl);
return attemptDownload(requestUrl, retryNumber + 1, report);
REPORT_PREFIX + urlConn.getResponseCode(),
"%s Error: %s", requestUrl, urlConn.getResponseMessage()));
throw new CollectorException(urlConn.getResponseCode() + " error " + report);
throw new CollectorException(
"Unexpected status code: %s errors: %s", urlConn.getResponseCode(),
2021-02-17 16:13:54 +01:00
} catch (MalformedURLException | UnknownHostException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
report.put(e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage());
throw new CollectorException(e.getMessage(), e);
2021-02-17 16:13:54 +01:00
} catch (SocketTimeoutException | SocketException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
report.put(e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage());
backoffAndSleep(getClientParams().getRetryDelay() * retryNumber * 1000);
return attemptDownload(requestUrl, retryNumber + 1, report);
private void logHeaderFields(final HttpURLConnection urlConn) throws IOException {
log.debug("StatusCode: " + urlConn.getResponseMessage());
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : urlConn.getHeaderFields().entrySet()) {
if (e.getKey() != null) {
for (String v : e.getValue()) {
log.debug(" key: " + e.getKey() + " - value: " + v);
private void backoffAndSleep(int sleepTimeMs) throws CollectorException {
log.info("I'm going to sleep for {}ms", sleepTimeMs);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new CollectorException(e);
private int obtainRetryAfter(final Map<String, List<String>> headerMap) {
for (String key : headerMap.keySet()) {
if ((key != null) && key.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpHeaders.RETRY_AFTER) && (headerMap.get(key).size() > 0)
&& NumberUtils.isCreatable(headerMap.get(key).get(0))) {
return Integer.parseInt(headerMap.get(key).get(0)) + 10;
return -1;
private String obtainNewLocation(final Map<String, List<String>> headerMap) throws CollectorException {
for (String key : headerMap.keySet()) {
if ((key != null) && key.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpHeaders.LOCATION) && (headerMap.get(key).size() > 0)) {
return headerMap.get(key).get(0);
throw new CollectorException("The requested url has been MOVED, but 'location' param is MISSING");
private boolean is2xx(final int statusCode) {
return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 299;
private boolean is4xx(final int statusCode) {
return statusCode >= 400 && statusCode <= 499;
private boolean is3xx(final int statusCode) {
return statusCode >= 300 && statusCode <= 399;
private boolean is5xx(final int statusCode) {
return statusCode >= 500 && statusCode <= 599;
public String getResponseType() {
return responseType;
public HttpClientParams getClientParams() {
return clientParams;
public void setClientParams(HttpClientParams clientParams) {
this.clientParams = clientParams;