
169 lines
6.2 KiB

package eu.dnetlib.pace.utils;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import eu.dnetlib.support.Block;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaRDD;
import scala.Tuple2;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class BlockUtils implements Serializable {
public static double getOptimalComparisonNumber(JavaRDD<Block> blocks) {
double SMOOTHING_FACTOR = 1.05;
//pairRDD: cardinality, #elements
List<Tuple2<Integer, Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>> collect = blocks.mapToPair(b -> new Tuple2<>(b.comparisons(), b.elements()))
.mapToPair(bs -> new Tuple2<>(bs._1(), new Tuple2<>(bs._1(), bs._2())))
.reduceByKey((a, b) -> new Tuple2<>(a._1() + b._1(), a._2() + b._2())).collect();
collect = new ArrayList<>(collect);
double[] blockAssignments = new double[collect.size()];
double[] comparisonsLevel = new double[collect.size()];
double[] totalComparisonsPerLevel = new double[collect.size()];
Integer totalComparisons = collect.get(0)._2()._1();
Integer totalBlockSize = collect.get(0)._2()._2();
blockAssignments[0] = totalBlockSize;
comparisonsLevel[0] = collect.get(0)._1();
totalComparisonsPerLevel[0] = totalComparisons;
for (int i=1; i<collect.size(); i++){
Integer comparisonLevel = collect.get(i)._1();
totalComparisons += collect.get(i)._2()._1();
totalBlockSize += collect.get(i)._2()._2();
blockAssignments[i] = totalBlockSize;
comparisonsLevel[i] = comparisonLevel;
totalComparisonsPerLevel[i] = totalComparisons;
double currentBC = 0;
double currentCC = 0;
double currentSize = 0;
double previousBC = 0;
double previousCC = 0;
double previousSize = 0;
int arraySize = blockAssignments.length;
for (int i = arraySize-1; 0 <= i; i--) {
previousSize = currentSize;
previousBC = currentBC;
previousCC = currentCC;
currentSize = comparisonsLevel[i];
currentBC = blockAssignments[i];
currentCC = totalComparisonsPerLevel[i];
if (currentBC*previousCC < SMOOTHING_FACTOR*currentCC*previousBC) {
return previousSize;
public static int getOptimalBlockSize(JavaRDD<Block> blocks){
BigInteger numberOfComparisons = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger totalSizeOfBlocks = BigInteger.ZERO;
BigInteger blockSize;
//block_size, frequency
JavaPairRDD<Integer, Integer> blocksFreq = blocks.mapToPair(b -> new Tuple2<>(b.getKey(), b.elements()))
.mapToPair(bs -> new Tuple2<>(bs._2(),1))
.reduceByKey((a,b) -> a+b).sortByKey();
ArrayList<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> blockSizesAndFreq = new ArrayList<>(blocksFreq.collect());
double CC = 0d;
int freq;
* statistics: array of pairs (blockSize, CC) for every blockSize
ArrayList<Tuple2<Integer, Double>> statistics = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < blockSizesAndFreq.size(); i++) {
blockSize = new BigInteger(blockSizesAndFreq.get(i)._1.toString());
freq = blockSizesAndFreq.get(i)._2;
totalSizeOfBlocks = totalSizeOfBlocks.add(BigInteger.valueOf(freq).multiply(blockSize));
//accumulated number of comparisons
numberOfComparisons = numberOfComparisons.add(BigInteger.valueOf(freq)
CC = totalSizeOfBlocks.doubleValue() / numberOfComparisons.doubleValue();
Tuple2<Integer, Double> st = new Tuple2<>(blockSize.intValue(), CC);
int optimalBlockSize = statistics.get(statistics.size() - 1)._1;// lastBlockSize;
double eps = 1d; //smoothing factor
* find minimum difference for every adjacent pair i,i-1 the minimum difference
* represents the optimal blockSize
for (int i = statistics.size() - 1; i >= 1; i--) {
if (Math.abs(statistics.get(i)._2 - statistics.get(i - 1)._2) < eps) {
eps = Math.abs(statistics.get(i)._2 - statistics.get(i - 1)._2);
optimalBlockSize = statistics.get(i)._1;
return optimalBlockSize;
//cut blocks basing on number of elements
public static JavaRDD<Block> blockPurging(JavaRDD<Block> blocks) {
int optimalBlockSize = getOptimalBlockSize(blocks);
System.out.println("optimalBlockSize = " + optimalBlockSize);
return blocks.filter(b -> b.elements() < optimalBlockSize);
//cut blocks basing on number of comparisons
public static JavaRDD<Block> blockPurging2(JavaRDD<Block> blocks) {
double optimalComparisonNumber = getOptimalComparisonNumber(blocks);
System.out.println("optimalComparisonNumber = " + optimalComparisonNumber);
return blocks.filter(b -> b.comparisons() < optimalComparisonNumber);
public static JavaRDD<Block> blockFiltering(JavaRDD<Block> blocks) {
double RATIO = 0.85;
return blocks
.flatMapToPair(b -> b.getDocuments().stream().map(e -> new Tuple2<>(e, new Tuple2<>(b.getKey(), b.comparisons()))).iterator())
.mapToPair(es -> {
List<Tuple2<String, Integer>> b = Lists.newArrayList(es._2());
int size = b.size();
long limit = Math.round(size*RATIO);
return new Tuple2<>(es._1(),b.subList(0,(int)limit));
.flatMapToPair(es -> es._2().stream().map(it -> new Tuple2<>(it._1(), es._1())).collect(Collectors.toList()).iterator())
.groupByKey().map(b -> new Block(b._1(), b._2()));