package; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.googlecode.protobuf.format.JsonFormat; import eu.dnetlib.pace.config.Type; /** * AbstractProtoMapper provide common navigation methods on the protocolbuffers Messages. * * @author claudio */ public abstract class AbstractProtoMapper { private static final String COND_WRAPPER = "\\{|\\}"; private static final String COND_SEPARATOR = "#"; /** The Constant PATH_SEPARATOR. */ private static final String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; /** * Process multi path. * * @param proto * the proto * @param paths * the paths * @return the list */ protected List processMultiPath(final GeneratedMessage proto, final List paths, final Type type) { final List response = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final String pathElements : paths) { response.addAll(processPath(proto, pathElements, type)); } return response; } /** * Process path. * * @param proto * the proto * @param path * the path * @return the list */ protected List processPath(final GeneratedMessage proto, final String path, final Type type) { return processPath(proto, Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on(PATH_SEPARATOR).trimResults().split(path)), type); } /** * Process path. * * @param proto * the proto * @param pathElements * the list * @return the list */ protected List processPath(final GeneratedMessage proto, final List pathElements, final Type type) { final List response = Lists.newArrayList(); if (pathElements.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("ProtoBuf navigation path is empty"); final String fieldPathCond = pathElements.get(0); final String fieldPath = StringUtils.substringBefore(fieldPathCond, "["); final String cond = getCondition(fieldPathCond); final FieldDescriptor fd = proto.getDescriptorForType().findFieldByName(fieldPath); if ((fd != null)) { if (fd.isRepeated()) { final int count = proto.getRepeatedFieldCount(fd); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Object field = proto.getRepeatedField(fd, i); response.addAll(generateFields(fd, field, pathElements, cond, type)); } } else { final Object field = proto.getField(fd); response.addAll(generateFields(fd, field, pathElements, cond, type)); } } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid protobuf path (field not found): " + StringUtils.join(pathElements, ">") + "\nMessage:\n" + proto); return response; } /** * Generate fields. * * @param fd * the fd * @param field * the field * @param list * the list * @return the list */ private List generateFields(final FieldDescriptor fd, final Object field, final List list, final String cond, final Type type) { final List res = Lists.newArrayList(); if (field instanceof GeneratedMessage) { if (list.size() > 1) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cond)) return processPath((GeneratedMessage) field, list.subList(1, list.size()), type); else { final List condPath = Lists.newLinkedList(Splitter.on(COND_SEPARATOR).trimResults().split(StringUtils.substringBefore(cond, "="))); final String val = (String) Iterables.getOnlyElement(processPath((GeneratedMessage) field, condPath, type)); final String condVal = StringUtils.substringAfter(cond, "=").replaceAll(COND_WRAPPER, "").trim(); return val.equals(condVal) ? processPath((GeneratedMessage) field, list.subList(1, list.size()), type) : res; } } else if (Type.JSON.equals(type)) { res.add(JsonFormat.printToString((Message) field)); return res; } else throw new RuntimeException("No primitive type found"); } else { if (list.size() == 1) { switch (fd.getType()) { case ENUM: res.add(((EnumValueDescriptor) field).getName()); break; default: res.add(field); break; } return res; } else throw new RuntimeException("Found a primitive type before the path end"); } } private String getCondition(final String fieldPathCond) { return fieldPathCond.contains("[") ? StringUtils.substringAfter(fieldPathCond, "[").replace("]", "") : ""; } }