package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; public class ElasticSearchResponse { /** The logger. */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ElasticSearchResponse.class); private long total; private List xmlRecords; public static ElasticSearchResponse createNewResponse(final String response) { ElasticSearchResponse item = new ElasticSearchResponse(); if (response == null) { log.fatal("Error: null elasticsearch reponse"); return null; } JsonElement jElement = new JsonParser().parse(response); JsonObject jobject = jElement.getAsJsonObject(); if (jobject.has("hits")) { item.setTotal(jobject.get("hits").getAsJsonObject().get("total").getAsLong()); JsonElement hits = ((JsonObject) jobject.get("hits")).get("hits"); JsonArray hitsObject = hits.getAsJsonArray(); List records = new ArrayList(); for (JsonElement elem : hitsObject) { JsonObject _source = (JsonObject) ((JsonObject) elem).get("_source"); String xml = _source.get("xml").getAsString(); records.add(xml); } item.setXmlRecords(records); return item; } return null; } /** * @return the xmlRecords */ public List getXmlRecords() { return xmlRecords; } /** * @param xmlRecords * the xmlRecords to set */ public void setXmlRecords(final List xmlRecords) { this.xmlRecords = xmlRecords; } /** * @return the total */ public long getTotal() { return total; } /** * @param total * the total to set */ public void setTotal(final long total) { = total; } }