package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author michele * * Vocabulary rules must be declared in a CleanerDS profile, for each vocabulary must be present the relative VocabularyDS profile: * * */ public class VocabularyRule extends XPATHCleaningRule { private Set vocabularies; private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VocabularyRule.class); // NOPMD by marko on 11/24/08 5:02 PM private Map synonyms = Maps.newHashMap(); private Set validTerms = Sets.newHashSet(); public VocabularyRule(final Set vocabularies, final ISLookUpService lookup) throws CleanerException { this.vocabularies = vocabularies; loadSynonymsAndTerms(lookup); } @Override protected String calculateNewValue(final String oldValue) throws CleanerException { log.debug("calculating new value for: " + oldValue); if (synonyms.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Vocabulary terms is void, vocabularies: " + this.vocabularies); } String newValue = null; if (synonyms.containsKey(oldValue.toLowerCase())) { newValue = synonyms.get(oldValue.toLowerCase()); } if (newValue == null) { log.debug("Synonym " + oldValue + " not found in vocabulary"); return oldValue; } return newValue; } private void loadSynonymsAndTerms(final ISLookUpService lookup) throws CleanerException { for (final String vocabulary : vocabularies) { try { final String query = "for $x in collection('/db/DRIVER/VocabularyDSResources/VocabularyDSResourceType')" + "//RESOURCE_PROFILE[.//VOCABULARY_NAME/@code='" + vocabulary + "']//TERM return " + "( concat($x/@code,'|-:-|', $x/@code), concat($x/@english_name,'|-:-|', $x/@code), concat($x/@native_name,'|-:-|', $x/@code), " + "for $y in $x//SYNONYM return concat($y/@term,'|-:-|', $x/@code) )"; for (final String s : lookup.quickSearchProfile(query)) { log.debug("SYNONYM : " + s); final String[] arr = s.split("\\|-:-\\|"); if (arr[0] == null || arr[0].isEmpty()) { continue; } synonyms.put(arr[0].toLowerCase(), arr[1]); validTerms.add(arr[1].toLowerCase()); }"VOCABULARY " + vocabulary.trim() + " - terms size " + synonyms.size()); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new CleanerException("Error obtaining vocabulary " + vocabulary, e); } } } @Override protected Map verifyValue(final String value) throws CleanerException { if (synonyms.isEmpty()) { log.warn("Vocabulary terms is void, vocabularies: " + this.vocabularies); } if (validTerms.contains(value.toLowerCase())) { return null; } final Map error = new HashMap(); error.put("term", value); error.put("vocabularies", this.vocabularies.toString().replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "")); error.put("xpath", this.getXpath()); return error; } public Map getVocabularyTerms() { return synonyms; } @Override public String toString() { return "VOCABULARIES: [" + Joiner.on(", ").join(vocabularies) + "]"; } }