package eu.dnetlib.common.rmi; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebService; @WebService(targetNamespace = "") public interface BaseService { /** * All DRIVER services must implement method notify() in order to communicate with the IS_SN * * @param subsrciptionId * @param topic * @param isId * @param message */ @WebMethod(operationName = "notify") public void notify(@WebParam(name = "subscrId") String subscriptionId, @WebParam(name = "topic") String topic, @WebParam(name = "is_id") String isId, @WebParam(name = "message") String message); /** * Identifies the service's version. Version syntax: ${NAME}-${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${MICRO}[-${LABEL}] * * @return the service's version */ @WebMethod(operationName = "identify") public String identify(); public void start(); }