package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * TODO: document. TODO: Too low level, why the interfacing the Store and not the Registry ? * * @author michele * */ public class ResourceType { /** * xmldb collection where resource types are stored. */ public static final String RESOURCE_TYPES = "DRIVERResourceTypes"; /** * resource type. (Including kind?) */ private String resourceType; // NOPMD /** * resource schema. (Body?) */ private String resourceSchema; // NOPMD /** * file where a copy of the schema is stored locally TODO: why ? */ private File fileSchema; /** * instanciate an already registered resource type, fetching it from the store. * * @param resourceType * resourceType name * @param store * store service where the type is stored * @param basedir * base dir where a local copy is held (why?) * @throws ISStoreException * happens */ public ResourceType(final String resourceType, final ISStoreService store, final String basedir) throws ISStoreException { this(resourceType, store.getXML(resourceType, RESOURCE_TYPES), basedir); } /** * construct a resource type. * * @param resourceType * resourceType name * @param resourceSchema * resourceSchema xsd body * @param basedir * base directory of some local copy (?) * @throws ISStoreException * happens */ public ResourceType(final String resourceType, final String resourceSchema, final String basedir) throws ISStoreException { this.resourceType = resourceType; this.resourceSchema = resourceSchema; if (basedir != null) this.fileSchema = saveSchemaAsFile(basedir); } /** * stores the schema on the xmldb. * * @param store * store service * @throws ISStoreException * happens */ public void store(final ISStoreService store) throws ISStoreException { store.insertXML(resourceType, RESOURCE_TYPES, resourceSchema); } /** * updates the in memory resource instance from the store. * * @param store store service * @throws ISStoreException happens */ public void update(final ISStoreService store) throws ISStoreException { store.updateXML(resourceType, RESOURCE_TYPES, resourceSchema); } /** * save the schema to a file. * * @param basedir * base directory * @return the newly created file * @throws ISStoreException * happens, even if the file cannot be created. */ private File saveSchemaAsFile(final String basedir) throws ISStoreException { fileSchema = new File(basedir + "/" + resourceType); if (!fileSchema.exists()) { try { final BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileSchema)); out.write(resourceSchema); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ISStoreException("Error saving file", e); } } return fileSchema; } /** * it says "delete and notify" but it only deletes the schema from the filesystem and from the store. * * TODO: document and possibly refactor. * * @param store * store service * @param issn * ISSN service * @throws ISStoreException * happens */ public void deleteAndNotify(final ISStoreService store, final ISSNService issn) throws ISStoreException { fileSchema.delete(); store.deleteXML(resourceType, RESOURCE_TYPES); } public String getResourceType() { return resourceType; } public void setResourceType(final String resourceType) { this.resourceType = resourceType; } public String getResourceSchema() { return resourceSchema; } public void setResourceSchema(final String resourceSchema) { this.resourceSchema = resourceSchema; } public File getFileSchema() { return fileSchema; } public void setFileSchema(final File fileSchema) { this.fileSchema = fileSchema; } }