
906 lines
28 KiB

var orgsModule = angular.module('orgs', ['ngRoute', 'checklist-model']);
orgsModule.service('vocabulariesService', function($http) {
this.vocs = {};
this.getVocs = function(f) {
if (Object.keys(this.vocs).length === 0) {
call_http_get($http, 'api/vocabularies', function(res) {
this.vocs = res.data;
} else {
orgsModule.factory('suggestionInfo', function($http) {
var info = { data : {} };
var getInfo = function() { return info; };
var updateInfo = function(callback) {
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/suggestionsInfo', function(res) {
info.data = res.data;
if (callback) { callback(info); }
return {
getInfo: getInfo,
updateInfo: updateInfo
orgsModule.controller('menuCtrl', function ($scope, suggestionInfo) {
$scope.info = suggestionInfo.getInfo();
orgsModule.directive('selectOrgModal', function($http, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'modalId' : '@',
'filterStatus' : '@',
'selectedOrg' : '=',
'onSelect' : '&'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/select_org.modal.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.searchOrgs = {};
scope.searchText = '';
scope.searchValue = '';
scope.search = function(text, page, size) {
scope.searchOrgs = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/search/' + page + '/' + size + '?status='+ scope.filterStatus + '&q=' + text, function(res) {
scope.searchValue = text;
scope.searchOrgs = res.data;
scope.selectOrg = function() {
if (scope.onSelect) {
orgsModule.directive('advancedMenuItem', function($http, $location, $route) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'menu' : '@',
'description' : '@',
'url' : '@',
'badge' : '@',
'first' : '@'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/advanced_menu_item.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {}
orgsModule.directive('resolveConflictsModal', function($http, $route, $window) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'openNewOrg' : '@',
'modalId' : '@',
'orgs' : '=',
'selectedOrgs' : '='
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/resolve_conflicts.modal.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.selectOrg = function(org) {
var sel = angular.copy(org);
if (scope.selectedOrgs.length == 0) { sel.show = 'success'; }
else { sel.show = 'info'; }
org.show = 'hidden';
scope.reset = function() {
scope.selectedOrgs = [];
angular.forEach(scope.orgs, function(org) { org.show = 'secondary'; });
scope.mergeGroup = function() {
var ids = [];
angular.forEach(scope.selectedOrgs, function(o, pos) {
if (ids.length > 0) {
call_http_post($http, 'api/organizations/conflicts/fix/similar', ids, function(res) {
$('#' + scope.modalId).modal('hide');
if (scope.openNewOrg == '1') {
$('#' + scope.modalId).on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
var oldLoc = $window.location;
$window.location.assign('#!/edit/0/' + res.data[0]);
var newLoc = $window.location;
if (oldLoc == newLoc) $route.reload();
} else {
$('#' + scope.modalId).on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { $route.reload(); });
scope.invalidateGroup = function() {
var ids = [];
angular.forEach(scope.selectedOrgs, function(o, pos) {
if (ids.length > 0) {
call_http_post($http, 'api/organizations/conflicts/fix/different', ids, function(res) {
$('#' + scope.modalId).modal('hide');
$('#' + scope.modalId).on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) { $route.reload(); });
orgsModule.directive('orgFormMetadata', function($http, $location, $route, $routeParams) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'org' : '=',
'vocabularies' : '=',
'mode' : '@', // insert_full, insert_pending, update_simple, update_full, approve, readonly, not_authorized
'infoMethod' : '&'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_metadata.form.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.newRelation = {};
scope.newRelType = '';
scope.resetSelectedRelation = function() {
scope.newRelation = {};
scope.addNewRelation = function() {
'relatedOrgId' : scope.newRelation.id,
'relatedOrgName' : scope.newRelation.name,
'type' : scope.newRelType
scope.newRelation = {};
scope.newRelType = '';
scope.save = function() {
call_http_post($http, 'api/organizations/save', scope.org, function(res) {
if (scope.mode == 'insert') { $location.url('/edit/1/' + res.data[0]); }
else if (scope.mode == 'approve') { $location.url('/edit/3/' + res.data[0]); }
else if ($routeParams.msg == 2) { $route.reload(); }
else { $location.url('/edit/2/' + res.data[0]); }
orgsModule.directive('orgDetails', function($http, $location, $route) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'org' : '=',
'orgTitle' : '@',
'show' : '@'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_details.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {}
orgsModule.directive('orgResultsPage', function($http, $location, $route) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'searchMessage' : '@',
'orgs' : '=',
'nextFunction' : '&',
'prevFunction' : '&',
'onSelect' : '&',
'selectedOrg' : '=',
'mode' : '@',
'showStatus' : '@',
'showNDups' : '@'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_results_page.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.selectOrg = function(o) {
o.selected = true;
scope.selectedOrg.id = o.id;
scope.selectedOrg.name = o.name;
scope.selectedOrg.type = o.type;
scope.selectedOrg.city = o.city;
scope.selectedOrg.country = o.country;
scope.selectedOrg.acronyms = o.acronyms;
scope.selectedOrg.urls = o.urls;
scope.selectedOrg.status = o.status;
if (scope.onSelect) {
orgsModule.directive('orgDuplicates', function($http, $location, $route) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'orgId' : '@',
'duplicates' : '=',
'showButtons' : '@',
'readonly' : '@',
'saveFunction' : '&'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_duplicates.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.newDuplicate = {};
scope.addDuplicate = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < scope.duplicates.length; i++) {
if (scope.duplicates[i].oaOriginalId == scope.newDuplicate.id) {
alert("The selected organization has been already added !!!");
'localId' : scope.orgId,
'oaOriginalId' : scope.newDuplicate.id,
'oaName' : scope.newDuplicate.name,
'oaAcronym' : scope.newDuplicate.acronyms.join(),
'oaCountry' : scope.newDuplicate.country,
'oaUrl' : scope.newDuplicate.urls.join(),
'oaCollectedFrom' : '',
'createdBy' : currentUser(),
'relType' : 'suggested'
orgsModule.directive('orgConflicts', function($http, $window, $location, $route, $q) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'org' : '=',
'conflicts' : '=',
'showButtons' : '@'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_conflicts.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.candidateConflicts = [];
scope.selectedConflicts = [];
scope.newConflict = {};
scope.addConflict = function() {
'id' : scope.newConflict.id,
'name' : scope.newConflict.name,
'type' : scope.newConflict.type,
'city' : scope.newConflict.city,
'country': scope.newConflict.country
scope.prepareConflictsModal = function() {
scope.candidateConflicts = [];
scope.selectedConflicts = [];
var gets = [ $http.get('api/organizations/get?id=' + scope.org.id) ];
angular.forEach(scope.conflicts, function(c) { gets.push($http.get('api/organizations/get?id=' + c.id)); });
$q.all(gets).then(function(responses) {
scope.candidateConflicts = responses.map((resp) => resp.data);
angular.forEach(scope.candidateConflicts, function(org) { org.show = 'secondary'; });
scope.resolveConflicts = function(merge) {
if (scope.conflicts.length > 0) {
if (merge && !confirm("You are merging " + (scope.conflicts.length + 1) + " organization(s).\n\nDo you confirm?" )) {
if (!merge && !confirm("You are marking as different " + (scope.conflicts.length + 1) + " organization(s).\n\nDo you confirm?" )) {
var ids = [scope.org.id];
angular.forEach(scope.conflicts, function(o, pos) { ids.push(o.id); });
if (merge) {
call_http_post($http, "api/organizations/conflicts/fix/similar", ids, function(res) {
if (res.data[0] == scope.org.id) {
} else {
$window.location.assign('#!/edit/0/' + res.data[0]);
} else {
call_http_post($http, "api/organizations/conflicts/fix/different", ids, function(res) { $route.reload(); });
} else {
alert('Invalid group !!!');
orgsModule.directive('orgNote', function($http) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'org' : '=',
'note': '=',
'saveFunction' : '&'
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_note.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
orgsModule.directive('orgJournal', function($http) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
'org' : '=',
'logs': '='
templateUrl: 'resources/html/parts/org_journal.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {}
orgsModule.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/search', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/search/search.html', controller: 'searchCtrl' })
.when('/searchResults/:page/:size/:text*', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/search/searchResults.html', controller: 'searchResultsCtrl' })
.when('/countries/:mode', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/search/browse.html', controller: 'countriesCtrl' })
.when('/byCountry/:page/:size/:status/:code*', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/search/resultsByCountry.html', controller: 'byCountryCtrl' })
.when('/types/:mode', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/search/browse.html', controller: 'typesCtrl' })
.when('/byType/:page/:size/:status/:type*', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/search/resultsByType.html', controller: 'byTypeCtrl' })
.when('/edit/:msg/:id*', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/edit/edit.html', controller: 'showEditCtrl' })
.when('/new', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/advanced/new.html', controller: 'newOrgCtrl' })
.when('/pendings/:country', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/advanced/pendingOrgs.html', controller: 'pendingOrgsCtrl' })
.when('/duplicates/:country', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/advanced/duplicates.html', controller: 'duplicatesCtrl' })
.when('/conflicts/:country', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/advanced/conflicts.html', controller: 'conflictsCtrl' })
.when('/users', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/admin/users.html', controller: 'usersCtrl' })
.when('/sysconf', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/admin/sysConf.html', controller: 'sysConfCtrl' })
.when('/utils', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/admin/utils.html', controller: 'utilsCtrl' })
.when('/lastImport', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/admin/lastImport.html', controller: 'lastImportCtrl' })
.when('/persistentOrgs', { templateUrl: 'resources/html/pages/admin/persistentOrgs.html', controller: 'persistentOrgsCtrl' })
.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/search' });
orgsModule.filter('escape', function() {
return function(input) {
return encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(input));
orgsModule.filter('unescape', function() {
return function(input) {
return decodeURIComponent(input);
orgsModule.controller('newOrgCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location, vocabulariesService) {
$scope.org = {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"type": null,
"lat": 0.0,
"lng": 0.0,
"city": "",
"country": "",
"source": "user",
"otherIdentifiers": [],
"otherNames": [],
"relations": [],
"acronyms": [],
"urls": [],
"relations": []
$scope.adminMode = adminMode();
$scope.vocabularies = {};
vocabulariesService.getVocs(function(vocs) { $scope.vocabularies = vocs; });
orgsModule.controller('searchCtrl', function ($scope, $location) {
$scope.searchText = '';
$scope.search = function() {
if ($scope.searchText) {
$location.url('/searchResults/0/50/' + encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent($scope.searchText)));
} else {
orgsModule.controller('searchResultsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location) {
$scope.searchText = '';
if ($routeParams.text != '_') {
$scope.searchText = decodeURIComponent($routeParams.text);
$scope.orgs = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/search/' + $routeParams.page + '/' + $routeParams.size + '?q=' + $scope.searchText, function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; });
$scope.prev = function() {
if ($scope.searchText) {
$location.url('/searchResults/' + ($scope.orgs.number - 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/' + encodeURIComponent($scope.searchText));
} else {
$location.url('/searchResults/' + ($scope.orgs.number - 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/_');
$scope.next = function() {
if ($scope.searchText) {
$location.url('/searchResults/' + ($scope.orgs.number + 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/' + encodeURIComponent($scope.searchText));
} else {
$location.url('/searchResults/' + ($scope.orgs.number + 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/_');
orgsModule.controller('countriesCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams) {
$scope.title = 'Countries';
$scope.field = 'Country';
$scope.resultsBasePath = '/byCountry'
$scope.entries = [];
$scope.mode = $routeParams.mode;
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/browse/countries', function(res) { $scope.entries = res.data; });
orgsModule.controller('byCountryCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location) {
$scope.fieldValue = decodeURIComponent($routeParams.code);
$scope.orgs = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/byCountry/' + $routeParams.status + '/' + $routeParams.code + '/' + $routeParams.page + '/' + $routeParams.size, function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; });
$scope.prev = function() {
$location.url('/byCountry/' + ($scope.orgs.number - 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/' + $routeParams.status + '/' + encodeURIComponent($scope.fieldValue));
$scope.next = function() {
$location.url('/byCountry/' + ($scope.orgs.number + 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/' + $routeParams.status + '/' + encodeURIComponent($scope.fieldValue));
orgsModule.controller('typesCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams) {
$scope.title = 'Organization types';
$scope.field = 'Organization type';
$scope.resultsBasePath = '/byType'
$scope.entries = [];
$scope.mode = $routeParams.mode;
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/browse/types', function(res) { $scope.entries = res.data; });
orgsModule.controller('byTypeCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location) {
$scope.fieldValue = $routeParams.type;
$scope.orgs = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/byType/' + $routeParams.status + '/' + $routeParams.type + '/' + $routeParams.page + '/' + $routeParams.size, function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; });
$scope.prev = function() {
$location.url('/byType/' + ($scope.orgs.number - 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/' + $routeParams.status + '/' + encodeURIComponent($scope.fieldValue));
$scope.next = function() {
$location.url('/byType/' + ($scope.orgs.number + 1) + '/' + $scope.orgs.size + '/' + $routeParams.status + '/' + encodeURIComponent($scope.fieldValue));
orgsModule.controller('showEditCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $route, $location, $timeout, $window, $filter, vocabulariesService) {
$scope.orgId = $routeParams.id;
$scope.org = {};
$scope.duplicates = [];
$scope.conflicts = [];
$scope.info = {};
$scope.currentTab = 1
$scope.vocabularies = {};
$scope.adminMode = adminMode();
$scope.getInfo = function() {
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/info?id=' + $scope.orgId, function(res) { $scope.info = res.data; });
$scope.gotoTab = function(tab) {
$scope.org = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/get?id=' + $scope.orgId, function(res) {
res.data.relations = $filter('orderBy')(res.data.relations, ['type','relatedOrgName'], false);
$scope.org = res.data;
if (tab == 2) {
$scope.duplicates = [];
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/duplicates?id=' + $scope.orgId, function(res) { $scope.duplicates = res.data; });
} else if (tab == 3) {
$scope.conflicts = [];
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/conflicts?id=' + $scope.orgId, function(res) { $scope.conflicts = res.data; });
} else if (tab == 4) {
$scope.note = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/note?id=' + $scope.orgId, function(res) { $scope.note = res.data; });
} else if (tab == 5) {
$scope.logs = [];
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/journal?id=' + $scope.orgId, function(res) { $scope.logs = res.data; });
$scope.currentTab = tab;
$scope.saveDuplicates = function() {
call_http_post($http, 'api/organizations/duplicates', $scope.duplicates, function(res) {
alert('Duplicates updated !!!');
$scope.duplicates = res.data;
$scope.saveNote = function() {
call_http_post($http, 'api/organizations/note', $scope.note, function(res) {
alert("Note saved !!!");
$scope.note = res.data;
vocabulariesService.getVocs(function(vocs) { $scope.vocabularies = vocs; });
if ($routeParams.msg == 1) { $scope.message = 'New organization registered !!!'; }
else if ($routeParams.msg == 2) { $scope.message = 'Organization updated !!!'; }
else if ($routeParams.msg == 3) { $scope.message = 'Pending organization registered !!!'; }
else { $scope.message = ''; }
$window.scrollTo(0, 0);
$timeout(function() { $scope.message = ''; }, 3000);
orgsModule.controller('pendingOrgsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location, suggestionInfo) {
$scope.info = suggestionInfo.getInfo();
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.orgs = [];
$scope.country = $routeParams.country;
$scope.sortProperty = 'name';
$scope.sortReverse = false;
$scope.getInfo = function() {
suggestionInfo.updateInfo(function(info) {
if ($scope.country == '_') {
var found = '';
angular.forEach(info.data.byCountry, function(c) {
if (!found && c.nPendingOrgs > 0) {
found = c.code;
if (found) { $location.url('/pendings/' + found); }
$scope.sortBy = function(sortProperty) {
$scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortProperty == sortProperty) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false;
$scope.sortProperty = sortProperty;
$scope.refresh = function() {
$scope.orgs = [];
$scope.loading = true;
if ($scope.country != '_') {
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/byCountry/suggested/' + $scope.country, function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; $scope.loading = false; });
orgsModule.controller('duplicatesCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location, $timeout, $route, suggestionInfo) {
$scope.info = suggestionInfo.getInfo();
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.duplicates = [];
$scope.country = $routeParams.country;
$scope.currentOrg = {};
$scope.currentOrgDetails = {};
$scope.sortProperty = 'name';
$scope.sortReverse = false;
$scope.prepareDuplicatesModal = function(org) {
$scope.currentOrg = org;
$scope.currentOrgDetails = {};
$scope.currentDuplicates = [];
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/get?id=' + org.id, function(res) { $scope.currentOrgDetails = res.data; });
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/duplicates?id=' + org.id, function(res) { $scope.currentDuplicates = res.data; });
$scope.getInfo = function() {
suggestionInfo.updateInfo(function(info) {
if ($scope.country == '_') {
var found = '';
angular.forEach(info.data.byCountry, function(c) {
if (!found && c.nDuplicates > 0) {
found = c.code;
if (found) { $location.url('/duplicates/' + found); }
$scope.saveCurrentDuplicates = function() {
call_http_post($http, 'api/organizations/duplicates', $scope.currentDuplicates, function(res) {
$scope.currentOrg.numberOfDuplicates = 0;
for (var i=0; i<res.data.length; i++) {
if (res.data[i].relType == 'suggested') {
$scope.currentDuplicates = [];
$timeout(function() {
if ($scope.duplicates.length > 1) {
} else {
}, 600);
$scope.sortBy = function(sortProperty) {
$scope.sortReverse = ($scope.sortProperty == sortProperty) ? !$scope.sortReverse : false;
$scope.sortProperty = sortProperty;
$scope.refresh = function() {
$scope.duplicates = [];
$scope.loading = true;
if ($scope.country != '_') {
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/duplicates/byCountry/' + $scope.country, function(res) { $scope.duplicates = res.data; $scope.loading = false; });
orgsModule.controller('conflictsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $routeParams, $location, $route, $q, suggestionInfo) {
$scope.info = suggestionInfo.getInfo();
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.conflicts = [];
$scope.country = $routeParams.country;
$scope.orgs = [];
$scope.newConflict = {};
$scope.currentGroup = [];
$scope.addConflict = function() {
'id' : $scope.newConflict.id,
'name' : $scope.newConflict.name,
'type' : $scope.newConflict.type,
'city' : $scope.newConflict.city,
'country': $scope.newConflict.country
$scope.prepareAddConflictModal = function(list) {
$scope.currentGroup = list;
$scope.prepareConflictsModal = function(list) {
$scope.orgs = [];
$scope.selectedOrgs = [];
var gets = list.map((o) => $http.get('api/organizations/get?id=' + o.id));
$q.all(gets).then(function(responses) {
$scope.orgs = responses.map((resp) => resp.data);
angular.forEach($scope.orgs, function(org) { org.show = 'secondary'; });
$scope.resolveConflictGroup = function(group, merge) {
if (group.length > 1) {
if (merge && !confirm("You are merging " + group.length + " organization(s).\n\nDo you confirm?" )) {
if (!merge && !confirm("You are marking as different " + group.length + " organization(s).\n\nDo you confirm?" )) {
var ids = [];
angular.forEach(group, function(o, pos) { ids.push(o.id); });
var url = "api/organizations/conflicts/fix/";
if (merge) { url += "similar"; }
else { url += "different"; }
call_http_post($http, url, ids, function(res) { $route.reload(); });
} else {
alert('Invalid group !!!');
$scope.getInfo = function() {
suggestionInfo.updateInfo(function(info) {
if ($scope.country == '_') {
var found = '';
angular.forEach(info.data.byCountry, function(c) {
if (!found && c.nConflicts > 0) {
found = c.code;
if (found) { $location.url('/conflicts/' + found); }
$scope.refresh = function() {
$scope.conflicts = [];
$scope.loading = true;
if ($scope.country != '_') {
call_http_get($http, 'api/organizations/conflicts/byCountry/' + $scope.country, function(res) { $scope.conflicts = res.data; $scope.loading = false; });
orgsModule.controller('sysConfCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $timeout, $route) {
$scope.sysconf = {};
call_http_get($http, 'api/sysconf', function(res) { $scope.sysconf = res.data; });
$scope.saveConf = function() {
// I use force_http_post because call_http_post could be disabled if the system is in readonly mode
force_http_post($http, 'api/sysconf', $scope.sysconf, function(res) {
$scope.sysconf = res.data;
alert("Configuration saved !");
orgsModule.controller('lastImportCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.lastImport = {};
$scope.refresh = function() {
call_http_get($http, 'api/lastImportStatus', function(res) { $scope.lastImport = res.data; });
orgsModule.controller('persistentOrgsCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.orgs = {};
$scope.refresh = function() {
call_http_get($http, 'api/persistentOrgs', function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; });
$scope.addPersistentOrg = function(id) {
call_http_post($http, 'api/persistentOrgs', [ id ], function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; });
$scope.deletePersistentOrg = function(id) {
if (confirm("Are you sure ?")) {
call_http_delete($http, 'api/persistentOrgs?id=' + id, function(res) { $scope.orgs = res.data; });
orgsModule.controller('utilsCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.fulltextIndexMessage = '';
$scope.consistencyCheckMessage = '';
$scope.invalidSuggestedCountriesMessage = '';
$scope.suggestionImportMessage = '';
$scope.cacheMessage = '';
$scope.refreshFulltextIndex = function() {
$scope.fulltextIndexMessage = '...';
call_http_get($http, 'api/refreshFulltextIndex', function(res) { $scope.fulltextIndexMessage = res.data[0]; });
$scope.performConsistencyCheck = function() {
$scope.consistencyCheckMessage = '...';
call_http_get($http, 'api/performConsistencyCheck', function(res) { $scope.consistencyCheckMessage = res.data[0]; });
$scope.verifyCountriesInSuggestions = function() {
$scope.invalidSuggestedCountriesMessage = '...';
call_http_get($http, 'api/verifyCountriesInSuggestions', function(res) { $scope.invalidSuggestedCountriesMessage = res.data[0]; });
$scope.restartSuggestionsImport = function() {
$scope.suggestionImportMessage = '...';
call_http_get($http, 'api/restartSuggestionsImport', function(res) { $scope.suggestionImportMessage = res.data[0]; });
$scope.clearCache = function() {
$scope.cacheMessage = '...';
call_http_get($http, 'api/clearCache', function(res) { $scope.cacheMessage = res.data[0]; });
orgsModule.controller('usersCtrl', function ($scope, $http, vocabulariesService) {
$scope.users = [];
$scope.vocs = {};
$scope.currentUser = {};
$scope.superAdminMode = superAdminMode();
$scope.vocabularies = {};
vocabulariesService.getVocs(function(vocs) { $scope.vocabularies = vocs; });
call_http_get($http, 'api/users', function(res) { $scope.users = res.data; });
$scope.setCurrentUser = function(user) {
angular.copy(user, $scope.currentUser);
if (!$scope.currentUser.role || $scope.currentUser.role == 'PENDING') {
$scope.currentUser.role = 'USER';
$scope.saveUser = function(user) {
call_http_post($http, 'api/users', user, function(res) { $scope.users = res.data; });
$scope.deleteUser = function(email) {
if (confirm("Are you sure ?")) {
call_http_delete($http, 'api/users?email=' + email, function(res) { $scope.users = res.data; });