package eu.dnetlib.scholix.api.controller; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import eu.dnetlib.common.controller.AbstractDnetController; import; import; import; import eu.dnetlib.scholix.api.ScholixException; import eu.dnetlib.scholix.api.index.ScholixIndexManager; import io.micrometer.core.annotation.Timed; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.enums.ParameterIn; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag; @RestController @RequestMapping("/v2") @Tag(name = "Links : Operation related to the Scholix Links") public class ScholixControllerV2 extends AbstractDnetController { @Autowired private ScholixIndexManager manager; @Timed(value = "scholix.v2.links", description = "Time taken to return links on Version 2.0 of Scholix") @Operation(summary = "Get Scholix Links") @GetMapping("/Links") public PageResultType links( @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships collected from a LinkProvider") final String linkProvider, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a target pid") final String targetPid, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a target pid type") final String targetPidType, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a target published in a Publisher named targetPublisher") final String targetPublisher, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a target type (literature, dataset, unknown)") final String targetType, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a source pid") final String sourcePid, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a source pid type") final String sourcePidType, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a source published in a Publisher named sourcePublisher") final String sourcePublisher, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "Filter Scholix relationships having a source type (literature, dataset, unknown)") final String sourceType, // @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, // description = "Filter scholix Links having collected after this date") String harvestedAfter, @Parameter(in = ParameterIn.QUERY, description = "select page of result") final Integer page) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sourcePid) && StringUtils.isEmpty(targetPid) && StringUtils.isEmpty(sourcePublisher) && StringUtils.isEmpty(targetPublisher) && StringUtils.isEmpty(linkProvider)) { throw new ScholixException( "The method requires one of the following parameters: sourcePid, targetPid, sourcePublisher, targetPublisher, linkProvider"); } try { final int currentPage = page != null ? page : 0; final Pair> scholixResult = manager .linksFromPid(linkProvider, targetPid, targetPidType, targetPublisher, targetType, sourcePid, sourcePidType, sourcePublisher, sourceType, currentPage); final PageResultType pageResult = new PageResultType(); pageResult.setTotalPages(scholixResult.getLeft().intValue() / 10); pageResult.setTotalLinks(scholixResult.getLeft().intValue()); pageResult.setResult(scholixResult.getRight().stream().map(ScholixType::fromScholix).collect(Collectors.toList())); return pageResult; } catch (final Throwable e) { throw new ScholixException("Error on requesting url ", e); } } }