var lbsModule = angular.module('lbs', ['ngRoute', 'lbsControllers']); lbsModule.config([ '$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/summary', { templateUrl: 'html/summary.html', controller: 'lbsSummaryCtrl' }) .when('/topics', { templateUrl: 'html/topics.html', controller: 'lbsTopicsCtrl' }) .when('/subscriptions', { templateUrl: 'html/subscriptions.html', controller: 'lbsSubscriptionsCtrl' }) .when('/events/:condition', { templateUrl: 'html/filterEvents.html', controller: 'lbsFilterEventsCtrl' }) .when('/events/:page/:size/:topic*', { templateUrl: 'html/eventsByTopic.html', controller: 'lbsEventsByTopicCtrl' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/summary' }); } ]); lbsModule.controller('moduleMenuCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $location) { $ = []; $http.get('ajax/externalTools').success(function(data) { $ = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); $scope.isActive = function(regex) { var re = new RegExp(regex); return re.test($location.path()); } }); lbsModule.directive('twoStepButton', function($timeout) { return { restrict: 'E', scope: { 'label' : '@', 'action' : '&' }, templateUrl: 'html/twoStepButton.template.html', link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl) { scope.status = 0; scope.doAction = function() { if (scope.promise) { $timeout.cancel(scope.promise); } if (scope.status == 0) { scope.status = 1; scope.promise = $timeout(function() { scope.status = 0 }, 4000); } else { scope.status = 0; scope.action(); } } } } }); lbsModule.directive('adminOperation', function($timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', replace: true, scope: { 'label' : '@', 'description' : '@', 'alert' : '@', 'action' : '&' }, templateUrl: 'html/adminOperation.template.html', link: function(scope, iElement, iAttrs, ctrl) { scope.status = 0; scope.doAction = function() { if (scope.promise) { $timeout.cancel(scope.promise); } if (scope.status == 0) { scope.status = 1; scope.promise = $timeout(function() { scope.status = 0 }, 4000); } else { scope.status = 0; $('.modal').modal('hide'); scope.action(); } } } } }); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// var lbsControllers = angular.module('lbsControllers', []); lbsControllers.controller('lbsSummaryCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $sce, $location, $routeParams) { $scope.summary = {}; $scope.refresh = function() { $http.get('ajax/summary').success(function(data) { $scope.summary = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.resetCounters = function() { $http.get('ajax/resetCounters').success(function(data) { $scope.summary = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.refresh(); }); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// lbsControllers.controller('lbsSubscriptionsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $sce, $location, $routeParams) { $scope.list = []; $scope.availableTopics = []; $scope.subscriber = ''; $scope.topic = ''; $scope.frequency = ''; $scope.topicType = ''; $scope.topicParts = []; $scope.topicConditions = []; $scope.topicRegex = ''; $http.get('api/topic-types').success(function(data) { $scope.availableTopics = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); $scope.refresh = function() { $http.get('api/subscriptions').success(function(data) { $scope.list = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.resetFormFields = function() { $scope.subscriber = ''; $scope.topic = ''; $scope.frequency = ''; $scope.topicType = ''; $scope.topicParts = []; $scope.topicConditions = []; $scope.topiceRegex = ''; } $scope.onSelectTopicType = function(topicType) { $scope.topicParts = []; $scope.topicRegex = topicType.regex; angular.forEach(topicType.expression.split('/'), function(val) { if (val.length > 2 && val.charAt(0) == '<' && val.charAt(val.length - 1) == '>') { $scope.topicParts.push({ 'name' : val, variable : true, 'value' : '' }); } else { $scope.topicParts.push({ 'name' : val, variable : false, 'value' : val }); } }); $scope.updateTopic(); } $scope.updateTopic = function() { t = ''; for (var i=0; i < $scope.topicParts.length; i++) { if ($scope.topicParts[i].value) { if (i == 0) { t += $scope.topicParts[i].value } else { t += '/' + $scope.topicParts[i].value; } } else { $scope.topic = ''; return; } } $scope.topic = t; } $scope.addCondition = function() { $scope.topicConditions.push({ 'field' : '', 'fieldType' : '', 'operator' : '', 'listParams' : [ { 'value' : '', 'otherValue': '' } ] }); } $scope.removeCondition = function(idx) { $scope.topicConditions.splice(idx, 1); } $scope.add = function(subscriber, topic, frequency, mode, conditions) { $["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"; $'api/subscriptions', { 'subscriber' : subscriber, 'topic' : topic, 'frequency' : frequency, 'mode' : mode, 'conditions' : conditions }).success(function(data) { $scope.list.push(data); }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.startMatching = function(id) { $http.get('api/matching/start/' + id).success(function(data) { alert("Matching in queue"); }).error(function() { alert("Error: The functionality could be disabled in current configuration profile !"); }); }; $scope.resetNotificationDate = function(id) { if (confirm("Are you sure ?")) { $http.delete('api/subscriptions/' + id + '/date').success(function(data) { $scope.refresh(); }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); } }; $scope.remove = function(id) { if (confirm("Are you sure ?")) { $http.delete('api/subscriptions/' + id).success(function(data) { $scope.refresh(); }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); } }; $scope.refresh(); }); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// lbsControllers.controller('lbsTopicsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $sce, $location, $routeParams) { $scope.list = []; $scope.segments = []; $scope.refresh = function() { $http.get('api/topic-types').success(function(data) { $scope.list = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.resetFormFields = function() { $scope.segments = [{},{}]; $scope.topicName = ''; $scope.topicProducerId = ''; $scope.topicExpression = ''; $scope.topicMapKeys = []; } $scope.updateTopicExpression = function() { var s = "" for (var i=0; i<$scope.segments.length; i++) { if ($scope.segments[i].type && $scope.segments[i].value) { if (i > 0) { s += '/'; } if ($scope.segments[i].type == 'Fixed') { s += $scope.segments[i].value; } else { s += '<' + $scope.segments[i].value + '>'; } } else { $scope.topicExpression = ''; return; } } $scope.topicExpression = s; } $scope.add = function(name, producerId, expression, mapKeys) { $["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"; $'api/topic-types/add', $.param({ 'name' : name, 'expression' : expression, 'producerId' : producerId, 'mapKeys' : mapKeys.join() })).success(function(data) { $scope.list.push(data); }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.refresh(); }); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// lbsControllers.controller('lbsFilterEventsCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $sce, $location, $routeParams) { $scope.list = []; $scope.cond = $routeParams.condition; $scope.onlyWithSubscriptions = ($scope.cond != 'all'); $scope.reloadWithCondition = function() { $location.url($scope.onlyWithSubscriptions ? '/events/withSubscriptions' : '/events/all'); } $scope.refresh = function() { var url = $scope.onlyWithSubscriptions ? "api/events/topics/withSubscriptions" : "api/events/topics/all"; $http.get(url).success(function(data) { $scope.list = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.refresh(); }); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// lbsControllers.controller('lbsEventsByTopicCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $sce, $location, $routeParams) { $scope.list = []; $ = $; $scope.pageSize = $routeParams.size; $scope.topic = $routeParams.topic; $scope.refresh = function() { $http.get('api/events/byTopic/' + $ + '/' + $scope.pageSize + '?topic=' + $scope.topic).success(function(data) { $scope.list = data; }).error(function() { alert("error"); }); }; $scope.refresh(); });