DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community_subs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community_projects; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community_datasources; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community_support_orgs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community_orgs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS communities; CREATE TABLE communities ( id text PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL, shortname text NOT NULL, -- in the profile is label description text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', status text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'hidden', -- all, manager, hidden, members membership text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'by-invitation', -- open, by-invitation type text NOT NULL, -- community, ri claim text, -- managers-only, members-only, all subjects text[], fos text[], sdg text[], adv_constraints jsonb, remove_constraints jsonb, main_zenodo_community text, other_zenodo_communities text[], creation_date timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), last_update timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), logo_url text ); CREATE TABLE community_projects ( community text NOT NULL REFERENCES communities(id), project_id text NOT NULL, project_code text NOT NULL, project_name text NOT NULL, project_acronym text, project_funder text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (community, project_id) ); CREATE TABLE community_datasources ( community text NOT NULL REFERENCES communities(id), ds_id text NOT NULL, ds_name text NOT NULL, ds_officialname text NOT NULL, constraints jsonb, PRIMARY KEY (community, ds_id) ); CREATE TABLE community_support_orgs ( community text NOT NULL REFERENCES communities(id), org_name text NOT NULL, org_url text NOT NULL, org_logourl text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (community, org_name) ); CREATE TABLE community_orgs ( community text NOT NULL REFERENCES communities(id), org_id text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (community, org_id) ); CREATE TABLE community_subs ( sub_id text NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, community text NOT NULL REFERENCES communities(id), label text NOT NULL, category text NOT NULL, claim boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, params jsonb, parent text REFERENCES community_subs(sub_id) -- NULL for the first level ); CREATE INDEX community_projects_community ON community_projects(community); CREATE INDEX community_datasources_community ON community_datasources(community); CREATE INDEX community_support_orgs_community ON community_support_orgs(community); CREATE INDEX community_orgs_community ON community_orgs(community); CREATE INDEX community_subs_community ON community_subs(community); CREATE INDEX community_subs_parent ON community_subs(parent);