SELECT AS "id", s.officialname AS "officialName", s.englishname AS "englishName", s._typology_to_remove_ AS "typology", s.eosc_type AS "eoscType", s.eosc_datasource_type AS "eoscDatasourceType", s.registeredby AS "registeredBy", s.registrationdate::text AS "registrationDate", MIN(a.first_collection_date) AS "firstCollectionDate", MAX(a.last_collection_date) AS "lastCollectionDate", (array_remove(array_agg(a.last_collection_total order by a.last_collection_date desc), NULL))[1] AS "lastCollectionTotal", array_remove(array_agg(DISTINCT coalesce(a.compatibility_override, a.compatibility)), NULL) AS "compatibilities", array_remove(array_agg(DISTINCT||' @@@ '||o.legalname), NULL) AS "organizations" FROM dsm_services s left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.service) left outer join dsm_service_organization dso on ( = dso.service) left outer join dsm_organizations o on ( = dso.organization) WHERE s.registrationdate is not null and s.registeredby is not null and s.managed = true GROUP BY, s.officialname, s.englishname, s._typology_to_remove_, s.eosc_type, s.eosc_datasource_type, s.registeredby, s.registrationdate HAVING s.registrationdate < max(a.last_collection_date) and sum(a.last_collection_total) > 0 ORDER BY s.registrationdate desc LIMIT ?