package; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.DeleteMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import; import eu.dnetlib.common.controller.AbstractDnetController; import; import; import; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.mdstore.MDStoreVersion; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.mdstore.MDStoreWithInfo; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter; import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag; @RestController @RequestMapping("/mdstores") @Tag(name = "Metadata Stores") public class MDStoreController extends AbstractDnetController { @Autowired private DatabaseUtils databaseUtils; @Autowired private HdfsClient hdfsClient; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseUtils.class); @Operation(summary = "Return all the mdstores") @GetMapping("/") public Iterable find() { return databaseUtils.listMdStores(); } @Operation(summary = "Return all the mdstore identifiers") @GetMapping("/ids") public List findIdentifiers() { return databaseUtils.listMdStoreIDs(); } @Operation(summary = "Return a mdstores by id") @GetMapping("/mdstore/{mdId}") public MDStoreWithInfo getMdStore(@Parameter(name = "the mdstore identifier") @PathVariable final String mdId) throws MDStoreManagerException { return databaseUtils.findMdStore(mdId); } @Operation(summary = "Increase the read count of the current mdstore") @GetMapping("/mdstore/{mdId}/startReading") public MDStoreVersion startReading(@Parameter(name = "the mdstore identifier") @PathVariable final String mdId) throws MDStoreManagerException { return databaseUtils.startReading(mdId); } @Operation(summary = "Create a new mdstore") @GetMapping("/new/{format}/{layout}/{interpretation}") public MDStoreWithInfo createMDStore( @Parameter(name = "mdstore format") @PathVariable final String format, @Parameter(name = "mdstore layout") @PathVariable final String layout, @Parameter(name = "mdstore interpretation") @PathVariable final String interpretation, @Parameter(name = "datasource name") @RequestParam(required = true) final String dsName, @Parameter(name = "datasource id") @RequestParam(required = true) final String dsId, @Parameter(name = "api id") @RequestParam(required = true) final String apiId) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String id = databaseUtils.createMDStore(format, layout, interpretation, dsName, dsId, apiId); return databaseUtils.findMdStore(id); } @Operation(summary = "Delete a mdstore by id") @DeleteMapping("/mdstore/{mdId}") public StatusResponse delete(@Parameter(name = "the id of the mdstore that will be deleted") @PathVariable final String mdId) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String hdfsPath = databaseUtils.deleteMdStore(mdId); hdfsClient.deletePath(hdfsPath); return StatusResponse.DELETED; } @Operation(summary = "Return all the versions of a mdstore") @GetMapping("/mdstore/{mdId}/versions") public Iterable listVersions(@PathVariable final String mdId) throws MDStoreManagerException { return databaseUtils.listVersions(mdId); } @Operation(summary = "Create a new preliminary version of a mdstore") @GetMapping("/mdstore/{mdId}/newVersion") public MDStoreVersion prepareNewVersion(@Parameter(name = "the id of the mdstore for which will be created a new version") @PathVariable final String mdId) { return databaseUtils.prepareMdStoreVersion(mdId); } @Operation(summary = "Promote a preliminary version to current") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}/commit/{size}") public MDStoreVersion commitVersion(@Parameter(name = "the id of the version that will be promoted to the current version") @PathVariable final String versionId, @Parameter(name = "the size of the new current mdstore") @PathVariable final long size) throws MDStoreManagerException { try { return databaseUtils.commitMdStoreVersion(versionId, size); } finally { deleteExpiredVersions(); } } @Operation(summary = "Abort a preliminary version") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}/abort") public StatusResponse commitVersion(@Parameter(name = "the id of the version to abort") @PathVariable final String versionId) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String hdfsPath = databaseUtils.deleteMdStoreVersion(versionId, true); hdfsClient.deletePath(hdfsPath); return StatusResponse.ABORTED; } @Operation(summary = "Return an existing mdstore version") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}") public MDStoreVersion getVersion(@Parameter(name = "the id of the version that has to be deleted") @PathVariable final String versionId) throws MDStoreManagerException { return databaseUtils.findVersion(versionId); } @Operation(summary = "Delete a mdstore version") @DeleteMapping("/version/{versionId}") public StatusResponse deleteVersion(@Parameter(name = "the id of the version that has to be deleted") @PathVariable final String versionId, @Parameter(name = "if true, the controls on writing and readcount values will be skipped") @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") final boolean force) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String hdfsPath = databaseUtils.deleteMdStoreVersion(versionId, force); hdfsClient.deletePath(hdfsPath); return StatusResponse.DELETED; } @Operation(summary = "Decrease the read count of a mdstore version") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}/endReading") public MDStoreVersion endReading(@Parameter(name = "the id of the version that has been completely read") @PathVariable final String versionId) throws MDStoreManagerException { return databaseUtils.endReading(versionId); } @Operation(summary = "Reset the read count of a mdstore version") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}/resetReading") public MDStoreVersion resetReading(@Parameter(name = "the id of the version") @PathVariable final String versionId) throws MDStoreManagerException { return databaseUtils.resetReading(versionId); } @Operation(summary = "Delete expired versions") @DeleteMapping("/versions/expired") public StatusResponse deleteExpiredVersions() { new Thread(this::performDeleteOfExpiredVersions).start(); return StatusResponse.DELETING; } private synchronized void performDeleteOfExpiredVersions() {"Deleting expired version..."); for (final String versionId : databaseUtils.listExpiredVersions()) { try { final String hdfsPath = databaseUtils.deleteMdStoreVersion(versionId, true); hdfsClient.deletePath(hdfsPath); } catch (final MDStoreManagerException e) { log.warn("Error deleteting version " + versionId, e); } }"Done."); } @Operation(summary = "Fix the inconsistencies on HDFS") @GetMapping("/hdfs/inconsistencies") public Set fixHdfsInconsistencies( @Parameter(name = "force the deletion of hdfs paths") @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") final boolean delete) throws MDStoreManagerException { final Set hdfsDirs = hdfsClient.listHadoopDirs(); final Set validDirs = databaseUtils.listValidHdfsPaths(); final Set toDelete = Sets.difference(hdfsDirs, validDirs);"Found " + toDelete.size() + " hdfs paths to remove"); if (delete) { for (final String p : toDelete) { hdfsClient.deletePath(p); } } return toDelete; } @Operation(summary = "Show informations") @GetMapping("/info") public Map info() { final Map info = new LinkedHashMap<>(); info.put("number_of_mdstores", databaseUtils.countMdStores()); info.put("hadoop_user", hdfsClient.getHadoopUser()); info.put("hadoop_cluster", hdfsClient.getHadoopCluster()); info.put("hdfs_base_path", databaseUtils.getHdfsBasePath()); info.put("expired_versions", databaseUtils.listExpiredVersions()); return info; } @Operation(summary = "list the file inside the path of a mdstore version") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}/parquet/files") public Set listVersionFiles(@PathVariable final String versionId) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String path = databaseUtils.findVersion(versionId).getHdfsPath(); return hdfsClient.listContent(path + "/store", HdfsClient::isParquetFile); } @Operation(summary = "read the parquet file of a mdstore version") @GetMapping("/version/{versionId}/parquet/content/{limit}") public List> listVersionParquet(@PathVariable final String versionId, @PathVariable final long limit) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String path = databaseUtils.findVersion(versionId).getHdfsPath(); return hdfsClient.readParquetFiles(path + "/store", limit); } @Operation(summary = "read the parquet file of a mdstore (current version)") @GetMapping("/mdstore/{mdId}/parquet/content/{limit}") public List> listMdstoreParquet(@PathVariable final String mdId, @PathVariable final long limit) throws MDStoreManagerException { final String versionId = databaseUtils.findMdStore(mdId).getCurrentVersion(); final String path = databaseUtils.findVersion(versionId).getHdfsPath(); return hdfsClient.readParquetFiles(path + "/store", limit); } protected void setDatabaseUtils(final DatabaseUtils databaseUtils) { this.databaseUtils = databaseUtils; } protected void setHdfsClient(final HdfsClient hdfsClient) { this.hdfsClient = hdfsClient; } }