move vs dnet_services
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('77', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('680', 'roar');
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INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('577', 'roar');
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INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('241', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('491', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('324', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('375', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('152', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('1025', 'roar');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/100004440', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/100000001', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/100000002', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100007601', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100001871', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100008982', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100000925', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100000923', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100001602', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100002428', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100000690', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('10.13039/501100002341', 'doi');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2242 8989', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 5900 900X', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2169 9189', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2181 2823', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 0427 7672', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 1958 7073', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2169 1945', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2154 0709', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2176 1982', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 0789 9694', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2228 3249', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2176 7727', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 0611 9213', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 0609 4140', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 4663 8325', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 1092 7772', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 0452 5752', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2297 5165', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 0672 3101', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 1957 0992', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 1091 8438', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 0507 0997', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 0665 7300', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 0685 2712', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0004 0647 6886', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 0943 9683', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 2096 9829', 'isni');
INSERT INTO dsm_identities(pid, issuertype) VALUES ('0000 0001 1957 9997', 'isni');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('H2020', '680');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('H2020', '10.13039/501100007601');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('H2020', '0000 0001 2242 8989');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FP7', '0000 0004 5900 900X');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FCT', '260');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FCT', '10.13039/501100001871');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FCT', '0000 0001 2169 9189');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FCT', '0000 0001 2181 2823');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('WT', '637');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('WT', '10.13039/100004440');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('WT', '0000 0004 0427 7672');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NSF', '528');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NSF', '10.13039/501100008982');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NSF', '10.13039/100000001');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NSF', '0000 0001 1958 7073');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NSF', '0000 0001 2169 1945');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NSF', '0000 0001 2154 0709');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '577');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '10.13039/501100000925');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '0000 0001 2176 1982');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '0000 0001 0789 9694');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '0000 0001 2228 3249');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '0000 0001 2176 7727');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '0000 0001 0789 9694');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NHMRC', '0000 0001 2228 3249');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('ARC', '566');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('ARC', '10.13039/501100000923');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('ARC', '0000 0004 0611 9213');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('MSES', '0000 0004 0609 4140');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('CSF', '0000 0004 4663 8325');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NWO', '241');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NWO', '0000 0001 1092 7772');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('SFI', '10.13039/501100001602');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('SFI', '0000 0004 0452 5752');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NIH', '10.13039/100000002');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NIH', '0000 0001 2297 5165');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('NIH', '491');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('SNSF', '324');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('SNSF', '0000 0001 0672 3101');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('SNSF', '0000 0001 1957 0992');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FWF', '77');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FWF', '10.13039/501100002428');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('FWF', '0000 0001 1091 8438');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('RCUK', '375');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('RCUK', '10.13039/501100000690');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('RCUK', '0000 0001 0507 0997');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('TBT', '0000 0001 0665 7300');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('TBT', '0000 0001 0685 2712');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('AFF', '1025');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('AFF', '10.13039/501100002341');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('AFF', '0000 0004 0647 6886');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('CONICYT', '0000 0001 0943 9683');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('DFG', '152');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('DFG', '0000 0001 2096 9829');
INSERT INTO funder_identity(funder, pid) VALUES ('DFG', '0000 0001 1957 9997');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('H2020', 'European Commission - Horizon 2020', 'H2020', 'EU', '', 'OA mandate for publications; OA to research data by default', '2015-08-24');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('FP7', 'European Commission - 7th Framework program', 'FP7', 'EU', '', 'OA advised for publications; 2012 – 2013 (FP7)Special Clause 39 ERC on Open Access applies', '2013-05-07');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('FCT', 'Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology', 'FCT', 'PT', '', 'OA mandate for publications; OA to research data advised', '2015-02-27');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('WT', 'Wellcome Trust', 'WT', '', '', 'OA mandate for articles, monographs and book chapters; CC-BY licence required', '2013-05-07');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('NSF', 'National Science Foundation', 'NSF', 'US', '', 'Version of record or AAM of articles, conferences and data deposited into the repository; persistent identifier to full text on publisher’s website', '2016-03-04');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('NHMRC', 'National Health and Medical Research Council', 'NHMRC', 'AU', '', 'OA mandate for publications', '2015-08-24');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('ARC', 'Australian Research Council', 'ARC', 'AU', '', 'OA mandate for research outputs, except for research data', '2015-08-24');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('MESTD', 'Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development', 'MESTD', 'RS', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-01-23');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('MSES', 'Ministry of Science Education and Sport', 'MSES/MZOS', 'HR', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2015-09-14');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('CSF', 'Croatian Science Foundation', 'CSF/HRZZ', 'HR', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2015-09-14');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('NWO', 'Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research', 'NWO', 'NL', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2016-06-23');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('SFI', 'Science Foundation Ireland', 'SFI', 'IE', '', 'OA mandate to publications, conference proceedings and technical reports', '2015-07-21');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('NIH', 'National Institute of Health', 'NIH', 'US', '', 'OA to articles', '2017-09-21');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('SNSF', 'Swiss National Science Foundation', 'SNSF', 'CH', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2016-11-16');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('FWF', 'Austrian Science Fund', 'FWF', 'AT', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-09-21');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('RCUK', 'Research Council UK', 'RCUK', 'UK', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-11-02');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('TBT', 'Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey', 'Tubitak', 'TR', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-11-02');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('DFG', 'German Research Foundation', 'DFG', 'DE', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-09-29');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('TARA', 'Tara Expedition Foundation', 'TARA', 'FR', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2016-12-02');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('AFF', 'Academy of Finland', 'AFF', 'FI', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-09-21');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('CONICYT', 'Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica', 'CONICYT', 'CL', '', '', '2017-09-08');
INSERT INTO funders(id, name, shortname, jurisdiction, websiteurl, policy, registrationdate)
VALUES ('SGOV', 'Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness', 'SGOV', 'ES', 'NOAD', 'NOAD', '2017-09-14');
@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
CREATE TABLE dsm_api (
id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
protocol character varying(255),
datasource character varying(255),
contentdescription character varying(255) DEFAULT 'metadata'::character varying,
active boolean DEFAULT false,
removable boolean DEFAULT false,
typology character varying(255) DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN'::character varying,
compatibility character varying(255) DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN'::character varying,
metadata_identifier_path character varying(512) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
last_collection_total integer,
last_collection_date timestamp without time zone,
last_collection_mdid character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
last_aggregation_total integer,
last_aggregation_date timestamp without time zone,
last_aggregation_mdid character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
last_download_total integer,
last_download_date timestamp without time zone,
last_download_objid character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
last_validation_job character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
baseurl text,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text)),
compatibility_override character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_api OWNER TO dnetapi;
CREATE TABLE dsm_datasource_organization (
datasource character varying(255) NOT NULL,
organization character varying(255) NOT NULL,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_datasource_organization OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: dsm_datasources; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE dsm_datasources (
id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
officialname character varying(512) NOT NULL,
englishname character varying(512),
websiteurl character varying(255),
logourl character varying(255),
contactemail character varying(255),
latitude double precision DEFAULT 0.0,
longitude double precision DEFAULT 0.0,
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namespaceprefix character(12) NOT NULL,
languages text,
od_contenttypes text,
collectedfrom character varying(255),
dateofvalidation date,
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provenanceaction character varying(255) DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN'::character varying,
dateofcollection date DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date NOT NULL,
platform character varying(255),
activationid character varying(255),
description text,
releasestartdate date,
releaseenddate date,
missionstatementurl character varying(512),
dataprovider boolean,
serviceprovider boolean,
databaseaccesstype character varying(64),
datauploadtype character varying(64),
databaseaccessrestriction character varying(64),
datauploadrestriction character varying(64),
versioning boolean,
citationguidelineurl character varying(512),
qualitymanagementkind character varying(64),
pidsystems text,
certificates text,
aggregator character varying(64) DEFAULT 'OPENAIRE'::character varying NOT NULL,
issn character varying(20),
eissn character varying(20),
lissn character varying(20),
registeredby character varying(255),
subjects text,
managed boolean DEFAULT false,
registrationdate date,
consentTermsOfUse boolean default null,
fullTextDownload boolean default null,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_datasources OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: dsm_organizations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE dsm_organizations (
id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
legalshortname character varying(255),
legalname character varying(255),
websiteurl text,
logourl character varying(255),
ec_legalbody boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_legalperson boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_nonprofit boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_researchorganization boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_highereducation boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_internationalorganizationeurinterests boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_internationalorganization boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_enterprise boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_smevalidated boolean DEFAULT false,
ec_nutscode boolean DEFAULT false,
country character varying(255),
collectedfrom character varying(255),
optional1 character varying(255),
optional2 character varying(255),
dateofcollection date DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date NOT NULL,
provenanceaction character varying(255) DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN'::character varying,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text)),
lastupdate date DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date NOT NULL,
trust double precision DEFAULT 0.9
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_organizations OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: browse_countries; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: dnet
CREATE VIEW browse_countries AS
count(*) AS total
FROM (((dsm_api a
LEFT JOIN dsm_datasources d ON (((a.datasource)::text = (
LEFT JOIN dsm_datasource_organization dao ON ((( = (dao.datasource)::text)))
LEFT JOIN dsm_organizations o ON (((dao.organization)::text = (
ORDER BY count(*) DESC;
ALTER TABLE public.browse_countries OWNER TO dnet;
CREATE TABLE dsm_apiparams (
param character varying(255) NOT NULL,
value text DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
api character varying(255) NOT NULL,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_apiparams OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: dsm_datasource_api; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: dnet
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dsm_datasource_api AS
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY AS rowid,
a.typology AS apitypology,
FROM (dsm_datasources d
LEFT JOIN dsm_api a ON ((( = (a.datasource)::text)));
-- Name: dsm_datasourcepids; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE dsm_datasourcepids (
datasource character varying(255) NOT NULL,
pid character varying(255) NOT NULL,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_datasourcepids OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: dsm_identities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE dsm_identities (
pid character varying(255) NOT NULL,
issuertype character varying(255),
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_identities OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: dsm_organizationpids; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE dsm_organizationpids (
organization character varying(255) NOT NULL,
pid character varying(255) NOT NULL,
_dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
ALTER TABLE public.dsm_organizationpids OWNER TO dnetapi;
-- Name: funder_identity; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnet; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE funder_identity (
funder character varying(255),
pid character varying(255)
ALTER TABLE public.funder_identity OWNER TO dnet;
-- Name: funders; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnet; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE funders (
id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
name character varying(255),
shortname character varying(255),
jurisdiction character varying(255),
websiteurl text,
policy character varying(255),
registrationdate date DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date NOT NULL,
lastupdatedate date
ALTER TABLE public.funders OWNER TO dnet;
-- Name: fundingpaths; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnet; Tablespace:
-- Name: project_organization; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dnet; Tablespace:
--CREATE TABLE project_organization (
-- participantnumber integer,
-- project character varying(255) NOT NULL,
-- resporganization character varying(255) NOT NULL,
-- semanticclass character varying(255) DEFAULT 'UNKNOWN'::character varying,
-- trust double precision DEFAULT 0.9,
-- _dnet_resource_identifier_ character varying(2048) DEFAULT ((('temp_'::text || md5((clock_timestamp())::text)) || '_'::text) || md5((random())::text))
--ALTER TABLE public.project_organization OWNER TO dnet;
-- Name: dsm_api_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
-- Name: dsm_apicollection_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_apiparams
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_apicollection_pkey PRIMARY KEY (api, param);
-- Name: dsm_datasourcepids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasourcepids
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasourcepids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (datasource, pid);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_namespaceprefix_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasources
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasources_namespaceprefix_key UNIQUE (namespaceprefix);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasources
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasources_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: dsm_identities_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_identities
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_identities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pid);
-- Name: dsm_organization_datasource_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasource_organization
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_organization_datasource_pkey PRIMARY KEY (datasource, organization);
-- Name: dsm_organizationpids_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_organizationpids
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_organizationpids_pkey PRIMARY KEY (organization, pid);
-- Name: dsm_organizations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_organizations
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_organizations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_contactemail_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX dsm_datasources_contactemail_idx ON dsm_datasources USING btree (contactemail);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_englishname_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX dsm_datasources_englishname_idx ON dsm_datasources USING btree (englishname);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_managed_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX dsm_datasources_managed_idx ON dsm_datasources USING btree (managed);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_officialname_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX dsm_datasources_officialname_idx ON dsm_datasources USING btree (officialname);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_registeredby_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX dsm_datasources_registeredby_idx ON dsm_datasources USING btree (registeredby);
-- Name: dsm_organizations_country_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX dsm_organizations_country_idx ON dsm_organizations USING btree (country);
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_api_datasource_fkey FOREIGN KEY (datasource) REFERENCES dsm_datasources(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
-- Name: dsm_apicollections_api_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_apiparams
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_apicollections_api_fkey FOREIGN KEY (api) REFERENCES dsm_api(id);
-- Name: dsm_datasource_organization_datasource_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasource_organization
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasource_organization_datasource_fkey FOREIGN KEY (datasource) REFERENCES dsm_datasources(id);
-- Name: dsm_datasource_organization_organization_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasource_organization
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasource_organization_organization_fkey FOREIGN KEY (organization) REFERENCES dsm_organizations(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
-- Name: dsm_datasourcepids_datasource_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasourcepids
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasourcepids_datasource_fkey FOREIGN KEY (datasource) REFERENCES dsm_datasources(id);
-- Name: dsm_datasourcepids_pid_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasourcepids
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasourcepids_pid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES dsm_identities(pid);
-- Name: dsm_datasources_collectedfrom_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_datasources
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_datasources_collectedfrom_fkey FOREIGN KEY (collectedfrom) REFERENCES dsm_datasources(id);
-- Name: dsm_organizationpids_organization_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_organizationpids
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_organizationpids_organization_fkey FOREIGN KEY (organization) REFERENCES dsm_organizations(id);
-- Name: dsm_organizationpids_pid_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_organizationpids
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_organizationpids_pid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES dsm_identities(pid);
-- Name: dsm_organizations_collectedfrom_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: dnetapi
ALTER TABLE ONLY dsm_organizations
ADD CONSTRAINT dsm_organizations_collectedfrom_fkey FOREIGN KEY (collectedfrom) REFERENCES dsm_datasources(id);
REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE browse_countries FROM dnet;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE browse_countries TO dnet;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE browse_countries TO dnetapi;
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE dsm_datasource_api FROM dnet;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE dsm_datasource_api TO dnet;
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE dsm_datasource_api TO dnetapi;
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
key character varying(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
value DATE
GRANT ALL ON TABLE info TO dnetapi;
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('oaf_load_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('odf_load_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('inference_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('claim_load_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('stats_update_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('crossref_update_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('unpaywall_update_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('orcid_update_date');
INSERT INTO info(key) VALUES ('mag_update_date');
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ select
a.last_collection_date as "lastCollectionDate",
a.last_collection_total as "lastCollectionTotal"
dsm_datasources d
left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.datasource)
left outer join dsm_datasource_organization dso on ( = dso.datasource)
dsm_services d
left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.service)
left outer join dsm_service_organization dso on ( = dso.service)
left outer join dsm_organizations o on ( = dso.organization)
d.registrationdate is not null
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
select count( as count
dsm_datasources d
left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.datasource)
left outer join dsm_datasource_organization dso on ( = dso.datasource)
dsm_services d
left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.service)
left outer join dsm_service_organization dso on ( = dso.service)
left outer join dsm_organizations o on ( = dso.organization)
d.registrationdate >= cast(? as date)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
select count( as count
dsm_datasources d
left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.datasource)
left outer join dsm_datasource_organization dso on ( = dso.datasource)
dsm_services d
left outer join dsm_api a on ( = a.service)
left outer join dsm_service_organization dso on ( = dso.service)
left outer join dsm_organizations o on ( = dso.organization)
d.registrationdate >= cast(? as date)
Reference in New Issue