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Raw Normal View History

2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<h2>Workflow History</h2>
2023-02-02 09:37:24 +01:00
<mat-form-field appearance="fill" floatLabel="always" style="width: 100%;">
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<input matInput (keyup)="applyFilter($event)" placeholder="Filter..." #input />
<span *ngIf="from < 0 && to < 0"><b>Recent workflows</b> (max {{total}})</span>
<span *ngIf="from >= 0 && to >= 0"><b>Workflows from </b>{{from | date:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}} <b>to</b> {{to |
date:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}}</span>
<span *ngIf="from >= 0 && to < 0"><b>Workflows from </b>{{from | date:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"}} <b>to</b>
<span *ngIf="from < 0 && to >= 0"><b>Workflows from </b><i>undefined</i> <b>to</b> {{to | date:"yyyy-MM-dd
<br />
<span><b>Count :</b> {{historyDatasource.filteredData.length}}</span>
2023-01-24 10:45:59 +01:00
<table mat-table [dataSource]="historyDatasource" matSort class="mat-elevation-z8">
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<ng-container matColumnDef="processId">
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 15%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by Process ID"> Process Id </th>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element">
<a (click)="openWfDialog(element)">{{element.processId}}</a>
<ng-container matColumnDef="name">
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 15%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by WF Name"> Workflow Name </th>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element.name}} </td>
<ng-container matColumnDef="family">
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 10%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by WF Family"> Workflow Family </th>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element.family}} </td>
<ng-container matColumnDef="dsName">
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 20%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by Datasource"> Datasource </th>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element.dsName}} </td>
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<ng-container matColumnDef="status">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 10%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by Status"> Status </th>
2023-01-24 11:11:25 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"><span class="badge-label" [ngClass]="{'badge-success' : element.status === 'success', 'badge-failure' : element.status === 'failure'}">{{element.status}}</span> </td>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<ng-container matColumnDef="startDate">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 15%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by Start Date"> Start Date </th>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element.startDate}} </td>
2023-01-24 10:38:39 +01:00
<ng-container matColumnDef="endDate">
<th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef style="width: 15%;" mat-sort-header sortActionDescription="Sort by End Date"> End Date </th>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element.endDate}} </td>
<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="colums"></tr>
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: colums;"></tr>
<!-- Row shown when there is no matching data. -->
<tr class="mat-row" *matNoDataRow>
2023-01-27 11:44:30 +01:00
<td class="mat-cell" colspan="4" style="padding: 0 16px;">No data matching the filter "{{input.value}}"</td>
2023-01-24 10:08:55 +01:00