@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.AccessRight;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.DataInfo;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.KeyValue;
import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier;
public class ModelConstants {
private ModelConstants() {}
public static final String ORCID = "orcid";
public static final String ORCID_PENDING = "orcid_pending";
public static final String ORCID_CLASSNAME = "Open Researcher and Contributor ID";
public static final String ORCID_DS = ORCID.toUpperCase();
public static final String CROSSREF_ID = "10|openaire____::081b82f96300b6a6e3d282bad31cb6e2";
public static final String CROSSREF_NAME = "Crossref";
public static final String DATACITE_ID = "10|openaire____::9e3be59865b2c1c335d32dae2fe7b254";
public static final String ZENODO_OD_ID = "10|opendoar____::358aee4cc897452c00244351e4d91f69";
public static final String ZENODO_R3_ID = "10|re3data_____::7b0ad08687b2c960d5aeef06f811d5e6";
public static final String EUROPE_PUBMED_CENTRAL_ID = "10|opendoar____::8b6dd7db9af49e67306feb59a8bdc52c";
public static final String PUBMED_CENTRAL_ID = "10|opendoar____::eda80a3d5b344bc40f3bc04f65b7a357";
public static final String ARXIV_ID = "10|opendoar____::6f4922f45568161a8cdf4ad2299f6d23";
public static final String ROHUB_ID = "10|fairsharing_::1b69ebedb522700034547abc5652ffac";
public static final String OPENORGS_NAME = "OpenOrgs Database";
public static final String OPENOCITATIONS_NAME = "OpenCitations";
public static final String OPENOCITATIONS_ID = "10|openaire____::c06df618c5de1c786535ccf3f8b7b059";
public static final String OPEN_APC_NAME = "OpenAPC Global Initiative";
public static final String OPEN_APC_ID = "10|apc_________::e2b1600b229fc30663c8a1f662debddf";
public static final String ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN = "OPEN";
public static final String ACCESS_RIGHT_EMBARGO = "EMBARGO";
public static final String ACCESS_RIGHT_CLOSED = "CLOSED";
public static final String DNET_SUBJECT_KEYWORD = "keyword";
public static final String DNET_SUBJECT_FOS_CLASSID = "FOS";
public static final String DNET_SUBJECT_FOS_CLASSNAME = "Fields of Science and Technology classification";
public static final String DNET_SUBJECT_TYPOLOGIES = "dnet:subject_classification_typologies";
public static final String DNET_RESULT_TYPOLOGIES = "dnet:result_typologies";
public static final String DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE = "dnet:publication_resource";
public static final String DNET_ACCESS_MODES = "dnet:access_modes";
public static final String DNET_LANGUAGES = "dnet:languages";
public static final String DNET_PID_TYPES = "dnet:pid_types";
public static final String DNET_DATACITE_DATE = "dnet:dataCite_date";
public static final String DNET_DATACITE_TITLE = "dnet:dataCite_title";
public static final String DNET_DATA_CITE_RESOURCE = "dnet:dataCite_resource";
public static final String DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS = "dnet:provenanceActions";
public static final String DNET_COUNTRY_TYPE = "dnet:countries";
public static final String DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS = "dnet:review_levels";
public static final String DNET_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGES = "dnet:programming_languages";
public static final String DNET_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_TYPE = "dnet:externalReference_typologies";
public static final String DNET_RELATION_RELTYPE = "dnet:relation_relType";
public static final String DNET_RELATION_SUBRELTYPE = "dnet:relation_subRelType";
public static final String DNET_RELATION_RELCLASS = "dnet:relation_relClass";
public static final String PEER_REVIEWED_CLASSNAME = "nonPeerReviewed";
public static final String NON_PEER_REVIEWED_CLASSNAME = "nonPeerReviewed";
public static final String PEER_REVIEWED_CLASSID = "0001";
public static final String NON_PEER_REVIEWED_CLASSID = "0002";
public static final String SYSIMPORT_CROSSWALK_REPOSITORY = "sysimport:crosswalk:repository";
public static final String SYSIMPORT_CROSSWALK_ENTITYREGISTRY = "sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry";
public static final String SYSIMPORT_ACTIONSET = "sysimport:actionset";
public static final String SYSIMPORT_ORCID_NO_DOI = "sysimport:actionset:orcidworks-no-doi";
public static final String USER_CLAIM = "user:claim";
public static final String HARVESTED = "Harvested";
public static final String PROVENANCE_DEDUP = "sysimport:dedup";
public static final String PROVENANCE_ENRICH = "sysimport:enrich";
public static final Qualifier PROVENANCE_ACTION_SET_QUALIFIER = qualifier(
public static final String DATASET_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "dataset";
public static final String PUBLICATION_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "publication";
public static final String SOFTWARE_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "software";
public static final String ORP_RESULTTYPE_CLASSID = "other";
public static final String RESULT_RESULT = "resultResult"; // relType
* @deprecated Use {@link ModelConstants#RELATIONSHIP} instead.
public static final String PUBLICATION_DATASET = "publicationDataset"; // subreltype
public static final String SUPPLEMENT = "supplement"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_SUPPLEMENT_TO = "IsSupplementTo";
public static final String IS_SUPPLEMENTED_BY = "IsSupplementedBy";
public static final String PART = "part"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_PART_OF = "IsPartOf";
public static final String HAS_PART = "HasPart";
public static final String RELATIONSHIP = "relationship"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_RELATED_TO = "IsRelatedTo";
public static final String IS_IDENTICAL_TO = "IsIdenticalTo";
public static final String REFERENCES = "References";
public static final String IS_REFERENCED_BY = "IsReferencedBy";
public static final String CONTINUES = "Continues";
public static final String IS_CONTINUED_BY = "IsContinuedBy";
public static final String DOCUMENTS = "Documents";
public static final String IS_DOCUMENTED_BY = "IsDocumentedBy";
public static final String IS_SOURCE_OF = "IsSourceOf";
public static final String IS_DERIVED_FROM = "IsDerivedFrom";
public static final String COMPILES = "Compiles";
public static final String IS_COMPILED_BY = "IsCompiledBy";
public static final String DESCRIBES = "Describes";
public static final String IS_DESCRIBED_BY = "IsDescribedBy";
public static final String IS_METADATA_FOR = "IsMetadataFor";
public static final String IS_METADATA_OF = "IsMetadataOf";
public static final String HAS_ASSOCIATION_WITH = "HasAssociationWith";
public static final String IS_REQUIRED_BY = "IsRequiredBy";
public static final String REQUIRES = "Requires";
public static final String CITATION = "citation"; // subreltype
public static final String CITES = "Cites";
public static final String IS_CITED_BY = "IsCitedBy";
public static final String REVIEW = "review"; // subreltype
public static final String REVIEWS = "Reviews";
public static final String IS_REVIEWED_BY = "IsReviewedBy";
public static final String VERSION = "version"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_VERSION_OF = "IsVersionOf";
public static final String HAS_VERSION = "HasVersion";
public static final String IS_PREVIOUS_VERSION_OF = "IsPreviousVersionOf";
public static final String IS_NEW_VERSION_OF = "IsNewVersionOf";
public static final String IS_VARIANT_FORM_OF = "IsVariantFormOf";
public static final String IS_ORIGINAL_FORM_OF = "IsOriginalFormOf";
public static final String IS_OBSOLETED_BY = "IsObsoletedBy";
public static final String OBSOLETES = "Obsoletes";
public static final String RESULT_PROJECT = "resultProject"; // relType
public static final String OUTCOME = "outcome"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_PRODUCED_BY = "isProducedBy";
public static final String PRODUCES = "produces";
public static final String DATASOURCE_ORGANIZATION = "datasourceOrganization"; // relType
public static final String PROVISION = "provision"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_PROVIDED_BY = "isProvidedBy";
public static final String PROVIDES = "provides";
public static final String PROJECT_ORGANIZATION = "projectOrganization"; // relType
public static final String PARTICIPATION = "participation"; // subreltype
public static final String HAS_PARTICIPANT = "hasParticipant";
public static final String IS_PARTICIPANT = "isParticipant";
public static final String RESULT_ORGANIZATION = "resultOrganization"; // relType
public static final String AFFILIATION = "affiliation"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_AUTHOR_INSTITUTION_OF = "isAuthorInstitutionOf";
public static final String HAS_AUTHOR_INSTITUTION = "hasAuthorInstitution";
public static final String ORG_ORG_RELTYPE = "organizationOrganization"; // relType
public static final String IS_PARENT_OF = "IsParentOf";
public static final String IS_CHILD_OF = "IsChildOf";
public static final String DEDUP = "dedup"; // subreltype
public static final String MERGES = "merges";
public static final String IS_MERGED_IN = "isMergedIn";
public static final String SIMILARITY = "similarity"; // subreltype
public static final String IS_SIMILAR_TO = "isSimilarTo";
public static final String IS_AMONG_TOP_N_SIMILAR_DOCS = "IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments";
public static final String HAS_AMONG_TOP_N_SIMILAR_DOCS = "HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments";
public static final String IS_DIFFERENT_FROM = "isDifferentFrom";
public static final String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN";
public static final String NOT_AVAILABLE = "not available";
public static final Qualifier PUBLICATION_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = qualifier(
public static final Qualifier DATASET_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = qualifier(
public static final Qualifier SOFTWARE_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = qualifier(
public static final Qualifier ORP_DEFAULT_RESULTTYPE = qualifier(
public static final Qualifier REPOSITORY_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS = qualifier(
public static final Qualifier ENTITYREGISTRY_PROVENANCE_ACTION = qualifier(
public static final String UNKNOWN_REPOSITORY_ORIGINALID = "openaire____::1256f046-bf1f-4afc-8b47-d0b147148b18";
public static final KeyValue UNKNOWN_REPOSITORY = keyValue(
"10|openaire____::55045bd2a65019fd8e6741a755395c8c", "Unknown Repository");
public static final Qualifier UNKNOWN_COUNTRY = qualifier(UNKNOWN, "Unknown", DNET_COUNTRY_TYPE);
public static final Qualifier MAIN_TITLE_QUALIFIER = qualifier(
"main title", "main title", DNET_DATACITE_TITLE);
public static final Qualifier ALTERNATIVE_TITLE_QUALIFIER = qualifier(
"alternative title", "alternative title", DNET_DATACITE_TITLE);
private static final Qualifier SUBTITLE_QUALIFIER = qualifier("subtitle", "subtitle", DNET_DATACITE_TITLE);
public static final AccessRight OPEN_ACCESS_RIGHT() {
final AccessRight result = new AccessRight();
return result;
private static Qualifier qualifier(
final String classid,
final String classname,
final String schemeid) {
final Qualifier q = new Qualifier();
return q;
private static KeyValue keyValue(final String key, final String value) {
final KeyValue kv = new KeyValue();
return kv;