| 8.0.1 | [Solr model] </br><ul><li>using string to represent PersonTopic.(fromYear/toYear)</li></ul> | production |
| 8.0.0 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>Renamed `Result.author.affiliation` to `rawAffiliationString`. Updated Solr JSON payload model classes</li></ul> | production |
| 7.0.0 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>Introduced Person entity and its relations: authorship, coauthorship, affiliation</li><li>Updated Solr JSON payload model classes</li></ul> | production |
| 6.1.3 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>Updated Solr JSON payload model classes</li></ul> | production |
| 6.1.1 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>Introduced constants used in the DOIBoost dismission.</li></ul> | production |
| 6.1.0 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>Introduced model classes to provide a JSON representation of records embedding information from the related entities.</li></ul> | production |
| 5.17.3 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>added result level textual field to store the transformative agreement information.</li></ul> | production |
| 4.17.3 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>moved context at the level of the entity. </li></ul> | production |
| 4.17.2 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>added InstaceTypeMapping field on the instance level.</li><li>new result level fields to support the activities in the Irish tender `isGreen`, `openAccessColor`, `isInDiamondJournal`, `publiclyFunded`</li><ul> | production |
| 3.17.1 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>added fulltext field on the instance level.</li><li>added extra organization specific PID types</li><ul> | production |
| 3.15.0 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>added w3id as PID type, with ROHub as authority.</li><ul> | production |
| 3.14.0 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>introduced specific type for result.subject</li><ul> | production |
| 2.13.0 | [Scholexplorer] </br><ul><li>update swagger annotation jar version to be compatible with new implementation of openAPI ui</li><ul> | production |
| 2.12.1 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>added field oafEntity.eoscifguidelines</li><ul> | production |
| 2.12.0 | [Graph model] </br><ul><li>Introducing EOSC Services as datasources</li><ul> | production |
| 2.11.33 | [Scholexplorer] </br><ul><li>Moved Scholix API Data model into dhp-schemas</li><li>implementation of the compareTo method on Scholix objects and all model properties</li><li>Unit Test to verify that compareTo works on different case</li><ul> | production |
| 2.10.31 | [Minor] </br>NPE checks | production |
| 2.10.30 | [Minor] </br>added comparator for refereed field instances | production |
| 2.10.29 | [Merge Result] </br>merge logics changed to consider invisble in dataInfo | production |
| 2.10.28 | [Graph Model] </br> Added APC information at the level of the result | production |
| 2.10.27 | [Graph Model] </br> change name and id of OpenAPC datasource | production |
| 2.10.26 | [Graph Model] </br> OpenAIRE ids of the delegated authorities and enrichment providers in the identifier creation strategy | production |
| 2.10.25 | [Graph model]</br>implemented enrichment on Result specializing in the method mergefrom. | production |
| 2.10.24 | [Graph model]</br>added utility method and constants for checking weather is an OafEntity represents an enrichment. | production |
| 2.9.24 | [Dump model]</br>change the names of the classes to be able to automatically create the json schema with specific descriptions | production |
| 2.9.23 | [Graph model]<br>Added Instance.measures field, allowing to maintain the association between them and the individual result instance</br>[Dump model]</br>added json schemas | production |
| 2.8.22 | [Graph model]<br>minor: added serializable to the Measures model class</br>[Dump model]</br>added dedicated BestAccessRight class, used at the result level instead of AccessRight | production |
| 2.8.21 | [Graph model]<br>added the following relation terms Describes/IsDescribedBy, IsMetadataFor/IsMetadataOf, HasAssociationWith/HasAssociationWith, IsRequiredBy/Requires. All these are used in combination with the relation subRelType "relationship" | production |
| 2.8.20 | [Graph model]<br>added constants declaring the values used for hierarchical relationships among the organizations IsParentOf / IsChildOf | production |
| 2.7.18-19 | [Dump model]<br>include validation info in relations<br>[Graph model]<br>added constants declaring vocabulary names for relation fields | production |
| 2.7.17 | [Dump model]<br>aligned the graph dump schema to mirror the changes in the model<br>1. Added openaccessroute at the level of the instance inside the AccessRight element;<br>2. Added pid and the alternate identifiers at the level of the instance;<br>3. Added the bipFinder measures | production |
| 2.7.16 | [Graph model]<br>Updated the casing of the following terms (`relation.relClass`):<br>1. `isRelatedTo -> IsRelatedTo`<br>Added the following `relClass` terms:<br>1. `IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments`<br>2. `HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments` | production |
| 2.7.15 | 1. added support for delegated authorities<br>2. fixed regex for DOI cleaning | production |
| 2.6.14 | [Scholexplorer]<br>1. Added model classes for Scholexplorer, package `eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.sx` | production |
| 2.6.13 | 1. `Result.mergeFrom` handles field `dateOfAcceptance` | production |
| 2.5.12 | 1. delegating the date parsing to https://github.com/sisyphsu/dateparser | production |
| 2.5.[11-9] | 1. support for more date formats<br>2. enable the possibility to extend the date formats used to parse `Relation.validationDate` | production |
| 2.4.8 | 1. added constant for ORCID datasource name | production |
| 2.4.7 | refactoring | production |
| 2.3.6 | [Aggregation]<br>1. introduced MetadataStoreManager (MdSM) model classes | production |
| 2.2.5 | [Graph model]<br>1. introduced fields `Instance.pid` and `Instance.alternateIdentifier`<br>2. `LicenseComparator` renamed as `AccessRightComparator`<br>3. introduced `AccessRight` model class defining the `OpenAccessRoute` field to keep track of the OpenAccess color at the `Instance` level<br>4. `ExternalReference` cleanup (removed description, added alternateLabel(s))<br>5. added several ModelConstants<br>[Aggregation]<br>7. introduced MDStore record model classes<br>8. Introduced ORCID specific model classes | production |
| 2.2.4 | 1. ORCID specific model classes backported in the version used in PROD<br>2. added constant for dnet:externalReference_typologies<br>3. added constant for ORCID datasource name<br>4. `Result.mergeFrom` handles field `dateOfAcceptance` | production |