singleDeposition false Indicates if it is a single community deposition communityId none the id of the community to be dumped if a dump for a single community should be done dumpType the type of the dump one of {complete, community, funder} onlyUpload true if the dump is already done and should only be upload in zenodo upload true if the dump should be upload in zenodo sourcePath the source path outputPath the output path resultAggregation false true if all the result type have to be dumped under result. false otherwise accessToken the access token used for the deposition in Zenodo connectionUrl the connection url for Zenodo metadata "" the metadata associated to the deposition depositionType the type of deposition we want to perform. "new" for brand new deposition, "version" for a new version of a published deposition (in this case the concept record id must be provided), "upload" to upload content to an open deposition for which we already have the deposition id (in this case the deposition id should be provided) conceptRecordId none for new version, the id of the record for the old deposition depositionId none the depositionId of a deposition open that has to be added content hiveDbName the target hive database name hiveJdbcUrl hive server jdbc url hiveMetastoreUris hive server metastore URIs sparkDriverMemory memory for driver process sparkExecutorMemory memory for individual executor sparkExecutorCores number of cores used by single executor oozieActionShareLibForSpark2 oozie action sharelib for spark 2.* spark2ExtraListeners com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorAppListener spark 2.* extra listeners classname spark2SqlQueryExecutionListeners com.cloudera.spark.lineage.NavigatorQueryListener spark 2.* sql query execution listeners classname spark2YarnHistoryServerAddress spark 2.* yarn history server address spark2EventLogDir spark 2.* event log dir location ${jobTracker} ${nameNode} mapreduce.job.queuename ${queueName} ${oozieLauncherQueueName} oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark ${oozieActionShareLibForSpark2} Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}] ${wf:conf('onlyUpload') eq true} ${wf:conf('makeArchive') eq true} eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.dump.SaveCommunityMap --outputPath${workingDir}/communityMap --nameNode${nameNode} --singleDeposition${singleDeposition} --communityId${communityId} ${wf:conf('dumpType') eq "funder"} ${wf:conf('dumpType') eq "community"} ${wf:conf('dumpType') eq "subset"} ${wf:appPath()}/dump_subset communityMapPath ${workingDir}/communityMap outputPath ${outputPath} sourcePath ${sourcePath} ${wf:appPath()}/dump_complete communityMapPath ${workingDir}/communityMap outputPath ${outputPath}/dump sourcePath ${sourcePath} resultAggregation ${resultAggregation} postgresURL ${postgresURL} postgresUser ${postgresUser} postgresPassword ${postgresPassword} ${wf:appPath()}/dump_community sourcePath ${sourcePath} communityMapPath ${workingDir}/communityMap outputPath ${outputPath}/dump ${wf:appPath()}/dump_funder communityMapPath ${workingDir}/communityMap outputPath ${outputPath}/dump sourcePath ${sourcePath} dumpType ${dumpType} eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.dump.MakeTar --hdfsPath${outputPath}/tar --nameNode${nameNode} --sourcePath${outputPath}/dump ${wf:conf('upload') eq true} eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.dump.SendToZenodoHDFS --hdfsPath${outputPath}/tar/ --nameNode${nameNode} --accessToken${accessToken} --connectionUrl${connectionUrl} --metadata${metadata} --conceptRecordId${conceptRecordId} --depositionType${depositionType} --depositionId${depositionId}