[ { "paramName":"cmp", "paramLongName":"communityMapPath", "paramDescription": "the path to the serialization of the community map", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"s", "paramLongName":"sourcePath", "paramDescription": "the path of the sequencial file to read", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "out", "paramLongName": "outputPath", "paramDescription": "the path used to store temporary output files", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "ssm", "paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged", "paramDescription": "true if the spark session is managed, false otherwise", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"tn", "paramLongName":"resultTableName", "paramDescription": "the name of the result table we are currently working on", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName":"dt", "paramLongName":"dumpType", "paramDescription": "the type of the dump (complete for the whole graph, community for the products related to communities, funder for the results with at least a link to project", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"cid", "paramLongName":"communityId", "paramDescription": "the id of the community to be dumped", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"sc", "paramLongName":"selectionCriteria", "paramDescription": "the selection criteria to choose the results", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"pm", "paramLongName":"pathMap", "paramDescription": "the map to find fields in the json", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"rt", "paramLongName":"resultType", "paramDescription": "the map to find fields in the json", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"md", "paramLongName":"masterDuplicatePath", "paramDescription": "the map to find fields in the json", "paramRequired": false } ]