You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

177 lines
7.3 KiB

PREFIX aocat: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX aoprop: <>
PREFIX onto: <>
PREFIX ariadneplus: <>
PREFIX time: <>
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from <>
from <>
from <>
from <>
from <>
where {
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optional {
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optional {
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optional {
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optional {
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optional {
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optional {
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select *
where {
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optional {
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?temporalNative skos:prefLabel ?temporalNativePeriodName .
optional {
?temporalCoverage aocat:has_period ?temporalPeriodO .
optional {
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select *
where {
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optional {
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optional {
?legalResponsible aocat:has_email ?legalResponsibleEmail .
optional {
?owner aocat:has_email ?ownerEmail .
optional {
?publisher aocat:has_email ?publisherEmail .
select *
where {
optional {
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optional {
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optional {
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?spatialRegionPoint aocat:has_latitude ?spatialLocationLat ;
aocat:has_longitude ?spatialLocationLon .
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aocat:has_bounding_box_max_lon ?spatialLocationBBMaxLon ;
aocat:has_bounding_box_min_lat ?spatialLocationBBMinLat ;
aocat:has_bounding_box_min_lon ?spatialLocationBBMinLon ;
BIND (lang(?derivedSubjectPrefLabel) as ?aatSubjectsLang)