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package eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.reader.utils;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class ESUtilsTest {
// Elastic search format: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy
public void testParseDate(){
String date = "2013-03-13";
String parsed = ESUtils.getESFormatDate(date);
Assert.assertEquals(date, parsed);
public void testBSTDate(){
String date = "Fri May 15 13:21:02 BST 2020";
String parsed = ESUtils.getESFormatDate(date);
Assert.assertEquals(parsed, "2020-05-15");
public void testYearDate(){
String date = "2012";
String parsed = ESUtils.getESFormatDate(date);
Assert.assertEquals(parsed, "2012");
public void testEmtyDate(){
String date = "";
String parsed = ESUtils.getESFormatDate(date);
Assert.assertEquals(parsed, "0000");
public void testErrorDate(){
String date = "????";
String parsed = ESUtils.getESFormatDate(date);
Assert.assertEquals(parsed, "0000");