#Landing pages are picked as: # %record aocat:has_landing_page / rdfs:label ?landingPage . # Alessia does not know why, but indeed other providers gave the landing page like this and they are fine. # Others follow a more "reasonable" approach, but we have to fix those so they match the expected pattern. # if the landing page is a string PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH ::> { ?s aocat:has_landing_page ?lpResource . ?lpResource rdfs:label ?url } } WHERE { GRAPH ::> { ?s aocat:has_landing_page ?url . BIND (IRI(?url) as ?lpResource) } } #if the landing page is a URI but there is no label PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH ::> { ?lpResource rdfs:label ?label } } WHERE { GRAPH ::> { ?s aocat:has_landing_page ?lpResource . BIND (STR(?lpResource) as ?label) } }