package eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.catalogue; import; import; import; import; import eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.jrr.AriadnePlusRegistryResource; import eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.publisher.AriadnePlusPublisherException; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.http.*; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; /** * Created by Alessia Bardi on 08/03/2018. * * @author Alessia Bardi */ @Component public class CatalogueAPIClient { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CatalogueAPIClient.class); @Value("${gcube.catalogue.baseurl}") private String baseURL; private final String itemPath = "items/"; @Value("${gcube.registry.application.token}") private String applicationToken; @Value("${gcube.uri.resolver}") private String uriResolver; private String resolverBodyTemplate = "{ \"entity_name\": \"%s\" }"; private String purgeBodyTemplate = "{\"id\":\"%s\"}"; private HttpHeaders headersForResolver; private HttpHeaders headersForCatalogue; @Autowired private RestTemplate restTemplate; public CatalogueAPIClient(){ headersForResolver = new HttpHeaders(); headersForResolver.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); headersForCatalogue = new HttpHeaders(); headersForCatalogue.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); headersForCatalogue.setAccept(Lists.newArrayList(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); headersForCatalogue.set("gcube-token", getApplicationToken()); } /** * Calls the ariadneplus resolver to get the name to use for the catalogue * @param resName Given a AriadnePlus URL like:, the resName is Ariadne/AriadnePortal/rhdsq5xm3e40. * @return the name as computed by the AriadnePlus resolver. Null if the request was not successfull. */ public String getNameForCatalogue(final String resName) throws URISyntaxException { log.debug("Calling AriadnePlus resolver for "+resName); String body = String.format(resolverBodyTemplate, resName); HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(body, headersForResolver); URI uri = new URIBuilder(getUriResolver()).build(); log.debug("Resolver at "+getUriResolver()+" post body:\n"+body); ResponseEntity res =, HttpMethod.POST, entity, String.class); if(res.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()){ String resolved = res.getBody(); log.debug(String.format("AriadnePlus resolver resolved %s with %s", resName, resolved )); return resolved; } else{ log.debug(String.format("AriadnePlus resolver returned %s with cause %s for %s", res.getStatusCodeValue(), res.getStatusCode().getReasonPhrase(), resName)); return null; } } protected boolean isRegistered(final String resCatName) throws AriadnePlusPublisherException { log.debug(String.format("Catalogue --> Checking if item %s exists", resCatName)); HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headersForCatalogue); try { URI uri = new URIBuilder(getBaseURL()+itemPath).build(); ResponseEntity response = + "/"+resCatName, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class); return response.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AriadnePlusPublisherException(t); } } @Deprecated public AriadnePlusRegistryResource getRegistered(final String resCatName) throws AriadnePlusPublisherException { log.debug(String.format("Catalogue --> Checking if item %s exists", resCatName)); HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headersForCatalogue); try { URI uri = new URIBuilder(getBaseURL()+itemPath).build(); ResponseEntity response = + "/"+resCatName, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class); if(response.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()){ CatalogueAPIResponse body = new CatalogueAPIResponse(); body.setResponseBody(response.getBody()); AriadnePlusRegistryResource r = body.getAriadnePlusRegistryResource(); log.debug(String.format("Resource %s is in the catalogue with uuid %s", resCatName, r.getUuid())); return r; } else{ log.debug(String.format("Resource %s is not in the catalogue yet", resCatName)); return null; } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AriadnePlusPublisherException(t); } } public boolean doRegister(final String json, final String resCatName) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { log.debug(String.format("Catalogue --> Registering item %s : %s", resCatName, json)); return doCatalogueCall(json, resCatName, HttpMethod.POST); } public boolean doUpdate(final String json, final String resCatName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { log.debug(String.format("Catalogue --> Updating item %s : %s", resCatName, json)); return doCatalogueCall(json, resCatName, HttpMethod.PUT); } protected boolean doCatalogueCall(final String json, final String resCatName, final HttpMethod method) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(json, headersForCatalogue); URI uri = new URIBuilder(getBaseURL()+itemPath).build(); ResponseEntity res =, method, entity, String.class); if (res.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) { return true; } else { log.error(String.format("Method %s on resource %s failed with code %s, reason: %s",, resCatName, res.getStatusCodeValue(), res.getBody())); return false; } } protected boolean purgeItem(final String resCatName) throws URISyntaxException, AriadnePlusPublisherException { log.debug(String.format("Catalogue --> Purge Item %s", resCatName)); HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headersForCatalogue); try { URI uri = new URIBuilder(getBaseURL()+itemPath).build(); ResponseEntity res = + "/"+resCatName+"?purge=true", HttpMethod.DELETE, entity, String.class); if (res.getStatusCode().is2xxSuccessful()) { return true; } else { log.error(String.format("Cannot purge item %s. HTTP error code %s, reason: %s", resCatName, res.getStatusCodeValue(), res.getBody())); return false; } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AriadnePlusPublisherException(t); } } public String getBaseURL() { return baseURL; } public void setBaseURL(final String baseURL) { this.baseURL = baseURL; } public String getApplicationToken() { return applicationToken; } public void setApplicationToken(final String applicationToken) { this.applicationToken = applicationToken; } public RestTemplate getRestTemplate() { return restTemplate; } public void setRestTemplate(final RestTemplate restTemplate) { this.restTemplate = restTemplate; } public String getUriResolver() { return uriResolver; } public void setUriResolver(final String uri_resolver) { this.uriResolver = uriResolver; } public String getPurgeBodyTemplate() { return purgeBodyTemplate; } public void setPurgeBodyTemplate(final String purgeBodyTemplate) { this.purgeBodyTemplate = purgeBodyTemplate; } }