MOVE TO ; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_owner . rdf:type . rdfs:label "Not provided" . aocat:has_name "Not provided" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type . MINUS { ?s rdf:type . ?s aocat:has_owner ?o . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_type . rdf:type . skos:prefLabel "collection" } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type . } }; PREFIX skos: INSERT DATA{ GRAPH { skos:prefLabel "de" . skos:prefLabel "en" . skos:prefLabel "Site/monument"@en . skos:prefLabel "Fieldwork archive"@en . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_part ?x } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?x aocat:is_part_of ?s } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_owner . rdf:type . rdfs:label "Not provided" . aocat:has_name "Not provided" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type . MINUS { ?s rdf:type . ?s aocat:has_owner ?o . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdfs: INSERT { GRAPH { ?lpResource rdfs:label ?label } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_landing_page ?lpResource . BIND (STR(?lpResource) as ?label) } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdfs: WITH DELETE {?s ?p ?o} where { FILTER (?s = ) FILTER (?p = ). ?s ?p ?o . ?o rdfs:label ?l. FILTER (?o = ||?o = ) }