ADD SILENT TO ; ADD SILENT TO ; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_type . skos:prefLabel "provided record" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type aocat:AO_Individual_Data_Resource . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_native_subject . skos:prefLabel "Not provided" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type aocat:AO_Individual_Data_Resource . MINUS { ?s rdf:type aocat:AO_Individual_Data_Resource . ?s aocat:has_native_subject ?ns . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_title "Title not provided" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type aocat:AO_Individual_Data_Resource . MINUS { ?s rdf:type aocat:AO_Individual_Data_Resource . ?s aocat:has_title ?title . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:was_issued ?date . } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:was_issued ?date . MINUS { ?record aocat:was_issued ?recorddate . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:was_modified ?date . } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:was_modified ?date . MINUS { ?record aocat:was_modified ?recorddate . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:has_creator ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_creator ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o . MINUS { ?record aocat:has_creator ?recordagent . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:has_contributor ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_contributor ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o . MINUS { ?record aocat:has_contributor ?recordagent . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:has_responsible ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_responsible ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o . MINUS { ?record aocat:has_responsible ?recordagent . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:has_owner ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_owner ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o . MINUS { ?record aocat:has_owner ?recordagent . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:has_publisher ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_publisher ?agent . ?agent ?p ?o . MINUS { ?record aocat:has_publisher ?recordagent . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_language ?lang . ?lang skos:prefLabel ?label } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_language ?lang . ?lang skos:prefLabel ?label MINUS { ?record aocat:has_language ?lang2 . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_access_rights ?rights . } } USING USING WHERE { ?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection . ?collection aocat:has_access_rights ?rights . MINUS { ?record aocat:has_access_rights ?ar . } }; PREFIX aocat: INSERT { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?nativePeriod . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?nativePeriod . optional{ ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?nativePeriod skos:prefLabel ?periodLabel . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?nativePeriod . ?nativePeriod skos:prefLabel ?periodLabel . } };