#PERIODO ENRICHMENT # WHEN THE OLD ARIADNE PERIODO COLLECTION IS INVOLVED DO THIS FIRST TO PUT THE TRIPLES IN THE PROPER NAMED GRAPH PREFIX dcterms: INSERT { GRAPH ::periodo> { ?periodO ?pred ?o . ?o ?pred2 ?o2 . ?o2 ?pred3 ?o3 . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?periodO dcterms:spatial . ?periodO ?pred ?o . optional { ?o ?pred2 ?o2 . optional { ?o2 ?pred3 ?o3 . } } } }; PREFIX skos: PREFIX aocat: PREFIX time: INSERT { GRAPH ::periodoplus> { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?periodO . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } } WHERE { GRAPH ::> { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?native_period . ?native_period skos:prefLabel ?native_label . optional { GRAPH ::periodo> { ?periodO skos:altLabel ?native_label . ?periodO skos:inScheme . ?periodO time:intervalStartedBy ?intervalStartedBy . ?intervalStartedBy skos:prefLabel ?temporalFrom . ?periodO time:intervalFinishedBy ?intervalFinishedBy . ?intervalFinishedBy skos:prefLabel ?temporalUntil . } } } }; # if there is no periodO, but you have the dates then you want to put them in the temporal index fields. # Add from/until and native period in the periodo graphs: : ?temporal aocat:has_period ?periodOURI . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . ?periodOURI skos:prefLabel ?origTemporalPeriodName . PREFIX aocat: INSERT { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?nativePeriod . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?nativePeriod . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?nativePeriod skos:prefLabel ?periodLabel . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?nativePeriod . ?nativePeriod rdfs:label ?periodLabel . } };