PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_type . rdf:type . skos:prefLabel "collection" } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type . MINUS { ?s rdf:type . ?s aocat:has_type ?t . } } }; PREFIX aocat: DELETE WHERE { GRAPH { ?x aocat:from ""^^xsd:dateTime . } }; PREFIX aocat: DELETE WHERE { GRAPH { ?x aocat:until ""^^xsd:dateTime . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdf: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_contributor . rdf:type . rdfs:label "Not provided" . aocat:has_name "Not provided" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type . MINUS { ?s rdf:type . ?s aocat:has_contributor ?agent . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX rdf: INSERT { GRAPH { ?s aocat:has_creator . rdf:type . rdfs:label "Not provided" . aocat:has_name "Not provided" . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?s rdf:type . MINUS { ?s rdf:type . ?s aocat:has_creator ?agent . } } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: PREFIX ariadneplus: INSERT { GRAPH { ?record aocat:has_derived_subject ?aat . } } USING USING WHERE { { ?record aocat:has_native_subject ?native_subject . ?native_subject skos:prefLabel ?native_label . ?match skos:prefLabel ?matchLabel . ?match skos:exactMatch ?aat . FILTER(str(?matchLabel) = ?native_label) } union { ?record aocat:has_native_subject ?native_subject . ?native_subject skos:prefLabel ?native_label . ?match skos:prefLabel ?matchLabel . ?match skos:broadMatch ?aat . FILTER(str(?matchLabel) = ?native_label) } union { ?record aocat:has_native_subject ?native_subject . ?native_subject skos:prefLabel ?native_label . ?match skos:prefLabel ?matchLabel . ?match skos:closeMatch ?aat . FILTER(str(?matchLabel) = ?native_label) } union { ?record aocat:has_native_subject ?native_subject . ?native_subject skos:prefLabel ?native_label . ?match skos:prefLabel ?matchLabel . ?match skos:narrowMatch ?aat . FILTER(str(?matchLabel) = ?native_label) } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: WITH DELETE { ?period skos:prefLabel ?label} WHERE { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?period . ?period skos:prefLabel ?label }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT { GRAPH { ?nativePeriod skos:prefLabel ?periodLabel . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?nativePeriod . ?nativePeriod skos:prefLabel ?periodLabel . } }; PREFIX skos: PREFIX aocat: PREFIX time: PREFIX ariadneplus: INSERT { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?periodOURI . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } } USING USING WHERE { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?periodOURI . ?periodOURI time:intervalStartedBy ?intervalStartedBy . ?intervalStartedBy time:hasDateTimeDescription ?startDescr . ?startDescr time:year ?temporalFrom . ?periodOURI time:intervalFinishedBy ?intervalFinishedBy . ?intervalFinishedBy time:hasDateTimeDescription ?finishDescr . ?finishDescr time:year ?temporalUntil }; PREFIX aocat: INSERT { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_period ?nativePeriod . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } } WHERE { GRAPH { ?temporal aocat:has_native_period ?nativePeriod . ?temporal aocat:from ?temporalFrom . ?temporal aocat:until ?temporalUntil . } }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: WITH DELETE { ?lang skos:prefLabel ?label} WHERE { ?s aocat:has_language ?lang . ?lang skos:prefLabel ?label }; PREFIX aocat: PREFIX skos: INSERT DATA { GRAPH { skos:prefLabel "en" . skos:prefLabel "de" . } };