package eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.graphdb; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.RDF4JException; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.IRI; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.ValueFactory; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.Repository; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.manager.RemoteRepositoryManager; import; import eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.publisher.AriadnePlusPublisherException; import eu.dnetlib.ariadneplus.rdf.RecordParserHelper; import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException; /** * @author enrico.ottonello * */ public class GraphDBClient { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(GraphDBClient.class); private RecordParserHelper recordParserHelper; private String graphDBServerUrl; protected GraphDBClient(final RecordParserHelper recordParserHelper, final String graphDBServerUrl) { this.recordParserHelper = recordParserHelper; this.graphDBServerUrl = graphDBServerUrl; } public long feed(final String record) throws AriadnePlusPublisherException{ try { String objIdentifier = recordParserHelper.getObjIdentifier(record); if (StringUtils.isBlank(objIdentifier)) { log.warn("Got record with no objIdentifier -- skipping"); return 0; } log.debug("init connection to graphDBServerUrl " + this.graphDBServerUrl); RemoteRepositoryManager manager = new RemoteRepositoryManager(this.graphDBServerUrl); manager.init(); manager.setUsernameAndPassword("writer", "writer01"); log.debug("manager init"); Repository repository = manager.getRepository("ariadneprova"); ValueFactory factory = repository.getValueFactory(); String dsInterface = recordParserHelper.getDatasourceApi(record); IRI graph = factory.createIRI(dsInterface); try (RepositoryConnection con = repository.getConnection()) { log.debug("connection established"); con.begin(); String recordURI = getRecordURI(objIdentifier, dsInterface); log.debug("Trying to adding record with recordURI " + recordURI + " into graph " + graph); con.add(IOUtils.toInputStream(getRDFBlock(record), "UTF-8"), recordURI, RDFFormat.RDFXML, graph); con.commit(); log.debug("statement added"); con.close(); } catch (RDF4JException e) { log.error("error adding statement ...", e); } repository.shutDown(); manager.shutDown(); log.debug("manager shutDown"); return 1; }catch(Throwable e){ log.error(e); throw new AriadnePlusPublisherException(e); } } // // long feedProvenance(final String namedGraphURI, final String collectionDate, final String transformationDate, final String datasource, final String api) { // Model md = null; // Resource rApi = ResourceFactory.createResource(defaultBaseURI + api); // Resource r = ResourceFactory.createResource(namedGraphURI); // Statement stmApi = // ResourceFactory.createStatement(rApi, IS_API_OF, ResourceFactory.createPlainLiteral(datasource)); // Statement stmCollFrom = // ResourceFactory.createStatement(r, COLL_FROM, rApi); // Statement stmCollDate = ResourceFactory // .createStatement(r, COLL_IN_DATE, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(collectionDate, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)); // Statement stmTransDate = ResourceFactory // .createStatement(r, TRANS_IN_DATE, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(transformationDate, XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)); // // //let's remove previous provenance statements for this resource: // md.removeAll(r, null, null); // //and add the new ones // md.add(stmApi).add(stmCollFrom).add(stmCollDate).add(stmTransDate); // md.close(); // return 3; // } /** * Delete all triples in named graphs collected from the given api * @param api the id of the API * @return the number of triples deleted from the named graphs associated to the given api */ public long drop(final String api){ // Model prov = null; // //look for all named graphs associated to the api // Resource rApi = ResourceFactory.createResource(defaultBaseURI + api); // long deletedTriples = 0; // final ResIterator resIterator = prov.listSubjectsWithProperty(COLL_FROM, rApi); // while (resIterator.hasNext()) { // Resource namedGraphURI = resIterator.nextResource(); // //delete all triples belonging to the r named graph // deletedTriples += dropNamedGraph(namedGraphURI.getURI()); // //delete the named graph from the provenance graph // prov.removeAll(namedGraphURI, null, null); // } // //delete the api from the provenance graph // prov.removeAll(null, null, rApi); // prov.removeAll(rApi, null, null); // prov.close(); // return deletedTriples; return 0; } private long dropNamedGraph(String namedGraphURI){ // Model namedGraph = null; // long deletedTriples = namedGraph.size(); // namedGraph.removeAll(); // namedGraph.close(); // return deletedTriples; return 0; } private String getRecordURI(final String objIdentifier, final String datasourceApi) { return "/" + datasourceApi + "/" + objIdentifier; } public RecordParserHelper getRecordParserHelper() { return recordParserHelper; } public void setRecordParserHelper(final RecordParserHelper recordParserHelper) { this.recordParserHelper = recordParserHelper; } public void setDefaultBaseURI(final String defaultBaseURI) { this.graphDBServerUrl = defaultBaseURI; } public String getRDFBlock(final String record) throws SaxonApiException{ recordParserHelper.init(); try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(record)) { log.warn("Got empty record"); return ""; } String objIdentifier = recordParserHelper.getObjIdentifier(record); if (StringUtils.isBlank(objIdentifier)) { log.warn("Got record with no objIdentifier -- skipping"); return ""; } log.debug(objIdentifier); String rdfBlock = recordParserHelper.getRDF(record); if (StringUtils.isBlank(rdfBlock)) { log.warn("Missing rdf:RDF in record with objIdentifier " + objIdentifier); } return rdfBlock; }catch(Throwable e){ log.error(e); throw e; } } } // // strQuery = // "SELECT ?name FROM DEFAULT WHERE {" + // "?s ?name .}"; // } // // public void queryTest(){ // RemoteRepositoryManager manager = new RemoteRepositoryManager(GRAPHDB_SERVER_URL); // manager.init(); // logger.debug("manager init"); // Repository repository = manager.getRepository("PersonData"); // try (RepositoryConnection con = repository.getConnection()) { // logger.debug("connection established"); // query(con); // logger.debug("query success"); // } // catch (RDF4JException e) { // logger.error("error adding statement ...", e); // } // manager.shutDown(); // logger.debug("manager shutDown"); // } // // private void query(RepositoryConnection repositoryConnection) { // TupleQuery tupleQuery = repositoryConnection.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, strQuery); // TupleQueryResult result = null; // try { // result = tupleQuery.evaluate(); // int count = 0; // while (result.hasNext()) { // BindingSet bindingSet =; // // SimpleLiteral name = (SimpleLiteral)bindingSet.getValue("name"); //"name = " + name.stringValue()); // count++; // } //"Entries found: ", count); // } // catch (QueryEvaluationException qee) { // logger.error(WTF_MARKER, qee.getStackTrace().toString(), qee); // } finally { // result.close(); // } // }