Aggregate, enrich and index AriadnePlus content Aggregate, enrich and index AriadnePlus content on shadow and public instance aggregator 50 INCREMENTAL 36aadfcc-648b-43f7-96f3-b4ae612b3fa4_TURTdG9yZURTUmVzb3VyY2VzL01EU3RvcmVEU1Jlc291cmNlVHlwZQ== false REFRESH 971d3cf8-b720-4f29-a16d-f4453c962343_TURTdG9yZURTUmVzb3VyY2VzL01EU3RvcmVEU1Jlc291cmNlVHlwZQ== null transformed REFRESH Collect metadata Transform records Index record Publish records to the Staging GraphDB Enrich GraphDB with sparql update query Index on Staging Elasticsearch all records of an API from GraphDB Publish records to the public GraphDB and Elasticsearch 9 9 9 ? * * 10080