retrieved contributor on collection sub-select

This commit is contained in:
Enrico Ottonello 2020-03-03 16:57:07 +01:00
parent 7d65ba2a0c
commit 7bd85b6946
1 changed files with 23 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -6,49 +6,47 @@ PREFIX mine: <http://www.myprefix/>
PREFIX onto: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX ariadneplus: <>
?record mine:resourcetype "AriadneCatalogEntry" .
?record mine:identifier ?record .
?record mine:identifier ?record .
?record mine:originalId ?originalId .
?record mine:issued ?issued .
?record mine:modified ?modified .
?record mine:partOf ?collection .
?record mine:creator ?creator .
?creator mine:name ?creatorName .
?creator mine:email ?creatorEmail .
?record mine:contributor ?contributor .
?contributor mine:name ?contributorName .
?contributor mine:email ?contributorEmail .
?contributor mine:type ?contributorType .
?record mine:publisher ?x .
?x a mine:AgentInfo .
?x mine:name ?publisherName .
?x mine:type ?publisherType .
?archeologicalResourceType a mine:archeologicalResourceType .
?record mine:archeologicalResourceType ?archeologicalResourceType .
?archeologicalResourceType mine:name ?archeologicalResourceTypeName .
?record mine:issued ?issued .
?record mine:resourceType ?resourceType .
?record mine:modified ?modified .
?record mine:nativeSubject ?natSub .
?natSub a mine:NativeSubject .
?natSub mine:prefLabel ?nativeSbj .
?natSub mine:aatId ?aatId .
?natSub mine:aatHeritageData ?aatHeritageData .
#?spatial a mine:Spatial .
?record mine:spatial ?spatial .
?spatial mine:placeName ?spatialPlaceName .
?spatial mine:location ?blocation .
?blocation a mine:AriadneGeoPoint .
?blocation mine:lat ?spatialLocationLat .
?blocation mine:lon ?spatialLocationLon .
?record mine:accessPolicy ?accessPolicy .
?record mine:landingPage ?landingPage .
?record mine:title ?title .
?record mine:accessRights ?accessRights .
?record mine:description ?description .
?record mine:contributor ?contributor .
?contributor a mine:AgentInfo .
?contributor mine:name ?contributorName .
?contributor mine:email ?contributorEmail .
?contributor mine:type ?contributorType .
?record mine:originalId ?originalId .
?record mine:description ?description .
?record mine:temporal ?t .
?t a mine:AriadneTemporal .
?t mine:periodName ?temporalPeriodName .
?t mine:from ?from .
?t mine:until ?until .
?record mine:language ?language .
?record mine:partOf ?collection .
from <>
from <>
@ -69,13 +67,13 @@ where {
?record aocat:has_native_subject ?natSub .
?natSub skos:closeMatch ?aatId .
?natSub skos:exactMatch ?aatId .
?natSub owl:sameAs ?aatHeritageData .
?natSub skos:prefLabel ?nativeSbj .
?record aocat:has_creator / aocat:has_name ?contributorName .
?record aocat:has_creator / aocat:has_name ?creatorName .
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ where {
?record aocat:has_creator / aocat:has_email ?contributorEmail .
?record aocat:has_creator / aocat:has_email ?creatorEmail .
@ -126,7 +124,12 @@ where {
# aocat:has_type / skos:prefLabel ?type .
?record aocat:is_part_of ?collection .
?collection aocat:was_issued ?issued .
?collection aocat:was_modified ?modified .
?collection aocat:has_contributor / aocat:has_name ?contributorName .
optional {
?collection aocat:has_contributor / aocat:has_email ?contributorEmail .
?collection aocat:has_publisher / rdfs:label ?publisherName .
@ -166,5 +169,4 @@ where {
BIND("organization" as ?contributorType) .
BIND("organization" as ?publisherType) .