154 lines
4.5 KiB
154 lines
4.5 KiB
from future import standard_library
import logging
import six
from io import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
from pylons import response
from pkg_resources import resource_stream
from lxml import etree
from ckan.lib.base import request, config, abort
from ckan.controllers.api import ApiController as BaseApiController
from ckan.model import Session
from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestObject, HarvestObjectExtra
from ckanext.spatial.lib import get_srid, validate_bbox, bbox_query
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ApiController(BaseApiController):
def spatial_query(self):
error_400_msg = \
'Please provide a suitable bbox parameter [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]'
if not 'bbox' in request.params:
abort(400, error_400_msg)
bbox = validate_bbox(request.params['bbox'])
if not bbox:
abort(400, error_400_msg)
srid = get_srid(request.params.get('crs')) if 'crs' in \
request.params else None
extents = bbox_query(bbox, srid)
format = request.params.get('format', '')
return self._output_results(extents, format)
def _output_results(self, extents, format=None):
ids = [extent.package_id for extent in extents]
output = dict(count=len(ids), results=ids)
return self._finish_ok(output)
class HarvestMetadataApiController(BaseApiController):
def _get_content(self, id):
obj = Session.query(HarvestObject) \
.filter(HarvestObject.id == id).first()
if obj:
return obj.content
return None
def _get_original_content(self, id):
extra = Session.query(HarvestObjectExtra).join(HarvestObject) \
.filter(HarvestObject.id == id) \
HarvestObjectExtra.key == 'original_document'
if extra:
return extra.value
return None
def _transform_to_html(self, content, xslt_package=None, xslt_path=None):
xslt_package = xslt_package or __name__
xslt_path = xslt_path or \
# optimise -- read transform only once and compile rather
# than at each request
with resource_stream(xslt_package, xslt_path) as style:
style_xml = etree.parse(style)
transformer = etree.XSLT(style_xml)
xml = etree.parse(StringIO(content and six.text_type(content)))
html = transformer(xml)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(content)
result = etree.tostring(html, pretty_print=True)
return result
def _get_xslt(self, original=False):
if original:
config_option = \
config_option = 'ckanext.spatial.harvest.xslt_html_content'
xslt_package = None
xslt_path = None
xslt = config.get(config_option, None)
if xslt:
if ':' in xslt:
xslt = xslt.split(':')
xslt_package = xslt[0]
xslt_path = xslt[1]
'XSLT should be defined in the form <package>:<path>' +
', eg ckanext.myext:templates/my.xslt')
return xslt_package, xslt_path
def display_xml_original(self, id):
content = self._get_original_content(id)
if not content:
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml; charset=utf-8'
response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(content)
if not '<?xml' in content.split('\n')[0]:
content = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' + content
return content.encode('utf-8')
def display_html(self, id):
content = self._get_content(id)
if not content:
xslt_package, xslt_path = self._get_xslt()
return self._transform_to_html(content, xslt_package, xslt_path)
def display_html_original(self, id):
content = self._get_original_content(id)
if content is None:
xslt_package, xslt_path = self._get_xslt(original=True)
return self._transform_to_html(content, xslt_package, xslt_path)