
328 lines
14 KiB

import os
import re
from logging import getLogger
from pylons import config
from pylons.i18n import _
from genshi.input import HTML
from genshi.filters import Transformer
import ckan.lib.helpers as h
from import SearchError, PackageSearchQuery
from ckan.lib.helpers import json
from ckan import model
from ckan.plugins import implements, SingletonPlugin
from ckan.plugins import IRoutes
from ckan.plugins import IConfigurable, IConfigurer
from ckan.plugins import IGenshiStreamFilter
from ckan.plugins import IPackageController
from ckan.logic import ValidationError
import html
from ckanext.spatial.lib import save_package_extent,validate_bbox, bbox_query, bbox_query_ordered
from ckanext.spatial.model.package_extent import setup as setup_model
log = getLogger(__name__)
def package_error_summary(error_dict):
''' Do some i18n stuff on the error_dict keys '''
def prettify(field_name):
field_name = re.sub('(?<!\w)[Uu]rl(?!\w)', 'URL',
field_name.replace('_', ' ').capitalize())
return _(field_name.replace('_', ' '))
summary = {}
for key, error in error_dict.iteritems():
if key == 'resources':
summary[_('Resources')] = _('Package resource(s) invalid')
elif key == 'extras':
summary[_('Extras')] = _('Missing Value')
elif key == 'extras_validation':
summary[_('Extras')] = error[0]
summary[_(prettify(key))] = error[0]
return summary
class SpatialMetadata(SingletonPlugin):
implements(IPackageController, inherit=True)
implements(IConfigurable, inherit=True)
def configure(self, config):
if not config.get('ckan.spatial.testing',False):
def create(self, package):
def edit(self, package):
def check_spatial_extra(self,package):
For a given package, looks at the spatial extent (as given in the
extra "spatial" in GeoJSON format) and records it in PostGIS.
if not
log.warning('Couldn\'t store spatial extent because no id was provided for the package')
# TODO: deleted extra
for extra in package.extras_list:
if extra.key == 'spatial':
if extra.state == 'active':
log.debug('Received: %r' % extra.value)
geometry = json.loads(extra.value)
except ValueError,e:
error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error decoding JSON object: %s' % str(e)]}
raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict))
except TypeError,e:
error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error decoding JSON object: %s' % str(e)]}
raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict))
except ValueError,e:
error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error creating geometry: %s' % str(e)]}
raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict))
except Exception, e:
if bool(os.getenv('DEBUG')):
error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error: %s' % str(e)]}
raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict))
elif extra.state == 'deleted':
# Delete extent from table
def delete(self, package):
class SpatialQuery(SingletonPlugin):
implements(IRoutes, inherit=True)
implements(IPackageController, inherit=True)
def before_map(self, map):
map.connect('api_spatial_query', '/api/2/search/{register:dataset|package}/geo',
return map
def before_search(self,search_params):
if 'extras' in search_params and 'ext_bbox' in search_params['extras'] \
and search_params['extras']['ext_bbox']:
bbox = validate_bbox(search_params['extras']['ext_bbox'])
if not bbox:
raise SearchError('Wrong bounding box provided')
if search_params['sort'] == 'spatial desc':
if search_params['q'] or search_params['fq']:
raise SearchError('Spatial ranking cannot be mixed with other search parameters')
# ...because it is too inefficient to use SOLR to filter
# results and return the entire set to this class and
# after_search do the sorting and paging.
extents = bbox_query_ordered(bbox)
are_no_results = not extents
search_params['extras']['ext_rows'] = search_params['rows']
search_params['extras']['ext_start'] = search_params['start']
# this SOLR query needs to return no actual results since
# they are in the wrong order anyway. We just need this SOLR
# query to get the count and facet counts.
rows = 0
search_params['sort'] = None # SOLR should not sort.
# Store the rankings of the results for this page, so for
# after_search to construct the correctly sorted results
rows = search_params['extras']['ext_rows'] = search_params['rows']
start = search_params['extras']['ext_start'] = search_params['start']
search_params['extras']['ext_spatial'] = [
(extent.package_id, extent.spatial_ranking) \
for extent in extents[start:start+rows]]
extents = bbox_query(bbox)
are_no_results = extents.count() == 0
if are_no_results:
# We don't need to perform the search
search_params['abort_search'] = True
# We'll perform the existing search but also filtering by the ids
# of datasets within the bbox
bbox_query_ids = [extent.package_id for extent in extents]
q = search_params.get('q','').strip() or '""'
new_q = '%s AND ' % q if q else ''
new_q += '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(['id:%s' % id for id in bbox_query_ids])
search_params['q'] = new_q
return search_params
def after_search(self, search_results, search_params):
if search_params.get('extras', {}).get('ext_spatial'):
# Apply the spatial sort
querier = PackageSearchQuery()
pkgs = []
for package_id, spatial_ranking in search_params['extras']['ext_spatial']:
# get package from SOLR
pkg = querier.get_index(package_id)['data_dict']
search_results['results'] = pkgs
return search_results
class SpatialQueryWidget(SingletonPlugin):
def filter(self, stream):
from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c
routes = request.environ.get('pylons.routes_dict')
if routes.get('controller') == 'package' and \
routes.get('action') == 'search':
data = {
'bbox': request.params.get('ext_bbox',''),
'default_extent': config.get('ckan.spatial.default_map_extent','')
stream = stream | Transformer('body//div[@id="dataset-search-ext"]')\
.append(HTML(html.SPATIAL_SEARCH_FORM % data))
stream = stream | Transformer('head')\
stream = stream | Transformer('body')\
return stream
class DatasetExtentMap(SingletonPlugin):
implements(IConfigurer, inherit=True)
def filter(self, stream):
from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c
route_dict = request.environ.get('pylons.routes_dict')
route = '%s/%s' % (route_dict.get('controller'), route_dict.get('action'))
routes_to_filter = config.get('ckan.spatial.dataset_extent_map.routes', 'package/read').split(' ')
if route in routes_to_filter and
extent = c.pkg.extras.get('spatial',None)
if extent:
map_element_id = config.get('ckan.spatial.dataset_extent_map.element_id', 'dataset')
title = config.get('ckan.spatial.dataset_extent_map.title', 'Geographic extent')
body_html = html.PACKAGE_MAP_EXTENDED if title else html.PACKAGE_MAP_BASIC
map_type = config.get('ckan.spatial.dataset_extent_map.map_type', 'osm')
if map_type == 'osm':
js_library_links = '<script type="text/javascript" src="/ckanext/spatial/js/openlayers/OpenLayers_dataset_map.js"></script>'
map_attribution = html.MAP_ATTRIBUTION_OSM
elif map_type == 'os':
js_library_links = '<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>'
map_attribution = '' # done in the js instead
data = {'extent': extent,
'title': _(title),
'map_type': map_type,
'js_library_links': js_library_links,
'map_attribution': map_attribution,
'element_id': map_element_id}
stream = stream | Transformer('body//div[@id="%s"]' % map_element_id)\
.append(HTML(body_html % data))
stream = stream | Transformer('head')\
.append(HTML(html.PACKAGE_MAP_EXTRA_HEADER % data))
stream = stream | Transformer('body')\
.append(HTML(html.PACKAGE_MAP_EXTRA_FOOTER % data))
return stream
def update_config(self, config):
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
template_dir = os.path.join(here, 'templates')
public_dir = os.path.join(here, 'public')
if config.get('extra_template_paths'):
config['extra_template_paths'] += ','+template_dir
config['extra_template_paths'] = template_dir
if config.get('extra_public_paths'):
config['extra_public_paths'] += ','+public_dir
config['extra_public_paths'] = public_dir
class CatalogueServiceWeb(SingletonPlugin):
def configure(self, config):
config.setdefault("cswservice.title", "Untitled Service - set cswservice.title in config")
config.setdefault("cswservice.abstract", "Unspecified service description - set cswservice.abstract in config")
config.setdefault("cswservice.keywords", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.keyword_type", "theme")
config.setdefault("cswservice.provider_name", "Unnamed provider - set cswservice.provider_name in config")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_name", "No contact - set cswservice.contact_name in config")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_position", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_voice", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_fax", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_address", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_city", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_region", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_pcode", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_country", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_email", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_hours", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_instructions", "")
config.setdefault("cswservice.contact_role", "")
config["cswservice.rndlog_threshold"] = float(config.get("cswservice.rndlog_threshold", "0.01"))
def before_map(self, route_map):
c = "ckanext.spatial.controllers.csw:CatalogueServiceWebController"
route_map.connect("/csw", controller=c, action="dispatch_get",
conditions={"method": ["GET"]})
route_map.connect("/csw", controller=c, action="dispatch_post",
conditions={"method": ["POST"]})
return route_map
def after_map(self, route_map):
return route_map
class HarvestMetadataApi(SingletonPlugin):
Harvest Metadata API
(previously called "InspireApi")
A way for a user to view the harvested metadata XML, either as a raw file or
styled to view in a web browser.
def before_map(self, route_map):
controller = "ckanext.spatial.controllers.api:HarvestMetadataApiController"
route_map.connect("/api/2/rest/harvestobject/:id/xml", controller=controller,
route_map.connect("/api/2/rest/harvestobject/:id/html", controller=controller,
return route_map
def after_map(self, route_map):
return route_map