
586 lines
22 KiB

import re
import cgitb
import warnings
import urllib2
import sys
import logging
from string import Template
from urlparse import urlparse
from datetime import datetime
from numbers import Number
import uuid
import hashlib
import dateutil
import mimetypes
from pylons import config
from owslib import wms
import requests
from lxml import etree
from ckan import model
from ckan.lib.helpers import json
from ckan import logic
from ckan.logic import get_action, ValidationError
from ckan.lib.navl.validators import not_empty
from ckanext.harvest.harvesters.base import HarvesterBase
from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestObject
from ckanext.spatial.validation import Validators, all_validators
from ckanext.spatial.model import GeminiDocument
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def text_traceback():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
res = 'the original traceback:'.join(
cgitb.text(sys.exc_info()).split('the original traceback:')[1:]
return res
def get_extra(harvest_object, key):
for extra in harvest_object.extras:
if extra.key == key:
return extra.value
return None
def guess_standard(content):
lowered = content.lower()
if '</gmd:MD_Metadata>'.lower() in lowered:
return 'iso'
if '</gmi:MI_Metadata>'.lower() in lowered:
return 'iso'
if '</metadata>'.lower() in lowered:
return 'fgdc'
return 'unknown'
class SpatialHarvester(HarvesterBase):
force_import = False
extent_template = Template('''
{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[$minx, $miny],[$minx, $maxy], [$maxx, $maxy], [$maxx, $miny], [$minx, $miny]]]}
## IHarvester
def validate_config(self,config):
if not config:
return config
config_obj = json.loads(config)
if 'validator_profiles' in config_obj:
if not isinstance(config_obj['validator_profiles'],list):
raise ValueError('validator_profiles must be a list')
# Check if all profiles exist
existing_profiles = [ for v in all_validators]
unknown_profiles = set(config_obj['validator_profiles']) - set(existing_profiles)
if len(unknown_profiles) > 0:
raise ValueError('Unknown validation profile(s): %s' % ','.join(unknown_profiles))
except ValueError,e:
raise e
return config
def _is_wms(self,url):
capabilities_url = wms.WMSCapabilitiesReader().capabilities_url(url)
res = urllib2.urlopen(capabilities_url,None,10)
xml =
s = wms.WebMapService(url,xml=xml)
return isinstance(s.contents, dict) and s.contents != {}
except Exception, e:
log.error('WMS check for %s failed with exception: %s' % (url, str(e)))
return False
def _get_validator(self):
Returns the validator object using the relevant profiles
The profiles to be used are assigned in the following order:
1. 'validator_profiles' property of the harvest source config object
2. 'ckan.spatial.validator.profiles' configuration option in the ini file
3. Default value as defined in DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_PROFILES
if not hasattr(self, '_validator'):
if hasattr(self, 'config') and self.config.get('validator_profiles',None):
profiles = self.config.get('validator_profiles')
elif config.get('ckan.spatial.validator.profiles', None):
profiles = [
x.strip() for x in
self._validator = Validators(profiles=profiles)
return self._validator
def _get_content(self, url):
DEPRECATED: Use _get_content_as_unicode instead
url = url.replace(' ','%20')
http_response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
def _get_content_as_unicode(self, url):
Get remote content as unicode.
We let requests handle the conversion [1] , which will use the content-type
header first or chardet if the header is missing (requests uses its own
embedded chardet version).
As we will be storing and serving the contents as unicode, we actually
replace the original XML encoding declaration with an UTF-8 one.
url = url.replace(' ','%20')
response = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
content = response.text
# Remove original XML declaration
content = re.sub('<\?xml(.*)\?>','',content)
# Get rid of the BOM and other rubbish at the beginning of the file
content = re.sub('.*?<', '<', content, 1)
content = content[content.index('<'):]
content = u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n' + content
return content
def _validate_document(self, document_string, harvest_object, validator=None):
if not validator:
validator = self._get_validator()
#TODO: remove! specific
from ckanext.geodatagov.harvesters.validation import MinimalFGDCValidator
document_string = re.sub('<\?xml(.*)\?>','',document_string)
xml = etree.fromstring(document_string)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e:
self._save_object_error('Could not parse XML file: {0}'.format(str(e)), harvest_object,'Import')
return False, None, []
valid, profile, errors = validator.is_valid(xml)
if not valid:
log.error('Validation errors found using profile {0} for object with GUID {1}'.format(profile, harvest_object.guid))
for error in errors:
self._save_object_error(error[0], harvest_object,'Validation',line=error[1])
return valid, profile, errors
def _get_package_dict(self, iso_values, harvest_object):
tags = []
for tag in iso_values['tags']:
tag = tag[:50] if len(tag) > 50 else tag
package_dict = {
'title': iso_values['title'],
'notes': iso_values['abstract'],
'tags': tags,
# We need to get the owner organization (if any) from the harvest
# source dataset
source_dataset = model.Package.get(
if source_dataset.owner_org:
package_dict['owner_org'] = source_dataset.owner_org
# Package name
package = harvest_object.package
if package is None or package.title != iso_values['title']:
name = self.gen_new_name(iso_values['title'])
if not name:
name = self.gen_new_name(str(iso_values['guid']))
if not name:
raise Exception('Could not generate a unique name from the title or the GUID. Please choose a more unique title.')
package_dict['name'] = name
package_dict['name'] =
extras = {
'guid': harvest_object.guid,
# Just add some of the metadata as extras, not the whole lot
for name in [
# Essentials
# Usefuls
'metadata-language', # Language
'metadata-date', # Released
extras[name] = iso_values[name]
extras['resource-type'] = iso_values['resource-type'][0]
extras['licence'] = iso_values.get('use-constraints', '')
def _extract_first_license_url(licences):
for licence in licences:
o = urlparse(licence)
if o.scheme and o.netloc:
return licence
return None
if len(extras['licence']):
license_url_extracted = self._extract_first_license_url(extras['licence'])
if license_url_extracted:
extras['licence_url'] = license_url_extracted
extras['access_constraints'] = iso_values.get('limitations-on-public-access','')
if iso_values.has_key('temporal-extent-begin'):
extras['temporal_coverage-from'] = iso_values['temporal-extent-begin']
if iso_values.has_key('temporal-extent-end'):
extras['temporal_coverage-to'] = iso_values['temporal-extent-end']
# Save responsible organization roles
parties = {}
owners = []
publishers = []
for responsible_party in iso_values['responsible-organisation']:
if responsible_party['role'] == 'owner':
elif responsible_party['role'] == 'publisher':
if responsible_party['organisation-name'] in parties:
if not responsible_party['role'] in parties[responsible_party['organisation-name']]:
parties[responsible_party['organisation-name']] = [responsible_party['role']]
parties_extra = []
for party_name in parties:
parties_extra.append('%s (%s)' % (party_name, ', '.join(parties[party_name])))
extras['responsible-party'] = '; '.join(parties_extra)
# Save provider in a separate extra:
# first organization to have a role of 'owner', and if there is none, first one with
# a role of 'publisher'
if len(owners):
extras['provider'] = owners[0]
elif len(publishers):
extras['provider'] = publishers[0]
extras['provider'] = u''
if len(iso_values['bbox']) > 0:
extras['bbox-east-long'] = iso_values['bbox'][0]['east']
extras['bbox-north-lat'] = iso_values['bbox'][0]['north']
extras['bbox-south-lat'] = iso_values['bbox'][0]['south']
extras['bbox-west-long'] = iso_values['bbox'][0]['west']
# Construct a GeoJSON extent so ckanext-spatial can register the extent geometry
extent_string = self.extent_template.substitute(
minx = extras['bbox-east-long'],
miny = extras['bbox-south-lat'],
maxx = extras['bbox-west-long'],
maxy = extras['bbox-north-lat']
extras['spatial'] = extent_string.strip()
log.debug('No spatial extent defined for this object')
resource_locators = iso_values.get('resource-locator', []) +\
iso_values.get('resource-locator-identification', [])
if len(resource_locators):
for resource_locator in resource_locators:
url = resource_locator.get('url','')
if url:
resource_format = ''
resource = {}
if extras['resource-type'] == 'service':
# Check if the service is a view service
test_url = url.split('?')[0] if '?' in url else url
if self._is_wms(test_url):
resource['verified'] = True
resource['verified_date'] =
resource_format = 'WMS'
if not resource_format:
resource_format, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)
'url': url,
'name': resource_locator.get('name',''),
'description': resource_locator.get('description') if resource_locator.get('description') else 'Resource locator',
'format': resource_format or None,
'resource_locator_protocol': resource_locator.get('protocol',''),
# Guess the best view service to use in WMS preview
verified_view_resources = [r for r in package_dict['resources'] if 'verified' in r and r['format'] == 'WMS']
if len(verified_view_resources):
verified_view_resources[0]['ckan_recommended_wms_preview'] = True
view_resources = [r for r in package_dict['resources'] if r['format'] == 'WMS']
if len(view_resources):
view_resources[0]['ckan_recommended_wms_preview'] = True
extras_as_dict = []
for key,value in extras.iteritems():
if isinstance(value,(basestring,Number)):
package_dict['extras'] = extras_as_dict
return package_dict
def import_stage(self, harvest_object):
log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.import')
log.debug('Import stage for harvest object: %s',
if not harvest_object:
log.error('No harvest object received')
return False
status = get_extra(harvest_object, 'status')
# Get the last harvested object (if any)
previous_object = model.Session.query(HarvestObject) \
.filter(HarvestObject.guid==harvest_object.guid) \
.filter(HarvestObject.current==True) \
if status == 'delete':
# Delete package
context = {'model':model, 'session': model.Session, 'user':'harvest'} #TODO: user
get_action('package_delete')(context, {'id': harvest_object.package_id})'Deleted package {0} with guid {1}'.format(harvest_object.package_id, harvest_object.guid))
return True
original_document = get_extra(harvest_object, 'original_document')
if harvest_object.content is None and not original_document:
self._save_object_error('Empty content for object {0}'.format(, harvest_object, 'Import')
return False
# Check if it is a non ISO document
original_format = get_extra(harvest_object, 'original_format')
if original_format and original_format == 'fgdc':
#TODO: specific
transform_service = config.get('ckanext.geodatagov.fgdc2iso_service')
if not transform_service:
self._save_object_error('No FGDC to ISO transformation service', harvest_object, 'Import')
return False
# Validate against FGDC schema
if self.config.get('validation_profiles'):
profiles = self.config.get('validation_profiles').split(',')
profiles = ['fgdc-minimal']
is_valid, profile, errors = self._validate_document(original_document, harvest_object,
if not is_valid:
# TODO: Provide an option to continue anyway
return False
response =,
headers={'content-type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'})
if response.status_code == 200:
# XML coming from the conversion tool is already declared and encoded as utf-8
harvest_object.content = response.content
msg = 'The transformation service returned an error for object {0}'
if response.status_code and response.content:
msg += ': [{0}] {1}'.format(response.status_code, response.content)
elif response.error:
msg += ': {0}'.format(response.error)
self._save_object_error(msg ,harvest_object,'Import')
return False
if harvest_object.content is None:
self._save_object_error('Empty content for object {0}'.format(, harvest_object, 'Import')
return False
# Document is ISO, validate
is_valid, profile, errors = self._validate_document(harvest_object.content, harvest_object)
if not is_valid:
# TODO: Provide an option to continue anyway
return False
# Parse ISO document
iso_values = GeminiDocument(harvest_object.content).read_values()
except Exception, e:
self._save_object_error('Error parsing ISO document for object {0}: {1}'.format(,str(e)),
return False
# Flag previous object as not current anymore
if previous_object:
previous_object.current = False
# Update GUID with the one on the document
iso_guid = iso_values['guid']
if iso_guid and harvest_object.guid != iso_guid:
# First make sure there already aren't current objects
# with the same guid
existing_object = model.Session.query( \
.filter(HarvestObject.guid==iso_guid) \
.filter(HarvestObject.current==True) \
if existing_object:
self._save_object_error('Object {0} already has this guid {1}'.format(, iso_guid),
return False
harvest_object.guid = iso_guid
# Generate GUID if not present (i.e. it's a manual import)
if not harvest_object.guid:
m = hashlib.md5()
harvest_object.guid = m.hexdigest()
# Get document modified date
metadata_modified_date = dateutil.parser.parse(iso_values['metadata-date'])
except ValueError:
self._save_object_error('Could not extract reference date for object {0} ({1})'
.format(, iso_values['metadata-date']), harvest_object, 'Import')
return False
harvest_object.metadata_modified_date = metadata_modified_date
# Build the package dict
package_dict = self._get_package_dict(iso_values, harvest_object)
# Create / update the package
context = {'model':model,
'session': model.Session,
'user':'harvest', # TODO: user
'extras_as_string':True, # TODO: check if needed
'api_version': '2',
'return_id_only': True}
# The default package schema does not like Upper case tags
tag_schema = logic.schema.default_tags_schema()
tag_schema['name'] = [not_empty, unicode]
# Flag this object as the current one
harvest_object.current = True
if status == 'new':
package_schema = logic.schema.default_create_package_schema()
package_schema['tags'] = tag_schema
context['schema'] = package_schema
# We need to explicitly provide a package ID, otherwise ckanext-spatial
# won't be be able to link the extent to the package.
package_dict['id'] = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
package_schema['id'] = [unicode]
# Save reference to the package on the object
harvest_object.package_id = package_dict['id']
# Defer constraints and flush so the dataset can be indexed with
# the harvest object id (on the after_show hook from the harvester
# plugin)
model.Session.execute('SET CONSTRAINTS harvest_object_package_id_fkey DEFERRED')
package_id = get_action('package_create')(context, package_dict)'Created new package %s with guid %s', package_id, harvest_object.guid)
except ValidationError,e:
self._save_object_error('Validation Error: %s' % str(e.error_summary), harvest_object, 'Import')
return False
elif status == 'change':
# Check if the modified date is more recent
if harvest_object.metadata_modified_date <= previous_object.metadata_modified_date:
# Assign the previous job id to the new object to
# avoid losing history
harvest_object.harvest_job_id =
# Delete the previous object to avoid cluttering the object table
previous_object.delete()'Document with GUID %s unchanged, skipping...' % (harvest_object.guid))
package_schema = logic.schema.default_update_package_schema()
package_schema['tags'] = tag_schema
context['schema'] = package_schema
package_dict['id'] = harvest_object.package_id
package_id = get_action('package_update')(context, package_dict)'Updated package %s with guid %s', package_id, harvest_object.guid)
except ValidationError,e:
self._save_object_error('Validation Error: %s' % str(e.error_summary), harvest_object, 'Import')
return False
return True