75 lines
2.3 KiB
75 lines
2.3 KiB
import logging
from pprint import pprint
from ckan.logic.action.create import package_create
from ckan.logic.action.delete import package_delete
from ckan import model
from ckan.model import Package, Session
import ckan.lib.search as search
from ckan.tests import CreateTestData, setup_test_search_index
from ckan.tests.functional.api.base import ApiTestCase
from ckan.tests import TestController as ControllerTestCase
from ckanext.spatial.tests import SpatialTestBase
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestSpatialApi(ApiTestCase,SpatialTestBase,ControllerTestCase):
api_version = '2'
def setup_class(self):
self.package_fixture_data = {
'name' : u'test-spatial-dataset-search-point',
'title': 'Some Title',
'extras': [{'key':'spatial','value':self.geojson_examples['point']}]
self.base_url = self.offset('/search/dataset/geo')
def _offset_with_bbox(self,minx=-180,miny=-90,maxx=180,maxy=90,crs=None):
offset = self.base_url + '?bbox=%s,%s,%s,%s' % (minx,miny,maxx,maxy)
if crs:
offset = offset + '&crs=%s' % crs
return offset
def test_basic_query(self):
context = {'model':model,'session':Session,'user':'tester','extras_as_string':True}
package_dict = package_create(context,self.package_fixture_data)
# Point inside bbox
offset = self._offset_with_bbox()
res = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
res_dict = self.data_from_res(res)
assert res_dict['count'] == 1
assert res_dict['results'][0] == package_dict['id']
# Point outside bbox
offset = self._offset_with_bbox(-10,10,-20,20)
res = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
res_dict = self.data_from_res(res)
assert res_dict['count'] == 0
assert res_dict['results'] == []
# Delete the package and ensure it does not come up on
# search results
offset = self._offset_with_bbox()
res = self.app.get(offset, status=200)
res_dict = self.data_from_res(res)
assert res_dict['count'] == 0
assert res_dict['results'] == []