import logging import hashlib from urlparse import urljoin import dateutil.parser import pyparsing as parse import requests from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased from sqlalchemy.exc import DataError from ckan import model from ckan.plugins.core import SingletonPlugin, implements from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestObject from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestObjectExtra as HOExtra import ckanext.harvest.queue as queue from ckanext.spatial.harvesters.base import SpatialHarvester, guess_standard log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WAFHarvester(SpatialHarvester, SingletonPlugin): ''' A Harvester for WAF (Web Accessible Folders) containing spatial metadata documents. e.g. Apache serving a directory of ISO 19139 files. ''' implements(IHarvester) def info(self): return { 'name': 'waf', 'title': 'Web Accessible Folder (WAF)', 'description': 'A Web Accessible Folder (WAF) displaying a list of spatial metadata documents' } def get_original_url(self, harvest_object_id): url = model.Session.query(HOExtra.value).\ filter(HOExtra.key=='waf_location').\ filter(HOExtra.harvest_object_id==harvest_object_id).\ first() return url[0] if url else None def gather_stage(self,harvest_job,collection_package_id=None): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.WAF.gather') log.debug('WafHarvester gather_stage for job: %r', harvest_job) self.harvest_job = harvest_job # Get source URL source_url = harvest_job.source.url self._set_source_config(harvest_job.source.config) # Get contents try: response = requests.get(source_url, timeout=60) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException, e: self._save_gather_error('Unable to get content for URL: %s: %r' % \ (source_url, e),harvest_job) return None content = response.content scraper = _get_scraper(response.headers.get('server')) ###### Get current harvest object out of db ###### url_to_modified_db = {} ## mapping of url to last_modified in db url_to_ids = {} ## mapping of url to guid in db HOExtraAlias1 = aliased(HOExtra) HOExtraAlias2 = aliased(HOExtra) query = model.Session.query(HarvestObject.guid, HarvestObject.package_id, HOExtraAlias1.value, HOExtraAlias2.value).\ join(HOExtraAlias1, HarvestObject.extras).\ join(HOExtraAlias2, HarvestObject.extras).\ filter(HOExtraAlias1.key=='waf_modified_date').\ filter(HOExtraAlias2.key=='waf_location').\ filter(HarvestObject.current==True).\ filter( for guid, package_id, modified_date, url in query: url_to_modified_db[url] = modified_date url_to_ids[url] = (guid, package_id) ###### Get current list of records from source ###### url_to_modified_harvest = {} ## mapping of url to last_modified in harvest try: for url, modified_date in _extract_waf(content,source_url,scraper): url_to_modified_harvest[url] = modified_date except Exception,e: msg = 'Error extracting URLs from %s, error was %s' % (source_url, e) self._save_gather_error(msg,harvest_job) return None ###### Compare source and db ###### harvest_locations = set(url_to_modified_harvest.keys()) old_locations = set(url_to_modified_db.keys()) new = harvest_locations - old_locations delete = old_locations - harvest_locations possible_changes = old_locations & harvest_locations change = [] for item in possible_changes: if (not url_to_modified_harvest[item] or not url_to_modified_db[item] #if there is no date assume change or url_to_modified_harvest[item] > url_to_modified_db[item]): change.append(item) def create_extras(url, date, status): extras = [HOExtra(key='waf_modified_date', value=date), HOExtra(key='waf_location', value=url), HOExtra(key='status', value=status)] if collection_package_id: extras.append( HOExtra(key='collection_package_id', value=collection_package_id) ) return extras ids = [] for location in new: guid=hashlib.md5(location.encode('utf8','ignore')).hexdigest() obj = HarvestObject(job=harvest_job, extras=create_extras(location, url_to_modified_harvest[location], 'new'), guid=guid ) ids.append( for location in change: obj = HarvestObject(job=harvest_job, extras=create_extras(location, url_to_modified_harvest[location], 'change'), guid=url_to_ids[location][0], package_id=url_to_ids[location][1], ) ids.append( for location in delete: obj = HarvestObject(job=harvest_job, extras=create_extras('','', 'delete'), guid=url_to_ids[location][0], package_id=url_to_ids[location][1], ) model.Session.query(HarvestObject).\ filter_by(guid=url_to_ids[location][0]).\ update({'current': False}, False) ids.append( if len(ids) > 0: log.debug('{0} objects sent to the next stage: {1} new, {2} change, {3} delete'.format( len(ids), len(new), len(change), len(delete))) return ids else: self._save_gather_error('No records to change', harvest_job) return [] def fetch_stage(self, harvest_object): # Check harvest object status status = self._get_object_extra(harvest_object,'status') if status == 'delete': # No need to fetch anything, just pass to the import stage return True # We need to fetch the remote document # Get location url = self._get_object_extra(harvest_object, 'waf_location') if not url: self._save_object_error( 'No location defined for object {0}'.format(, harvest_object) return False # Get contents try: content = self._get_content_as_unicode(url) except Exception, e: msg = 'Could not harvest WAF link {0}: {1}'.format(url, e) self._save_object_error(msg, harvest_object) return False # Check if it is an ISO document document_format = guess_standard(content) if document_format == 'iso': harvest_object.content = content else: extra = HOExtra( object=harvest_object, key='original_document', value=content) extra = HOExtra( object=harvest_object, key='original_format', value=document_format) return True apache = parse.SkipTo(parse.CaselessLiteral("", include=True).suppress() \ + parse.Optional(parse.Literal('