import os from pkg_resources import resource_stream, resource_filename from ckanext.spatial.model import GeminiDocument from lxml import etree log = __import__("logging").getLogger(__name__) class BaseValidator(object): '''Base class for a validator.''' name = None title = None @classmethod def is_valid(cls, xml): ''' Runs the validation on the supplied XML etree. Returns tuple: (is_valid, error_message_list) ''' raise NotImplementedError class XsdValidator(BaseValidator): '''Base class for validators that use an XSD schema.''' @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, xml, xsd_filepath, xsd_name): '''Returns whether or not an XML file is valid according to an XSD. Params: xml - etree of the XML to be validated xsd_filepath - full path to the XSD file xsd_name - string describing the XSD Returns: (is_valid_boolean, list_of_error_message_strings) ''' xsd = etree.parse(xsd_filepath) schema = etree.XMLSchema(xsd) # With libxml2 versions before 2.9, this fails with this error: # gmx_schema = etree.XMLSchema(gmx_xsd) # File "xmlschema.pxi", line 103, in lxml.etree.XMLSchema.__init__ (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:116069) # XMLSchemaParseError: local list type: A type, derived by list or union, must have the simple ur-type definition as base type, not '{}doubleList'., line 118 try: schema.assertValid(xml) except AssertionError, e: msg = '%s Schema Error: %s' % (xsd_name, e.args) return False, [msg] except etree.DocumentInvalid, e: msg = '%s Validation Error: %s' % (xsd_name, e.args) return False, [msg] return True, [] class ISO19139Schema(XsdValidator): name = 'iso19139' title = 'ISO19139 XSD Schema' @classmethod def is_valid(cls, xml): xsd_path = 'xml/iso19139' gmx_xsd_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), xsd_path, 'gmx/gmx.xsd') is_valid, errors = cls._is_valid(xml, gmx_xsd_filepath, 'Dataset schema (gmx.xsd)') return is_valid, errors class ISO19139EdenSchema(XsdValidator): name = 'iso19139eden' title = 'ISO19139 XSD Schema (EDEN 2009-03-16)' @classmethod def is_valid(cls, xml): xsd_path = 'xml/iso19139eden' metadata_type = cls.get_record_type(xml) if metadata_type in ('dataset', 'series'): gmx_xsd_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), xsd_path, 'gmx/gmx.xsd') is_valid, errors = cls._is_valid(xml, gmx_xsd_filepath, 'Dataset schema (gmx.xsd)') elif metadata_type == 'service': gmx_and_srv_xsd_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), xsd_path, 'gmx_and_srv.xsd') is_valid, errors = cls._is_valid(xml, gmx_and_srv_xsd_filepath, 'Service schemas (gmx.xsd & srv.xsd)') else: is_valid = False errors = ['Metadata type not recognised "%s" - cannot choose an ISO19139 validator.' % metadata_type] if is_valid: return True, [] return False, errors @classmethod def get_record_type(cls, xml): ''' For a given ISO19139 record, returns the "type" e.g. "dataset", "series", "service" xml - etree of the ISO19139 XML record ''' gemini = GeminiDocument(xml_tree=xml) return gemini.read_value('resource-type') class SchematronValidator(BaseValidator): '''Base class for a validator that uses Schematron.''' has_init = False @classmethod def get_schematrons(cls): '''Subclasses should override this method to implement their validation.''' raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def is_valid(cls, xml): if not hasattr(cls, 'schematrons'):'Compiling schematron "%s"', cls.title) cls.schematrons = cls.get_schematrons() for schematron in cls.schematrons: result = schematron(xml) errors = [] for element in result.findall("{}failed-assert"): errors.append(element) if len(errors) > 0: messages_already_reported = set() error_details = [] for error in errors: message, details = cls.extract_error_details(error) if not message in messages_already_reported: error_details.append(details) messages_already_reported.add(message) return False, error_details return True, [] @classmethod def extract_error_details(cls, failed_assert_element): '''Given the XML Element describing a schematron test failure, this method extracts the strings describing the failure and returns them. Returns: (error_message, fuller_error_details) ''' assert_ = failed_assert_element.get('test') location = failed_assert_element.get('location') message_element = failed_assert_element.find("{}text") message = message_element.text.strip() failed_assert_element return message, 'Error Message: "%s" Error Location: "%s" Error Assert: "%s"' % (message, location, assert_) @classmethod def schematron(cls, schema): transforms = [ "validation/xml/schematron/iso_dsdl_include.xsl", "validation/xml/schematron/iso_abstract_expand.xsl", "validation/xml/schematron/iso_svrl_for_xslt1.xsl", ] if isinstance(schema, file): compiled = etree.parse(schema) else: compiled = schema for filename in transforms: with resource_stream("ckanext.spatial", filename) as stream: xform_xml = etree.parse(stream) xform = etree.XSLT(xform_xml) compiled = xform(compiled) return etree.XSLT(compiled) class ConstraintsSchematron(SchematronValidator): name = 'constraints' title = 'ISO19139 Table A.1 Constraints Schematron 1.3' @classmethod def get_schematrons(cls): with resource_stream("ckanext.spatial", "validation/xml/medin/ISOTS19139A1Constraints_v1.3.sch") as schema: return [cls.schematron(schema)] class Gemini2Schematron(SchematronValidator): name = 'gemini2' title = 'GEMINI 2.1 Schematron 1.2' @classmethod def get_schematrons(cls): with resource_stream("ckanext.spatial", "validation/xml/gemini2/gemini2-schematron-20110906-v1.2.sch") as schema: return [cls.schematron(schema)] all_validators = (ISO19139Schema, ISO19139EdenSchema, ConstraintsSchematron, Gemini2Schematron) class Validators(object): ''' Validates XML against one or more profiles (i.e. validators). ''' def __init__(self, profiles=["iso19139", "constraints", "gemini2"]): self.profiles = profiles def isvalid(self, xml): '''For backward compatibility''' return self.is_valid(xml) def is_valid(self, xml): if not hasattr(self, 'validators'): self.validators = {} # name: class for validator_class in all_validators: self.validators[] = validator_class for name in self.profiles: validator = self.validators[name] is_valid, error_message_list = validator.is_valid(xml) if not is_valid: error_message_list.insert(0, 'Validating against "%s" profile failed' % validator.title)'%r', error_message_list) return False, error_message_list'Validated against "%s"', validator.title)'Validation passed') return True, [] if __name__ == '__main__': from sys import argv import logging from pprint import pprint logging.basicConfig() if len(argv) == 3: profiles = argv[2].split(',') else: profiles = ["iso19139", "constraints", "gemini2"] v = Validators(profiles) result = v.is_valid(etree.parse(open(argv[1]))) pprint(result)