import sys import logging import datetime import io import os import argparse from six.moves.configparser import SafeConfigParser import requests from lxml import etree from pycsw.core import metadata, repository, util import pycsw.core.config import pycsw.core.admin logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.INFO) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def setup_db(pycsw_config): """Setup database tables and indexes""" from sqlalchemy import Column, Text database = pycsw_config.get("repository", "database") table_name = pycsw_config.get("repository", "table", "records") ckan_columns = [ Column("ckan_id", Text, index=True), Column("ckan_modified", Text), ] pycsw.core.admin.setup_db( database, table_name, "", create_plpythonu_functions=False, extra_columns=ckan_columns, ) def set_keywords(pycsw_config_file, pycsw_config, ckan_url, limit=20): """set pycsw service metadata keywords from top limit CKAN tags""""Fetching tags from %s", ckan_url) url = ckan_url + "api/tag_counts" response = requests.get(url) tags = response.json()"Deriving top %d tags", limit) # uniquify and sort by top limit tags_unique = [list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in tags)] tags_sorted = sorted(tags_unique, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=1)[0:limit] keywords = ",".join("%s" % tn[0] for tn in tags_sorted)"Setting tags in pycsw configuration file %s", pycsw_config_file) pycsw_config.set("metadata:main", "identification_keywords", keywords) with open(pycsw_config_file, "wb") as configfile: pycsw_config.write(configfile) def load(pycsw_config, ckan_url): database = pycsw_config.get("repository", "database") table_name = pycsw_config.get("repository", "table", "records") context = pycsw.core.config.StaticContext() repo = repository.Repository(database, context, table=table_name) "Started gathering CKAN datasets identifiers: {0}".format( str( ) ) query = 'api/search/dataset?qjson={"fl":"id,metadata_modified,extras_harvest_object_id,extras_metadata_source", "q":"harvest_object_id:[\\"\\" TO *]", "limit":1000, "start":%s}' start = 0 gathered_records = {} while True: url = ckan_url + query % start response = requests.get(url) listing = response.json() if not isinstance(listing, dict): raise RuntimeError("Wrong API response: %s" % listing) results = listing.get("results") if not results: break for result in results: gathered_records[result["id"]] = { "metadata_modified": result["metadata_modified"], "harvest_object_id": result["extras"]["harvest_object_id"], "source": result["extras"].get("metadata_source"), } start = start + 1000 log.debug("Gathered %s" % start) "Gather finished ({0} datasets): {1}".format( len(gathered_records.keys()), str( ) ) existing_records = {} query = repo.session.query(repo.dataset.ckan_id, repo.dataset.ckan_modified) for row in query: existing_records[row[0]] = row[1] repo.session.close() new = set(gathered_records) - set(existing_records) deleted = set(existing_records) - set(gathered_records) changed = set() for key in set(gathered_records) & set(existing_records): if gathered_records[key]["metadata_modified"] > existing_records[key]: changed.add(key) for ckan_id in deleted: try: repo.session.begin() repo.session.query(repo.dataset.ckan_id).filter_by(ckan_id=ckan_id).delete()"Deleted %s" % ckan_id) repo.session.commit() except Exception: repo.session.rollback() raise for ckan_id in new: ckan_info = gathered_records[ckan_id] record = get_record(context, repo, ckan_url, ckan_id, ckan_info) if not record:"Skipped record %s" % ckan_id) continue try: repo.insert(record, "local", util.get_today_and_now())"Inserted %s" % ckan_id) except Exception as err: log.error("ERROR: not inserted %s Error:%s" % (ckan_id, err)) for ckan_id in changed: ckan_info = gathered_records[ckan_id] record = get_record(context, repo, ckan_url, ckan_id, ckan_info) if not record: continue update_dict = dict( [ (getattr(repo.dataset, key), getattr(record, key)) for key in record.__dict__.keys() if key != "_sa_instance_state" ] ) try: repo.session.begin() repo.session.query(repo.dataset).filter_by(ckan_id=ckan_id).update( update_dict ) repo.session.commit()"Changed %s" % ckan_id) except Exception as err: repo.session.rollback() raise RuntimeError("ERROR: %s" % str(err)) def clear(pycsw_config): from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table database = pycsw_config.get("repository", "database") table_name = pycsw_config.get("repository", "table", "records") log.debug("Creating engine") engine = create_engine(database) records = Table(table_name, MetaData(engine)) records.delete().execute()"Table cleared") def get_record(context, repo, ckan_url, ckan_id, ckan_info): query = ckan_url + "harvest/object/%s" url = query % ckan_info["harvest_object_id"] response = requests.get(url) if ckan_info["source"] == "arcgis": return try: xml = etree.parse(io.BytesIO(response.content)) except Exception as err: log.error("Could not pass xml doc from %s, Error: %s" % (ckan_id, err)) return try: record = metadata.parse_record(context, xml, repo)[0] except Exception as err: log.error("Could not extract metadata from %s, Error: %s" % (ckan_id, err)) return if not record.identifier: record.identifier = ckan_id record.ckan_id = ckan_id record.ckan_modified = ckan_info["metadata_modified"] return record usage = """ Manages the CKAN-pycsw integration python setup [-p] Setups the necessary pycsw table on the db. python set_keywords [-p] -u Sets pycsw server metadata keywords from CKAN site tag list. python load [-p] -u Loads CKAN datasets as records into the pycsw db. python clear [-p] Removes all records from the pycsw table. All commands require the pycsw configuration file. By default it will try to find a file called 'default.cfg' in the same directory, but you'll probably need to provide the actual location via the -p option: python setup -p /etc/ckan/default/pycsw.cfg The load command requires a CKAN URL from where the datasets will be pulled: python load -p /etc/ckan/default/pycsw.cfg -u http://localhost """ def _load_config(file_path): abs_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) if not os.path.exists(abs_path): raise AssertionError("pycsw config file {0} does not exist.".format(abs_path)) config = SafeConfigParser() return config if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="\n".split(usage)[0], usage=usage) parser.add_argument("command", help="Command to perform") parser.add_argument( "-p", "--pycsw_config", action="store", default="default.cfg", help="pycsw config file to use.", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--ckan_url", action="store", help="CKAN instance to import the datasets from.", ) if len(sys.argv) <= 1: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) arg = parser.parse_args() pycsw_config = _load_config(arg.pycsw_config) if arg.command == "setup": setup_db(pycsw_config) elif arg.command in ["load", "set_keywords"]: if not arg.ckan_url: raise AssertionError("You need to provide a CKAN URL with -u or --ckan_url") ckan_url = arg.ckan_url.rstrip("/") + "/" if arg.command == "load": load(pycsw_config, ckan_url) else: set_keywords(arg.pycsw_config, pycsw_config, ckan_url) elif arg.command == "clear": clear(pycsw_config) else: print("Unknown command {0}".format(arg.command)) sys.exit(1)