============================================== ckanext-spatial - Geo related plugins for CKAN ============================================== This extension contains plugins that add geospatial capabilities to CKAN_. You should have a CKAN instance installed before adding these plugins. Head to the `CKAN documentation`_ for information on how to set up CKAN. The extension adds a spatial field to the default CKAN dataset schema, using PostGIS_ as the backend. This allows to perform spatial queries and display the dataset extent on the frontend. It also provides harvesters to import geospatial metadata into CKAN from other sources, as well as commands to support the CSW standard. Finally, it also includes plugins to preview spatial formats such as GeoJSON_. Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install spatial-search harvesters csw previews map-widgets .. _CKAN: http://ckan.org .. _CKAN Documentation: http://docs.ckan.org .. _PostGIS: http://postgis.org .. _GeoJSON: http://geojson.org