''' Different harvesters for spatial metadata These are designed for harvesting GEMINI2 for the UK Location Programme but can be easily adapted for other INSPIRE/ISO19139 XML metadata - GeminiCswHarvester - CSW servers - GeminiDocHarvester - An individual GEMINI resource - GeminiWafHarvester - An index page with links to GEMINI resources ''' import os from urlparse import urlparse from datetime import datetime from numbers import Number import uuid import logging import difflib from lxml import etree from sqlalchemy.sql import update, bindparam from ckan import model from ckan.model import Session, Package from ckan.lib.munge import munge_title_to_name from ckan.plugins.core import SingletonPlugin, implements from ckan.lib.helpers import json from ckan import logic from ckan.logic import get_action, ValidationError from ckan.lib.navl.validators import not_empty from ckanext.harvest.interfaces import IHarvester from ckanext.harvest.model import HarvestObject from ckanext.spatial.model import GeminiDocument from ckanext.spatial.lib.csw_client import CswService from ckanext.spatial.harvesters.base import SpatialHarvester, text_traceback log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # When developing, it might be helpful to 'export DEBUG=1' to reraise the # exceptions, rather them being caught. debug_exception_mode = bool(os.getenv('DEBUG')) class GeminiHarvester(SpatialHarvester): '''Base class for spatial harvesting GEMINI2 documents for the UK Location Programme. May be easily adaptable for other INSPIRE and spatial projects. All three harvesters share the same import stage ''' def import_stage(self, harvest_object): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.import') log.debug('Import stage for harvest object: %r', harvest_object) if not harvest_object: log.error('No harvest object received') return False # Save a reference self.obj = harvest_object if harvest_object.content is None: self._save_object_error('Empty content for object %s' % harvest_object.id,harvest_object,'Import') return False try: self.import_gemini_object(harvest_object.content) return True except Exception, e: log.error('Exception during import: %s' % text_traceback()) if not str(e).strip(): self._save_object_error('Error importing Gemini document.', harvest_object, 'Import') else: self._save_object_error('Error importing Gemini document: %s' % str(e), harvest_object, 'Import') if debug_exception_mode: raise def import_gemini_object(self, gemini_string): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.import') xml = etree.fromstring(gemini_string) valid, profile, errors = self._get_validator().is_valid(xml) if not valid: out = errors[0][0] + ':\n' + '\n'.join(e[0] for e in errors[1:]) log.error('Errors found for object with GUID %s:' % self.obj.guid) self._save_object_error(out,self.obj,'Import') unicode_gemini_string = etree.tostring(xml, encoding=unicode, pretty_print=True) package = self.write_package_from_gemini_string(unicode_gemini_string) def write_package_from_gemini_string(self, content): '''Create or update a Package based on some content that has come from a URL. Returns the package_dict of the result. If there is an error, it returns None or raises Exception. ''' log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.import') package = None gemini_document = GeminiDocument(content) gemini_values = gemini_document.read_values() gemini_guid = gemini_values['guid'] # Save the metadata reference date in the Harvest Object try: metadata_modified_date = datetime.strptime(gemini_values['metadata-date'],'%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: try: metadata_modified_date = datetime.strptime(gemini_values['metadata-date'],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') except: raise Exception('Could not extract reference date for GUID %s (%s)' \ % (gemini_guid,gemini_values['metadata-date'])) self.obj.metadata_modified_date = metadata_modified_date self.obj.save() last_harvested_object = Session.query(HarvestObject) \ .filter(HarvestObject.guid==gemini_guid) \ .filter(HarvestObject.current==True) \ .all() if len(last_harvested_object) == 1: last_harvested_object = last_harvested_object[0] elif len(last_harvested_object) > 1: raise Exception('Application Error: more than one current record for GUID %s' % gemini_guid) reactivate_package = False if last_harvested_object: # We've previously harvested this (i.e. it's an update) # Use metadata modified date instead of content to determine if the package # needs to be updated if last_harvested_object.metadata_modified_date is None \ or last_harvested_object.metadata_modified_date < self.obj.metadata_modified_date \ or self.force_import \ or (last_harvested_object.metadata_modified_date == self.obj.metadata_modified_date and last_harvested_object.source.active is False): if self.force_import: log.info('Import forced for object %s with GUID %s' % (self.obj.id,gemini_guid)) else: log.info('Package for object with GUID %s needs to be created or updated' % gemini_guid) package = last_harvested_object.package # If the package has a deleted state, we will only update it and reactivate it if the # new document has a more recent modified date if package.state == u'deleted': if last_harvested_object.metadata_modified_date < self.obj.metadata_modified_date: log.info('Package for object with GUID %s will be re-activated' % gemini_guid) reactivate_package = True else: log.info('Remote record with GUID %s is not more recent than a deleted package, skipping... ' % gemini_guid) return None else: if last_harvested_object.content != self.obj.content and \ last_harvested_object.metadata_modified_date == self.obj.metadata_modified_date: diff_generator = difflib.unified_diff( last_harvested_object.content.split('\n'), self.obj.content.split('\n')) diff = '\n'.join([line for line in diff_generator]) raise Exception('The contents of document with GUID %s changed, but the metadata date has not been updated.\nDiff:\n%s' % (gemini_guid, diff)) else: # The content hasn't changed, no need to update the package log.info('Document with GUID %s unchanged, skipping...' % (gemini_guid)) return None else: log.info('No package with GEMINI guid %s found, let\'s create one' % gemini_guid) extras = { 'UKLP': 'True', 'harvest_object_id': self.obj.id } # Just add some of the metadata as extras, not the whole lot for name in [ # Essentials 'spatial-reference-system', 'guid', # Usefuls 'dataset-reference-date', 'metadata-language', # Language 'metadata-date', # Released 'coupled-resource', 'contact-email', 'frequency-of-update', 'progress', 'spatial-data-service-type', ]: extras[name] = gemini_values[name] extras['resource-type'] = gemini_values['resource-type'][0] # Use-constraints can contain values which are: # * free text # * licence URL # Store all values in extra['licence'] and if there is a # URL in there, store that in extra['licence-url'] extras['licence'] = gemini_values.get('use-constraints', '') if len(extras['licence']): licence_url_extracted = self._extract_first_licence_url(extras['licence']) if licence_url_extracted: extras['licence_url'] = licence_url_extracted extras['access_constraints'] = gemini_values.get('limitations-on-public-access','') if gemini_values.has_key('temporal-extent-begin'): #gemini_values['temporal-extent-begin'].sort() extras['temporal_coverage-from'] = gemini_values['temporal-extent-begin'] if gemini_values.has_key('temporal-extent-end'): #gemini_values['temporal-extent-end'].sort() extras['temporal_coverage-to'] = gemini_values['temporal-extent-end'] # Save responsible organization roles provider, responsible_parties = self._process_responsible_organisation( gemini_values['responsible-organisation']) extras['provider'] = provider extras['responsible-party'] = '; '.join(responsible_parties) if len(gemini_values['bbox']) >0: extras['bbox-east-long'] = gemini_values['bbox'][0]['east'] extras['bbox-north-lat'] = gemini_values['bbox'][0]['north'] extras['bbox-south-lat'] = gemini_values['bbox'][0]['south'] extras['bbox-west-long'] = gemini_values['bbox'][0]['west'] # Construct a GeoJSON extent so ckanext-spatial can register the extent geometry extent_string = self.extent_template.substitute( xmin = extras['bbox-east-long'], ymin = extras['bbox-south-lat'], xmax = extras['bbox-west-long'], ymax = extras['bbox-north-lat'] ) extras['spatial'] = extent_string.strip() tags = [] for tag in gemini_values['tags']: tag = tag[:50] if len(tag) > 50 else tag tags.append({'name':tag}) package_dict = { 'title': gemini_values['title'], 'notes': gemini_values['abstract'], 'tags': tags, 'resources':[] } if self.obj.source.publisher_id: package_dict['groups'] = [{'id':self.obj.source.publisher_id}] if reactivate_package: package_dict['state'] = u'active' if package is None or package.title != gemini_values['title']: name = self.gen_new_name(gemini_values['title']) if not name: name = self.gen_new_name(str(gemini_guid)) if not name: raise Exception('Could not generate a unique name from the title or the GUID. Please choose a more unique title.') package_dict['name'] = name else: package_dict['name'] = package.name resource_locators = gemini_values.get('resource-locator', []) if len(resource_locators): for resource_locator in resource_locators: url = resource_locator.get('url','') if url: resource_format = '' resource = {} if extras['resource-type'] == 'service': # Check if the service is a view service test_url = url.split('?')[0] if '?' in url else url if self._is_wms(test_url): resource['verified'] = True resource['verified_date'] = datetime.now().isoformat() resource_format = 'WMS' resource.update( { 'url': url, 'name': resource_locator.get('name',''), 'description': resource_locator.get('description') if resource_locator.get('description') else 'Resource locator', 'format': resource_format or None, 'resource_locator_protocol': resource_locator.get('protocol',''), 'resource_locator_function':resource_locator.get('function','') }) package_dict['resources'].append(resource) # Guess the best view service to use in WMS preview verified_view_resources = [r for r in package_dict['resources'] if 'verified' in r and r['format'] == 'WMS'] if len(verified_view_resources): verified_view_resources[0]['ckan_recommended_wms_preview'] = True else: view_resources = [r for r in package_dict['resources'] if r['format'] == 'WMS'] if len(view_resources): view_resources[0]['ckan_recommended_wms_preview'] = True extras_as_dict = [] for key,value in extras.iteritems(): if isinstance(value,(basestring,Number)): extras_as_dict.append({'key':key,'value':value}) else: extras_as_dict.append({'key':key,'value':json.dumps(value)}) package_dict['extras'] = extras_as_dict if package == None: # Create new package from data. package = self._create_package_from_data(package_dict) log.info('Created new package ID %s with GEMINI guid %s', package['id'], gemini_guid) else: package = self._create_package_from_data(package_dict, package = package) log.info('Updated existing package ID %s with existing GEMINI guid %s', package['id'], gemini_guid) # Flag the other objects of this source as not current anymore from ckanext.harvest.model import harvest_object_table u = update(harvest_object_table) \ .where(harvest_object_table.c.package_id==bindparam('b_package_id')) \ .values(current=False) Session.execute(u, params={'b_package_id':package['id']}) Session.commit() # Refresh current object from session, otherwise the # import paster command fails Session.remove() Session.add(self.obj) Session.refresh(self.obj) # Set reference to package in the HarvestObject and flag it as # the current one if not self.obj.package_id: self.obj.package_id = package['id'] self.obj.current = True self.obj.save() assert gemini_guid == [e['value'] for e in package['extras'] if e['key'] == 'guid'][0] assert self.obj.id == [e['value'] for e in package['extras'] if e['key'] == 'harvest_object_id'][0] return package @classmethod def _process_responsible_organisation(cls, responsible_organisations): '''Given the list of responsible_organisations and their roles, (extracted from the GeminiDocument) determines who the provider is and the list of all responsible organisations and their roles. :param responsible_organisations: list of dicts, each with keys includeing 'organisation-name' and 'role' :returns: tuple of: 'provider' (string, may be empty) and 'responsible-parties' (list of strings) ''' parties = {} owners = [] publishers = [] from nose.tools import set_trace; set_trace() for responsible_party in responsible_organisations: if responsible_party['role'] == 'owner': owners.append(responsible_party['organisation-name']) elif responsible_party['role'] == 'publisher': publishers.append(responsible_party['organisation-name']) if responsible_party['organisation-name'] in parties: if not responsible_party['role'] in parties[responsible_party['organisation-name']]: parties[responsible_party['organisation-name']].append(responsible_party['role']) else: parties[responsible_party['organisation-name']] = [responsible_party['role']] responsible_parties = [] for party_name in parties: responsible_parties.append('%s (%s)' % (party_name, ', '.join(parties[party_name]))) # Save provider in a separate extra: # first organization to have a role of 'owner', and if there is none, first one with # a role of 'publisher' if len(owners): provider = owners[0] elif len(publishers): provider = publishers[0] else: provider = u'' return provider, responsible_parties def gen_new_name(self, title): name = munge_title_to_name(title).replace('_', '-') while '--' in name: name = name.replace('--', '-') like_q = u'%s%%' % name pkg_query = Session.query(Package).filter(Package.name.ilike(like_q)).limit(100) taken = [pkg.name for pkg in pkg_query] if name not in taken: return name else: counter = 1 while counter < 101: if name+str(counter) not in taken: return name+str(counter) counter = counter + 1 return None @classmethod def _extract_first_licence_url(self, licences): '''Given a list of pieces of licence info, hunt for the first one which looks like a URL and return it. Otherwise returns None.''' for licence in licences: o = urlparse(licence) if o.scheme and o.netloc: return licence return None def _create_package_from_data(self, package_dict, package = None): ''' {'name': 'council-owned-litter-bins', 'notes': 'Location of Council owned litter bins within Borough.', 'resources': [{'description': 'Resource locator', 'format': 'Unverified', 'url': 'http://www.barrowbc.gov.uk'}], 'tags': [{'name':'Utility and governmental services'}], 'title': 'Council Owned Litter Bins', 'extras': [{'key':'INSPIRE','value':'True'}, {'key':'bbox-east-long','value': '-3.12442'}, {'key':'bbox-north-lat','value': '54.218407'}, {'key':'bbox-south-lat','value': '54.039634'}, {'key':'bbox-west-long','value': '-3.32485'}, # etc. ] } ''' if not package: package_schema = logic.schema.default_create_package_schema() else: package_schema = logic.schema.default_update_package_schema() # The default package schema does not like Upper case tags tag_schema = logic.schema.default_tags_schema() tag_schema['name'] = [not_empty,unicode] package_schema['tags'] = tag_schema # TODO: user context = {'model':model, 'session':Session, 'user':'harvest', 'schema':package_schema, 'extras_as_string':True, 'api_version': '2'} if not package: # We need to explicitly provide a package ID, otherwise ckanext-spatial # won't be be able to link the extent to the package. package_dict['id'] = unicode(uuid.uuid4()) package_schema['id'] = [unicode] action_function = get_action('package_create') else: action_function = get_action('package_update') package_dict['id'] = package.id try: package_dict = action_function(context, package_dict) except ValidationError,e: raise Exception('Validation Error: %s' % str(e.error_summary)) if debug_exception_mode: raise return package_dict def get_gemini_string_and_guid(self,content,url=None): '''From a string buffer containing Gemini XML, return the tree under gmd:MD_Metadata and the GUID for it. If it cannot parse the XML it will raise lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError. If it cannot find the GUID element, then gemini_guid will be ''. :param content: string containing Gemini XML :param url: string giving info about the location of the XML to be used only in validation errors :returns: (gemini_string, gemini_guid) ''' xml = etree.fromstring(content) # The validator and GeminiDocument don\'t like the container metadata_tag = '{http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd}MD_Metadata' if xml.tag == metadata_tag: gemini_xml = xml else: gemini_xml = xml.find(metadata_tag) if gemini_xml is None: self._save_gather_error('Content is not a valid Gemini document without the gmd:MD_Metadata element', self.harvest_job) gemini_string = etree.tostring(gemini_xml) gemini_document = GeminiDocument(gemini_string) try: gemini_guid = gemini_document.read_value('guid') except KeyError: gemini_guid = None return gemini_string, gemini_guid class GeminiCswHarvester(GeminiHarvester, SingletonPlugin): ''' A Harvester for CSW servers ''' implements(IHarvester) csw=None def info(self): return { 'name': 'csw', 'title': 'CSW Server', 'description': 'A server that implements OGC\'s Catalog Service for the Web (CSW) standard' } def gather_stage(self, harvest_job): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.CSW.gather') log.debug('GeminiCswHarvester gather_stage for job: %r', harvest_job) # Get source URL url = harvest_job.source.url try: self._setup_csw_client(url) except Exception, e: self._save_gather_error('Error contacting the CSW server: %s' % e, harvest_job) return None log.debug('Starting gathering for %s' % url) used_identifiers = [] ids = [] try: for identifier in self.csw.getidentifiers(page=10): try: log.info('Got identifier %s from the CSW', identifier) if identifier in used_identifiers: log.error('CSW identifier %r already used, skipping...' % identifier) continue if identifier is None: log.error('CSW returned identifier %r, skipping...' % identifier) ## log an error here? happens with the dutch data continue # Create a new HarvestObject for this identifier obj = HarvestObject(guid=identifier, job=harvest_job) obj.save() ids.append(obj.id) used_identifiers.append(identifier) except Exception, e: self._save_gather_error('Error for the identifier %s [%r]' % (identifier,e), harvest_job) continue except Exception, e: log.error('Exception: %s' % text_traceback()) self._save_gather_error('Error gathering the identifiers from the CSW server [%s]' % str(e), harvest_job) return None if len(ids) == 0: self._save_gather_error('No records received from the CSW server', harvest_job) return None return ids def fetch_stage(self,harvest_object): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.CSW.fetch') log.debug('GeminiCswHarvester fetch_stage for object: %r', harvest_object) url = harvest_object.source.url try: self._setup_csw_client(url) except Exception, e: self._save_object_error('Error contacting the CSW server: %s' % e, harvest_object) return False identifier = harvest_object.guid try: record = self.csw.getrecordbyid([identifier]) except Exception, e: self._save_object_error('Error getting the CSW record with GUID %s' % identifier, harvest_object) return False if record is None: self._save_object_error('Empty record for GUID %s' % identifier, harvest_object) return False try: # Save the fetch contents in the HarvestObject harvest_object.content = record['xml'] harvest_object.save() except Exception,e: self._save_object_error('Error saving the harvest object for GUID %s [%r]' % \ (identifier, e), harvest_object) return False log.debug('XML content saved (len %s)', len(record['xml'])) return True def _setup_csw_client(self, url): self.csw = CswService(url) class GeminiDocHarvester(GeminiHarvester, SingletonPlugin): ''' A Harvester for individual GEMINI documents ''' implements(IHarvester) def info(self): return { 'name': 'gemini-single', 'title': 'Single GEMINI 2 document', 'description': 'A single GEMINI 2.1 document' } def gather_stage(self,harvest_job): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.individual.gather') log.debug('GeminiDocHarvester gather_stage for job: %r', harvest_job) self.harvest_job = harvest_job # Get source URL url = harvest_job.source.url # Get contents try: content = self._get_content(url) except Exception,e: self._save_gather_error('Unable to get content for URL: %s: %r' % \ (url, e),harvest_job) return None try: # We need to extract the guid to pass it to the next stage gemini_string, gemini_guid = self.get_gemini_string_and_guid(content,url) if gemini_guid: # Create a new HarvestObject for this identifier # Generally the content will be set in the fetch stage, but as we alredy # have it, we might as well save a request obj = HarvestObject(guid=gemini_guid, job=harvest_job, content=gemini_string) obj.save() log.info('Got GUID %s' % gemini_guid) return [obj.id] else: self._save_gather_error('Could not get the GUID for source %s' % url, harvest_job) return None except Exception, e: self._save_gather_error('Error parsing the document. Is this a valid Gemini document?: %s [%r]'% (url,e),harvest_job) if debug_exception_mode: raise return None def fetch_stage(self,harvest_object): # The fetching was already done in the previous stage return True class GeminiWafHarvester(GeminiHarvester, SingletonPlugin): ''' A Harvester from a WAF server containing GEMINI documents. e.g. Apache serving a directory of GEMINI files. ''' implements(IHarvester) def info(self): return { 'name': 'gemini-waf', 'title': 'Web Accessible Folder (WAF) - GEMINI', 'description': 'A Web Accessible Folder (WAF) displaying a list of GEMINI 2.1 documents' } def gather_stage(self,harvest_job): log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.WAF.gather') log.debug('GeminiWafHarvester gather_stage for job: %r', harvest_job) self.harvest_job = harvest_job # Get source URL url = harvest_job.source.url # Get contents try: content = self._get_content(url) except Exception,e: self._save_gather_error('Unable to get content for URL: %s: %r' % \ (url, e),harvest_job) return None ids = [] try: for url in self._extract_urls(content,url): try: content = self._get_content(url) except Exception, e: msg = 'Couldn\'t harvest WAF link: %s: %s' % (url, e) self._save_gather_error(msg,harvest_job) continue else: # We need to extract the guid to pass it to the next stage try: gemini_string, gemini_guid = self.get_gemini_string_and_guid(content,url) if gemini_guid: log.debug('Got GUID %s' % gemini_guid) # Create a new HarvestObject for this identifier # Generally the content will be set in the fetch stage, but as we alredy # have it, we might as well save a request obj = HarvestObject(guid=gemini_guid, job=harvest_job, content=gemini_string) obj.save() ids.append(obj.id) except Exception,e: msg = 'Could not get GUID for source %s: %r' % (url,e) self._save_gather_error(msg,harvest_job) continue except Exception,e: msg = 'Error extracting URLs from %s' % url self._save_gather_error(msg,harvest_job) return None if len(ids) > 0: return ids else: self._save_gather_error('Couldn\'t find any links to metadata files', harvest_job) return None def fetch_stage(self,harvest_object): # The fetching was already done in the previous stage return True def _extract_urls(self, content, base_url): ''' Get the URLs out of a WAF index page ''' try: parser = etree.HTMLParser() tree = etree.fromstring(content, parser=parser) except Exception, inst: msg = 'Couldn\'t parse content into a tree: %s: %s' \ % (inst, content) raise Exception(msg) urls = [] for url in tree.xpath('//a/@href'): url = url.strip() if not url: continue if '?' in url: log.debug('Ignoring link in WAF because it has "?": %s', url) continue if '/' in url: log.debug('Ignoring link in WAF because it has "/": %s', url) continue if '#' in url: log.debug('Ignoring link in WAF because it has "#": %s', url) continue if 'mailto:' in url: log.debug('Ignoring link in WAF because it has "mailto:": %s', url) continue log.debug('WAF contains file: %s', url) urls.append(url) base_url = base_url.rstrip('/').split('/') if 'index' in base_url[-1]: base_url.pop() base_url = '/'.join(base_url) base_url += '/' log.debug('WAF base URL: %s', base_url) return [base_url + i for i in urls]