import os from logging import getLogger from pylons import config from pylons.i18n import _ from genshi.input import HTML from genshi.filters import Transformer import ckan.lib.helpers as h from import SearchError from ckan.lib.helpers import json from ckan import model from ckan.plugins import implements, SingletonPlugin from ckan.plugins import IRoutes from ckan.plugins import IConfigurable, IConfigurer from ckan.plugins import IGenshiStreamFilter from ckan.plugins import IPackageController from ckan.logic import ValidationError from ckan.logic.action.update import package_error_summary import html from ckanext.spatial.lib import save_package_extent,validate_bbox, bbox_query from ckanext.spatial.model import setup as setup_model log = getLogger(__name__) class SpatialQuery(SingletonPlugin): implements(IRoutes, inherit=True) implements(IPackageController, inherit=True) implements(IGenshiStreamFilter) implements(IConfigurable, inherit=True) def configure(self, config): if not config.get('ckan.spatial.testing',False): setup_model() def before_map(self, map): map.connect('api_spatial_query', '/api/2/search/{register:dataset|package}/geo', controller='ckanext.spatial.controllers.api:ApiController', action='spatial_query') return map def create(self, package): self.check_spatial_extra(package) def edit(self, package): self.check_spatial_extra(package) def check_spatial_extra(self,package): if not log.warning('Couldn\'t store spatial extent because no id was provided for the package') return # TODO: deleted extra for extra in package.extras_list: if extra.key == 'spatial': if extra.state == 'active': try: log.debug('Received: %r' % extra.value) geometry = json.loads(extra.value) except ValueError,e: error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error decoding JSON object: %s' % str(e)]} raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict)) except TypeError,e: error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error decoding JSON object: %s' % str(e)]} raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict)) try: save_package_extent(,geometry) except ValueError,e: error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error creating geometry: %s' % str(e)]} raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict)) except Exception, e: error_dict = {'spatial':[u'Error: %s' % str(e)]} raise ValidationError(error_dict, error_summary=package_error_summary(error_dict)) elif extra.state == 'deleted': # Delete extent from table save_package_extent(,None) break def delete(self, package): save_package_extent(,None) def before_search(self,search_params): if 'extras' in search_params and 'ext_bbox' in search_params['extras'] \ and search_params['extras']['ext_bbox']: bbox = validate_bbox(search_params['extras']['ext_bbox']) if not bbox: raise SearchError('Wrong bounding box provided') extents = bbox_query(bbox) if extents.count() == 0: # We don't need to perform the search search_params['abort_search'] = True else: # We'll perform the existing search but also filtering by the ids # of datasets within the bbox bbox_query_ids = [extent.package_id for extent in extents] q = search_params.get('q','') new_q = '%s AND ' % q if q else '' new_q += '(%s)' % ' OR '.join(['id:%s' % id for id in bbox_query_ids]) search_params['q'] = new_q return search_params def filter(self, stream): from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c routes = request.environ.get('pylons.routes_dict') if routes.get('controller') == 'package' and \ routes.get('action') == 'search': data = { 'bbox': request.params.get('ext_bbox',''), 'default_extent': config.get('ckan.spatial.default_map_extent','') } stream = stream | Transformer('body//div[@id="dataset-search-ext"]')\ .append(HTML(html.SPATIAL_SEARCH_FORM % data)) stream = stream | Transformer('head')\ .append(HTML(html.SPATIAL_SEARCH_FORM_EXTRA_HEADER % data)) stream = stream | Transformer('body')\ .append(HTML(html.SPATIAL_SEARCH_FORM_EXTRA_FOOTER % data)) return stream class DatasetExtentMap(SingletonPlugin): implements(IGenshiStreamFilter) implements(IConfigurer, inherit=True) def filter(self, stream): from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c routes = request.environ.get('pylons.routes_dict') if routes.get('controller') == 'package' and \ routes.get('action') == 'read' and extent = c.pkg.extras.get('spatial',None) if extent: data = {'extent': extent, 'title': _('Geographic extent')} stream = stream | Transformer('body//div[@class="dataset"]')\ .append(HTML(html.PACKAGE_MAP % data)) stream = stream | Transformer('head')\ .append(HTML(html.PACKAGE_MAP_EXTRA_HEADER % data)) stream = stream | Transformer('body')\ .append(HTML(html.PACKAGE_MAP_EXTRA_FOOTER % data)) return stream def update_config(self, config): here = os.path.dirname(__file__) template_dir = os.path.join(here, 'templates') public_dir = os.path.join(here, 'public') if config.get('extra_template_paths'): config['extra_template_paths'] += ','+template_dir else: config['extra_template_paths'] = template_dir if config.get('extra_public_paths'): config['extra_public_paths'] += ','+public_dir else: config['extra_public_paths'] = public_dir