When creating a minimal custom theme users may start with a blank read.html file and include only the secondary_content block. This will fail, as the template needs to start with ckan_extends.
Two extension points: ``get_package_dict`` and ``transform_to_iso``,
with the same expected behaviour as the old hooks meant to be overriden.
For ``get_package_dict`` we now pass, apart from the generated
package_dict, the parsed iso_values and the harvest object.
Updated docs and added autodocs.
The common map function has been extended to allow configuring different
options for the base layer. There are default presets for MapQuest and
MapBox, but any XYZ layer can be added configuration options. The
options are passed to the templates via a helper function and to the js
modules via data-module attributes. Full docs included.
Completely revised and restructured docs to be built with Sphinx.
Structured in logic areas, with a big cleanup and nice formatting.
Revised install instructions.
Added the okfn-sphinx-theme submodule to have a consistent look and feel
with the core CKAN docs, although core docs are using an older revision.